Wednesday 2 October 2024

Deef – "Real Control" (Mass Record) 1984

Starting with a sentiment that we can all agree on, this bunch of brutal Japanese Punk Rockers takes no prisoners,play it loud until you too become Deef.
Old Punk Rocker Heroes such as the terminally awful John Lydon,are almost as bad as their fans,and should do us all a favor and voluntarily turn themselves in at the sadly fictional local extermination camps for gobshite Rockers.
Turning from enemy of the state number one,into housewives favourite, never before have we heard such self-congratulatory verbal vomit as we have in the last decade or so from Neil Young's Punk of preference (says it all dunnit?).Unfortunately,Johnny didn't heed Neil's sadvice and proceeded to fade away rather than burn out.. Having said that I would still turn into a giggling fan boy if by some quirk of reverse indefference I should ever meet Him; He having such a deep influence on the teenage Zchivago,a nose in front of William Shatner and Steve Priest(RIP) would reduce me to a sweating nervous titter should I ever, in earth as it is in Heaven? My Dignity strewn among the wreckage of my free-falling self esteem.
Like a Doubting Thomas of the as-yet unwritten Rock'n'Roll Bible, I have often denied any knowledge of J. Rotten's existence;a Judgement mainly based the endless toe-curling clap-trap this arrogant gob-shite proudly continues to spew forth from 1981 until the present day!? And the public and the dodgier corners of the Media  take it seriously as if this Tubby Tory Tosser is some kind of populist philosopher!? Like his best mate Piers Morgen who would splash a spray of spittle soaked Sycophancy in the general direction of Rottens Arse, whilst exclaiming that he had bought "Never Mind The Bollocks" as a privately educated Yoof..When I die I would love my ashes to be scattered in Peirs Morgans' eyes.
There are similar dick-eads too numerous to list here of course, eg Cave, Geldof.....are they not the same person?....and many others,all of which should have become a noble recluse ,not unlike the Great Syd Barrett,whom I am told was one of Lydon's many influences!???
Then we have the Rebellion Festival look,of beer bellies,fading Tat's,bald heads, shorts and training shoes.Waddling to the Cockney Rejects, reminiscing about their fantasy gig list.Ahhh the night that the UK Subs came to town.
There's a youtube interview with the least stupid member of Spandau Ballet, who went to the Pistol's Screen On The Green show, like I wasn't there too. He saw the Pistol's ,aged 14,and formed Spandau Ballet the next day!?.....let's analyse that for a second? He saw the Sex Pistols and Formed Spandau Ballet? He really couldn't have been listening!?...or there at all, like the thousands who reckon they were.
One always meet these people down the pub and similar social outings,who can't wait to tell you that they're an aging "Punk"?...(If you're a Punk, mate, I certainly ain't). They talk about these fictitious gig nights like they were actually in the Band,and use words like "important" and "crucial"and how they formed a band the next day after seeing 'The Pistols'.
Well, Deef probably have beer bellies forty years on too,but as they are Japanese they're probably genetically slim still;but I'm sure they aren't still touring like The UK Subs...nobodies that irrelevant...surely?
So,"We kill all Punk Rock Heroes"....yes even Gary Kemp,the criminal who wrote "Gold"....cus' he was there you'know...and we weren't.


A1 We Kill All Punk Rock Heroes
A2 War
A3 脳テン
A4 拷問
A5 メス
A6 Y
B1 Detai
B2 幻想的教育論
B3 キ・ン・タ・マ!?
B4 家畜
B5 ナイ!
B6 自殺
B7 サルの肉
B8 天国パイロット

DOWNLOAD deefinitely HERE!

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