I'm gonna pack this lark in for a while. Sick of death threats,sick of spending my free time typing,ripping and uploading,sick of being accused of being racist,a communist, nazi,and satan knows what else etc......very sick of Punx(especially Punx my age),humanity(with exceptions) ,sick of being sick,but above all I think I'm sick of music.This, i'm informed is a sign of depression.....whatever? Not yet sick of living,as we got eternity to be dead in haven't we? But music has checked out early it seems.
Will continue the radio show(s) and the 'Shadow Blog',will answer comments,keep the downloads alive ,and may produce a concise coffee table book for your entertainment (that was someone else's bright idea).....I'll probably get bored and be back spewing rubbish in cyber-print tomorrow...who knows? Meanwhile the blog will be left to fester,like manure, to nurture new seedlings......but forget about 'the Kids' doing anything exciting with music,they're into something else,and it definitely ain't music i can tell yee that!
It's an age old rock'n'Roll trick to retire and play the last show...EVER, only to reappear the next year with a new image and a new album innit? This is my 'Spiders from Mars' moment,just humor me will ya?
So,to bow-ie out gracefully, ere's a slightly marxist independent pamphlet ,printed in Glasgow around 1983,that kinda sums up the demise of music into a pointless sludge that any fucker can do, quiet nicely.Its not special no more Bobby Joe, thanks to the success of D.I.Y! Boo-Hoo-Hoo?But DIY was more than just doing it yerself wasn't it?
Anyway,It's a jolly good read (the pamphlet),and largely correct. Like Artists, musicians are full of shite,and that's how we'd like them to stay,but they do need to be fucking told.