Sunday, 8 October 2023

Jandek – "Brooklyn Sunday" (Corwood Industries – CORWOOD 0859) 2023

Heeeeeeres Jonny!....on a crusade for truth justice and the unamerican way.....and a quest to make unpopularity popular again.
All that, played out to a soundtrack of atonal improvisation by the unpopularly popular JANDEK.....he knows she didn't do it,come and SIGN THE PETITION,before you read the facts,and wallow in the acidic bath of becoming ripe Troll bait.Satisfied in knowing you done good,perched on the right side of History.

There seems to be an actual theme to this recording,again from 2009,but featuring outsider Pedal Steel Guitar, Susan Alcorn.
It seems to be about a miscarriage of justice leading to execution,and eternal punishment.
Jandeks Harmonica and Alcorn's Steel Guitar seems to suggest the regular abuse of justice carried out in the old Wild West.
Of course this doesn't happen today does it?With all that technology ,foolproof scientific tests,and statistics? Nah!
That said I've got a bee in my bonnet about something......

Wasn't there a Nurse from the wild north west of England who was convicted purely on the strength of flawed statistics, and easily contested circumstantial evidence that her state funded defense team hardly bothered to contest? The stats said she was there every-time a very ill premature baby died,statisticians have shown it more to be a case of fitting the statistics to the person rather than,a person to the stats....They died of what, they never really established,despite The Coroner having already ruled the deaths as natural causes. There wasn't even a proven crime committed.But, oh no,like some people still refuse to recognise that Elvis could have died from natural causes, it seems that there are plenty more would don't believe a sick baby could die without being murdered.
Of course I am referring to the Lucy Letby case,who, along with other such cases involving health workers,has been stitched up like a kipper and thrown under the bus to save the NHS's blushes.
I mean,J.H. Christ, where do you want me to start!? The apparent ease in which the Police can change a cause of death from natural causes to Murder is deeply troubling,coupled with a trial that didn't seem to feel the need to present the science that explained why these very ill babies died,the Plumber the joke of a defense team called,tried his best;but he explained that the ward was rife with the permanent presence of pathogens and virus's,leaving the infants exposed to killer conditions like fact Lucy even complained on 17 occasions about the conditions....strange behavior for a murderer me thinks.
Lucy did overtime,so she must have murdered them because she was in love with a handsome Doctor. Such was the blatant misogyny in all areas of this case that this was put forward as the only desperate excuse for a motive ever heard in a British Court!? Yeah, that's right, she murdered babies to gain admiring glances from this dashing blade from the senior Doctors department.

The case against Lucy Letby has often been referred to by those of us who have looked closely at the evidence as a 'witch hunt', a crime that particularly impacted women,
When "Expert for Hire" Dr Dewi Evans was questioned about Lucy's possible motives, he gives Lucy's status as a "single woman"(?) in her late twenties and alleged 'infatuation' with Dr A as a grounds for suspicion, this after he mentions earlier in the interview that he remained single into the beginning of his career as a consultant. He considers himself career focused while she is suspicious.
I'm not sure how useful this comment is in terms of appeal, especially because flagrant sexism seems to be ignored or taken as a normal worldview especially in older members of the population, but in Dr Evans case I can't help wondering if evidence pointed to an unmarried, 'career- focused' doctor, his finding might have been a bit better informed?

But the Public are angry...yes the Fucking Public again,are foaming at the mouth like rabid Baboons,baying for blood,and revenge, like a 17th century Wytch trial.If you drown you're innocent, if you don't we'll hang you.

Jandek would have been burnt as a witch if he was around Salem back then.....maybe today he would just get away with a sound beating from a drunken Mob of Morons, or maybe not.Humans are dangerous.

