MAP - "MAP 7 No.8 (Track one,side one is Dedicated To The U.S.A." (Map Tapes MAP7) 1981

This one's got three cover versions on it,including a rare cover version of one of Throbbing Gristle's greatest hits, "Hamburger Lady",here shortened to just "Hamburger. Instantly recogniseable for me was the Siouxsie and the Banshees album opener "Mirage", which i admit to knowing all the words, as one played "The Scream" to death in 1978; for me they broke up in '79, the reformed versions were bloody terrible! Roxy Music were the glam band that inspired everyone,albeit secretly in the punk and beyond era. Forget Richard Hell, Television,and The New York Dolls(Glam hangers on basically), it was Bowie, Glitter,and Roxy that made the kids open to Punk Rock and what followed it (with a fair smattering of Dr Feelgood too). Of all the american proto-punkers that held any real influence, only The Ramones contributed anything to the UK scene, that being the three and a half chord thrash template for '77 Punk, along with the biker jacket.....although thats nothing to be proud of. Bowie had a spikey haircut,dyed orange, while long haired Dickie Hell was still in reform school. Roxy prepared the kids for making music like this, on MAP 7,with their art school experimentation,due largely to patron saint of Non-Musicians,....Eno. There are few music type people who you only refer to by their sir names?....We got Mozart, Beethoven,Dylan,and...Eno? (I suppose there's Bendle too,but no-ones heard of him? Buy his book and find out more!)
This is why track one is dedicated to the U.S.A.?.....or is it because of the dumber than thou Redneck infested Bible Belt?
After droning on about where punk rock really came from,as everyone likes to philosophize at length about, lets talk about MAP 7's fucking great! Nuff said.
DOWNLOAD the eighth commandment of map HERE!
Hey- you got knocked out of the #1 slot by a vaping company-
Thought you might like to know.
Hmmm, when I click on the link for the download, it directs me to a page that says the page "encountered an error" and to "try again later". I really gotta hear these bizarro covers of Siousxie, Roxy, and TG. Let me know if this error can be fixed. HUGE fan of the blog, thanks in advance!
well i dunno whats going on there Douglas? Seems alright from this end. maybe, refreshing browser, and trying again later may help?
If you still have a problem, i'll upload it to mediafire.I wouldn't want to deprive you of yer bizarro covers.
Ah, it turns out that I was trying to download on a wifi network (at a coffee shop) that has draconian internet restrictions that barred me from going on Mediafire, downloading from Google Drive, etc. The download worked perfectly for me once I got home. Cheers anyways
Boycott that coffee shop!
it IS fucking great! i'd say you're doing the lord's work here johnny but that's not quite right is it, erm, it's a rather fine thing you've done here sir. cheers indeed. now i've got to play "everyone is killing everybody else" again... tremendous number.
iNDEED c.s. Geezer, i want nothing to do with Lord Baden Powell.
but seriously, all joking aside, your dedication to making this stuff available is hugely appreciated, and doubly so when it comes with a side order of witheringly acerbic wit and analysis. I share your derision of modern automated methods, and I hope others come across these blips in time and find the inspiration to chart a course away from "letting the tech do it for you." And maybe they'll stop dancing around like fuckin idiots as a result of this awareness. To say nothing of the brilliant minds that made this stuff and distributed it in the first place, it's admirable the continued effort you've put into making sure it stays available, so many thanks for that.
Why thank you Geezer.....teehee...i'm blushing like a coy dafodil on a wet spring morn.
oh fuck yeah, the idiot dancing!? I can narrow it down to a watershed moment between sept 1988 and april 1989 when i saw The Telescopes twice at the same venue...first gig fucking grate guitar saturated paint stripping noise,then the next time they had a funky drummer,wah-wah guitar, and the singer was shaking a fucking tambourine wearing a stripy top!...I had to leave.
I also had to endure Blur to review them at that very same pub in about '89....this time it was the audience that disturbed me...dancing like fuckwits,white fuckwits i have to add.No person of colour would be seen dead at such shite!...the review was NOT favourable. The worst era for music ever!
Jesus... Part of me would be interested in a full root cause analysis for this and other instances of musical degradation, but mostly I am just tempted to fall back on the maxim that no good thing shall goeth unspoilt...
For the most part, the root cause for the above degradation i described was summed up in one word "Ecstacy". Although it did stop football violence i suppose....but the music it inspired was dire!.....the wrong drugs.
It goes bad when the 'Normals' hear of it.When the general public gets involved in anything, be it Politics, referendums, art, Music,storming the capitol always ends in tears.
Stands to reason. Every time I have ever encountered someone who was on ecstasy they've been a complete twat... they always seem compelled to let you know "I'm rolling right now man" too... A person telling you how high he is is almost as bad as an artist explaining his art.
Agreed too re: general population.
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