Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Camberwell Now ‎– "Meridian" (Duplicate Records ‎– 0011) 1983

Camberwell Now was basically the line up of This Heat's 1982 European Tour,minus Charles Bullen. A sort of This Heat-lite,much missing Bullens guitar, and sounding more like a Robert Wyatt tribute band rather than the vicious angular unit of 1977-81. Also missed are Gareth Williams' non-musicianly contributions.He left This Heat in 81,and that was effectively the end.
Basically Charles Hayward and backing band, Camberwell released their debut recording quickly after the 'split', the maritime themed “Meridian”. A fairly staid affair, with only 'Daddy Needs a Throne' touching on the intensity of Hayward's previous groups work; but interesting nonetheless, especially if you like Robert Wyatt's solo work.
Tracklist :

A1 Cutty Sark
A2 Trade Winds
A3 Pearl Divers
B1 Spirit Of Dunkirk
B2 Splash


Anonymous said...

Thanks for all the great This Heat/Camberwell Now material! I think your copy of "Meridian" is the cd version? The vinyl ep had the great instrumental "Splash" on it, instead of the slightly less interesting "Resplash". I don't think the original "Splash" has ever been re-released.

Jonny Zchivago said...

Yup, well spotted.Its easier to rip cd's than vinyl. I'll have a go at the original splash as a bonus track.