Lucy Letby was convicted and sentenced to spend the rest of her life in jail for murdering seven babies and attempting to murder six others. She is facing retrial for one further attempted murder charge. On five other counts of attempted murder the jury could not reach a consensus. She has consistently maintained her innocence and some close friends and colleagues have supported her. No motives for the killings were ever put forward,except that she wanted to impress a Doctor she fancied. She was convicted almost entirely on circumstantial evidence from "expert" witnesses, who were often testifying on subjects outside their expertise. In particular, medical doctors were testifying about areas of medicine for which they were not specialists, or presenting their conclusions as "scientific", without applying correct scientific methods. As a result the evidence on which she was convicted was flawed and partial, and other likely explanations for the deaths, such as hospital infections, were not presented to the jury as part of the expert evidence. Flawed evidence was allowed to pass unchallenged in the court, or accepted as "uncontested fact" by the defense, who appear to have been out of their depth with the medical complexity of the case. Incredibly, given the nature of the evidence against her, no expert witnesses were called to testify on Lucy's behalf. This is a summary of some of the worst errors, identified by experts in their fields who able to be part of the proceedings. There are links to more detailed information available on the Science on Trial website. All this evidence was presented to the defense team during the trial, but,inexplicably, none of it was used or put before the jury?!

Lucy Letby was found guilty of killing six babies by injecting them with air. Again this was not from evidence gathered at the time. The post mortems recorded natural causes of death. Instead the prosecution relied on expert evidence from a retired pediatrician Dr Evans) through an investigation carried out several years later. The correct procedure for establishing death through air embolism should be a particular postmortem technique. But this was not done. The next best would have been a CT scan. But again this was never done. Instead the cause of death was inferred from X-rays taken before the babies died along with analysis taken from a study carried out in 1989 during the early days of ventilating preterm babies. The study used is entirely inapplicable as it examined babies with lungs damaged from high pressure oxygen, which is very different from injecting air. The expert witness in the case was not a pathologist or forensic scientist, and did not follow the correct methods for determining the cause of death, which could only have been done to any degree of certainty, through a comprehensive post mortem.

There were two babies Lucy was convicted of attempting to murder by injecting insulin. These cases were presented as "the smoking gun" which showed there was a spate of murders in the unit, rather than the more logical explanation of an uncontrolled series of infections. In the notes of these two babies investigators found (a couple of years after the event) entries of very high levels of insulin and very low levels of C-Peptide. An expert witness from the lab where the tests were done at Liverpool University NHS trust, said this pattern could only come about through injecting insulin. To the jury this was presented as proof of insulin poisoning - while Lucy Letby was the one on duty.  However the lab that did the tests specifically says in its online information that the lab test used was not designed to determine cases of insulin over-dose, and that if exogenous insulin were suspected then a different test at a different lab would be necessary. Lab experts say the type of assay tests carried out by the lab are prone to error and that the extremely high figures in the notes, which was many times the level required to send an adult into a coma, was much more likely a false result. While the result is recorded in the notes, no further tests were ordered, nor was a more accurate test by photo spectrometry carried out. Instead two hours later one of the babies (both of which survived) recorded normal glucose levels, strongly suggesting the insulin test recorded was indeed a false result. Unfortunately Lucy's defence, who seem to have been out of their depth, made an agreement early on with the prosecution where they conceded that insulin poisoning through injection of insulin into fluid bags was "established fact", based testimony of one professional expert witness:Dr Dewi Evans.

These and many other aspects of the case are covered in a more comprehensive critique of the evidence which you can read at your leisure HERE!. It was put together during the trial and sent to the defence lawyers who said they read it, but then failed to follow up or use it?????

Then we have to mention the "I AM EVIL" post-it note.On which the prosecution seemed blind to anything else except the "I AM EVIL I DID THIS" line at the end,taking it totally out of grammatical context.

The "They" she refers to is obviously The Police and her accusers.

"THEY went I DID THIS,I Killed Them on purpose because I'm not good enough to care for them,I am Evil I did This."

She is writing about her finger pointing accusers.A simple case of self-flagellation, Absolutely nowhere near a Confession.

The note is dissected expertly HERE!  

