Friday, 6 October 2023

Jandek – "Vienna Wednesday" (Corwood Industries – CORWOOD 0862) 2023

As Hitler roamed the streets of pre-war Vienna searching for his raison d'etre,destiny would dictate that a professional nobody called Sterling Richard Smith would plough a similar furrow so often gouged by the talentless. 
Adolf Schiklegruber would go on to adopt a single word as his nom de plume, just as Richard Smith would do a hundred years later, as a tradename for the clueless artwork they offered a disbelieving world.The Hitler one, was not gifted in the art department,even though he could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon.....TWO COATS! I think he sold even less paintings than Van Gogh....meaning ZERO.
But....Hitler committed the cardinal sin of the arts,...he gave up!? Then took out his frustrations as a narcissist down on his luck out on humanity......and we let him do it!
One thing Jandek certainly did NOT do, is give up. His art is...let's face it, total kaka, unless viewed in the whole, as a Gilbert and George style living concept. He is the Art,whereas Hitler was too stupid to realise this concept within himself.
How conscious The Corwood Representative is of this is debatable,but it can all be an acquired taste that becomes almost.....I said 'Almost' addiction.He IS the Gilbert and George of Outsider Music.
And here he is,one hundred years on from the Bier Keller Putsch, almost to the day, and The Ginger Bard of Outsider-dom Jams with the Viennese locals,putting together another two CD's worth of tuneless noise,augmented by Jandek's painful moan. Again recorded in 2009,along with nearly 100% of his most recent output,fueling more rumours of his secret demise. He's dead, and whoever he entrusted his estate to has a dumpster full of Jandekian free Improvisation  ready to release on the public,stretching into the next century.
The question is often asked as to would the Holocaust have happened if Hitler had been accepted as an Artist?.....well knowing quite a few artists,the answer is a deeply harrowing 'Yes'. Of course it would,this planet is covered with Human's,and they can't help but do stuff like this, Artist or Not?
Another Question has to be asked concerning the Ginger One,as to whether he would have become a mass shooter if idiots like us didn't read too much into his music,which he undoubtedly would have. So,in conclusion, nerds like us save lives.Start by telling your kids that their awful paintings are works of genius,and you may just have saved the lives of dozens of college students. Or better still make them get a job, or don't live in the USA........No Guns, no shootings.....a slogan of pure logic that yer average American Republican is totally blind to!?


1-1 Sidewalk 11:44
1-2 I Go To You 12:43
1-3 Cloud 8:46
1-4 Intensity Of Love 12:52

2-1 Galaxy 8:34
2-2 I Never Dreamed 12:16
2-3 Everywhere 7:22
2-4 Still With You 15:55


  1. Holocaust? Bollocks! Holohoax! There were NO gas chambers in Auschwitz until 1947 when the Russians used POWs to fake one.
    Hitler roamed around the streets in Liverpool prewar also - there's a MI6 building der, la, coincidence, none. His brother worked for those Jewish icecream makers, Walls, Both were Jewish themselves, like Arafat, Hussein, Goebbels, Goering, Hess - the most famous antisemitics are ALWAYS crypto-Jews. Even Churchill was Jewish on his mother's side, like Bowie, Elvis, William the Conqueror, and every famous/infamous person you know!
    More catholics died in Auschwitz than Jews, some from old age, sepsis, typhus, etc. 3000 Jewish babies were born in the infirmatory there, ALL survived the war, so would have Anne Frank if she hadn't gone to Belsen and died of Typhus.

  2. Who's advocating for reeducation and classifying their political opponents as terrorists these days?

  3. Look...i'm girlfriend has cancer, and i ain't got get up and go to answer you...but yes...the gas chambers at Auschwitz were built after the war,for propaganda usage....that's the one that the guided ghoul tourists see when they tour that Nazi Disneyland..this is a FACT,and never mentioned by the tour guides unless asked directly,,,didn't read the rest...but you are coming from my angle on Labour Camp rather than Extermination camp; Typhus rather than Zyklon....i could get cancelled thanks to you....apart from that i never mentioned any of this in my post...did I?,,,,, it was a theoretical look at possible alternate Nazi's are TWaTs.
    Night Night not a holocaust denier, there's plenty of evidence of mass shootings in the east,done mostly by the local (non-Jewish) population.
    Dunno about all this everyone famous is a jew thing you seem keen on?

  4. First off, best wishes to your girlfriend. Fortunately you live in a semi-civilized country where treatment won't bankrupt anyone. There's that, at least.

    I hope that Sterling is still kicking, if only because solidarity with the disconcertingly gaunt (see also Peter Hammill and Charles Bullen) obliges me to feel that way. We seriously skinny Americans have become quite a rarity--I can probably start making serious bank as a hunger artist or something someday soon. I think I'm too old to start modeling.

    And what exactly is a "crypto-Jew"?

  5. Gun control is fucking evil. You're not saving lives, you're killing kids by not giving them means to defend themselves. You deserve to choke on your own blood

  6. @Anonymous...they're always anonymous ain't they?.....I would much prefer it if you shoot yourself with your own 2nd amendment rights

  7. @ Parmalee.....i suppose a crypto Jew is something akin to Ron Moody in "Oliver" which case its a good thing. I'm gonna start wearing that "Crypto Jew" T-shirt I bought from a man in a long raincoat with a hooked nose.

    You can add John Cooper Clark to the gaunt englishman list.
    It's a pity our 2nd amendment chum isn't as rare as you sadly are.....I bet cha a crisp american dollar that Anon man is a chair bound fat Fuck from south Carolina.

  8. Lol @ Anonymous gun nut...yes, I'm sure the school shooting situation will be improved immensely by a bunch of armed terrified school kids, shooting everyone on sight, for fear that they are a school shooter and then getting shot by the police, especially if they are Black. Just accept that you are in a cult and lack any common sense.

    @Jonny. Massively sorry to hear about your girlfriend, sir. Hoping for a good outcome!

    Some blistering noise on this record, especially Galaxy. Very good:)

  9. That comment was meant to be from me:)

  10. But no guns, who keeps the government in check? The criminals (who will be the only "citizens" with guns)?
    The government? Let's see how that plays out, yikes!

  11. Hmmm, no guns seems to work in most(99%) western liberal democracies ,very rare mass shootings,and no armed oppression by the government forces. This is because they are 'rules based' systems that allow liberal freedoms,but have laws that prevent fuckers like Putin/trump, crushing human rights whenever they fancy.
    I sincerely Hope Trump gets his way,and cancells democracy in the USA when he gets in. The US army will not be stopped by a bunch of rednecks...who ironically voted for Trump in the up coming last US election.

  12. It's an excellent confirmation for those of us who believe that arguing over political beliefs or even finding it appropriate to be bringing them up in the first place has reached such an unreasonable level that even the comments section of a blog post about a motherfucking Jandek record isn't safe