Much was made of the fact that Lucy Letby was the only one present during the deaths or sudden collapses of all 19 babies in the case against her. This was presented as too much to be co-incidence. However it also very misleading. She was not only present at all the deaths and collapses presented in the case. There were many other deaths in the unit where she was not present, and the unit suffered a higher than normal death rate over a five year period. There was no statistical analysis as to whether the proportion of deaths she was present at could have been  the result of chance or not. Neither was there a statistical comparison with other spikes in deaths in other NHS units, known to have other causes than a series of deliberate murders, to see if what happened in Chester was comparable.  It is this omission to investigate other possible causes which is most worrying.  This increase in deaths over the five years followed a similar pattern of sudden collapses, whether Lucy Letby was present or not. The most likely culprit for any spike in unexpected deaths in a hospital is an outbreak of infection. Yet this was not investigated. Nor was there any evidence from an epidemiologist or infectious diseases expert during the trial, to rule out this possibility. Yet all the babies in the case had "suspected sepsis" written in the notes. Some had confirmed viral and bacterial infections. All but one were preterm. They covered a wide range from the smallest three babies who were less than 28 weeks and below a kilo, to others who were more mildly premature. There were several multiple births. As such they were a group who were extremely vulnerable to infection. In addition most of the babies in the case were on ventilation. Everything suggests that these were a very sick cohort of babies. The high mortality in the unit led to outside investigations, one of them by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) which was critical of the senior leadership of the unit. 

Exactly the same thing happened to another Lucy in the Netherlands, Lucia de Berk, at the appeal trial of which Statistical expert Richard Gil, exposed the glaring inaccuracies, leading to a total exoneration of Ms de Berk.......Check the de Berk case out HERE!

And Richard Gil on the  Lucy Letby case HERE!

These and many other aspects of the case are covered in a more comprehensive critique of the evidence which you can read at your leisure HERE!. It was put together during the trial and sent to the defence lawyers who said they read it, but then failed to follow up or use it?????

Oh Yeah....if you've made it this far(?)...The Jandek record is great,and relevant only in the fact that he is an Outsider,as is anyone who supports justice in Lucy Letby's case.Which just might be the greatest miscarriage of justice in British legal history.


1-1 Sacramento 16:39
1-2 The Trial 9:48
1-3 The Sentence 3:47 
1-4 The Chamber 11:01 
2-1 Deep Thought 10:22
2-2 Resurrection 14:06
2-3 Eternity 18:52



  1. Lucy Letby, Ian Brady (real name Ian DUNCAN STUART), etc are all spooks, it's not only the CIA who use psyops against their own people - we Brits taught them! (Majority of men called Stuart, Stewart, etc are related to royalty, Stuarts also behind ever false flag in UK history and American.)

  2. Right...Lets see what's ticked off on the check list:
    False Flag...Check
    Unless You're one of those Manchurian Candidates?
    You only score 5/7

    No quite a nutter.....but please keep commenting.Encore!

  3. PS, wasn't the racist one in Skrewdriver called Stuart? This is starting to make sense.

  4. When I first started reading up on the Lucy Letby case, it was clearly a travesty of the judicial system--disgusting, really--but I was agnostic as to her potential involvement. The more I read... Jesus, she's just a scapegoat for the appalling failures of NHS--at least in the jurisdiction where she worked. She may not have been the best nurse--but who could be under those circumstances?--but she clearly ain't no serial killer. This is repulsive!

    This kind of shit happens in the U.S. An awful lot, unfortunately. Just watch that Staircase docuseries and witness a jury wholly persuaded by sham science (which anyone with a high school education ought to have seen through) and old-fashioned homophobic bigotry.

    On a lighter note, here's the Thin Man in action last year, with Guy and Hugh. This is seriously one of the best versions of Man Erg I've ever heard. Like This Heat, these guys can just keep on kicking out the "hits" and I'm just fine with that.

  5. Oh, yeah. Susan Alcorn is awesome! I love her story about hearing a Messiaen piece on the radio while driving, and then going home and trying to transcribe it. WHat a freak!

  6. @parmalee....jeez, van Der Graaf.They still sound as powerful as they did when they was does Susan Alcorn.

    Letby:...idon't think i added a full analysis of the Sewage problem in the ward,which was never fixed. Or th flucuating stats from after she was removed from the ward. The deaths rate went UP(?) for a while before coming down again,when the ward lost its less sick kids were admitted.

    Hope you signed my ailing petition.....aiming for a thousand,languishing at 460 odd......they always ignore these thimgs,but it helps raise the profile.

    The UK will end up[ with lots of shit Hospitals with no staff.The shit they get for saving peoples lives....ironically something Letby did regularly!?

  7. I appreciate the info about the Lucy Letby case - I had no idea and will scrutinize it for myself before signing petitions.

    I may also have a proper listen to Jandek for the first time.

  8. Hey, I signed the petition and also posted a comment, but my comment doesn't appear. Did I do something incorrectly, or are you just reviewing the comments before making them public?

    Anyway, on the subject of medicine, cancer, etc. I think my sister might be dying. Both of her kidneys seem to be wrecked, from highly anomalous forms of kidney stones among other things. She was hospitalized a few months back with stage 3 sepsis and was put into an induced coma for a week. My mom just informed me that she is back in the hospital with stage 2 sepsis. I knew sepsis was "bad", but I stupidly didn't realize just quite how dangerous, and often fatal, it truly is until I (only just) did some reading on the matter.

    We're not close at all really, but there's no animosity or anything like that. We've just got absolutely nothing in common, and my autism or sociopathy or whatever my problem is makes it really hard for me to talk to people in the absence of pressing business or shared interests. I feel like a shitty person because I really don't know how to "express concern" or show "compassion" or any of that stuff, except with dogs and other animals.

  9. Hey, thanks for signing...its a slow burner,but hopefully get there before the appeal (Which has yet to be given a date). I think it takes comments 24 hours to show up,not sure.

    Aaargh..Sepsis....thats what killed some of those babies.
    The bodies immune system attacks itself,or something in that area?
    Serious stuff that. Hope she pulls through without too much damage.

    At this end mrs Zchivago is due for first treatment on the 19th...seems pretty slow for France. She has zero health insurance outside of thestate cover,but the Head honcho says fear not for serious shit the state pays 100% of the costs.

    You sound like you're describing me, i'm doing well with showing compassion...took years to train myself to make eye-contact. I still feel a force that makes me look to the side when greeting people...even ones I know.You are not alone.

  10. Petition signed:)

    This is surely the most Jandekian Jandek album cover of all time 😁

  11. On behalf of Lucy Lrtby...Thanks Oh Rabid one.....spread de word.

  12. I signed and donated but failed, as yet, to listen to the Jandek.

    It's clear to me that Lucy Letby's lawyer lacked the time, money or, indeed, the incentive to defend her adequately.

  13. Hi Anon, thank you,its not obligatory to listen to the Jandek.

    The state paid those useless lawyers 820,000 quid..the 20, being the profit Lucy made from selling her house. If they did find her innocent,she would have been homeless,jobless,and scarred mentally from spending three years in prison without a conviction!...This is justice?

  14. Have signed. Something about this really stinks. Read Rachel Aviv's New Yorker article again earlier today and cannot escape the distinct possibility that Lucy has been stitched UK.

  15. Cheers Pigfoot.
    Yeah this stinks bad. Her defense team were pathetic.Lucy finally said in court That she was Innocent, at that ridiculous sentencing hearing...a full life term for a so-called attempted murder???....the one were she was supposedly "Nearly" caught red-handed, standing near a faulty life support machine by one of the dodgy doctors,that wasn't sounding the alarm...oh she must have disabled it they say??
    All appeals denied ,so the only route left is the Criminal Cases Review Commission, who require new evidence.....simple, there's volumes of ignored evidence that never got to court......these kids died from natural said the coroner. This maternity unit was dangerous, and they've covered it up...almost...and Lucy fitted the frame. They've fitted the crime to the person,rather than the other way around.
    She might get out in twenty years or so,so shite is the appeal system in the UK.

    1. Fitted the crime to the person. Absolutely. One hopes against hope that she will see justice sooner rather than later but I'm not hopeful.
      Much easier to sacrifice the liberty of a competent nurse than to reveal the dark ineptitude which exists in some quarters of our beloved NHS. I've worked in social care for over 25 years and suffered with mental health difficulties for longer than that so I've lots of experience on my own behalf, of dealing with that venerated institution and through supporting other people to access a host of specialist services. I've met some great professionals and also experienced behavior and practice which has left me angry and/ or dismayed. We could spend the rest of our lives debating the merits of a properly funded NHS but need to acknowledge that staffing it with pissed off, burnt out, overworked people in buildings which aren't fit for purpose are taking their toll and I believe that Lucy's experience is a result of such.

      As an aside, I hope things are OK with you, as a long time lurker and occasional commentator I know that your partner has been ill recently (my daughter had a very similar illness concurrently and it stuck in my mind). Not wishing to pry, just hope things are getting better.
