Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Killdozer – "For Ladies Only" (Touch And Go – T&GLP#39) 1989

As one has already outed "For Ladies Only" by Killdozer......the American Killdozer,and not the not bad actually French Killdozer; the greatest covers album of all time earlier in this thread. I thought that maybe I should post it for the less enlightened among us? Yes?
Michael Gerald, or "Mr Romance" for this project, and the Hobson Brothers "Bill" and "The Thinker" respectively,show us how to do a proper cover version. Just the correct amount of irreverence ,with a sprinkling of Irony,played as straight as their own mini-symphonies is a potent recipe for cover version heaven. Killdozer are no strangers to cover versions as most of their fantastic albums regularly had a left field track to cover by such horrible artists as Neil DiamondNeil Young ,Creedence Clearwater re-drivel,and EMF....unbelieveable!.....I did,however, have a great night out at a Leicester Polytchnic gig by EMF back in 1992,the floor was so drenched in sweat and other slimy substances that i could do a great moonwalk for the kids. (The Killdozer gig was a more reverential experience down the M1 in Northampton a couple of years earlier...with Head Of David...GR8)
Killdozer are,of course, subtly  taking the piss out of these artists, but at the same time they may also be quietly playing tribute to some guilty pleasures going on here.Sophisticated chaps that they certainly are.
If there's one track that desperately needed the Killdozer treatment, it would have to be the terminally awful "American Pie" by the one hit wonder of one hit wonders Don McLean; who to this day still lives off the back of this cheesy monster....a special kind of  Baroque Country, only equaled by Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra,and Glen Campbell in his Jimmy Webb years.
Other terrible acts that get the treatment are Bad Company,and the bloody awful Steve Miller Band!?
A point of disinterest is that the producers of both 'hit' Nirvana albums had something to do with this project. Butch Vig(Never Mind) produced it, and Steve Albini (In Utero) wrote the sleeve notes.
Killdozer had a lucky escape by the looks of it. The Grunge explosion was just around the corner,and all those bands existed shoulder to shoulder at the same time as Killdozer.They all got famous while Killdozer drifted into obscurity,and Michael Gerald became a big shot Lawyer....I guessed he was a clever sod....perhaps too clever? 

NB-there's a lot of thoroughly entertaining links on this one.

PS-one more link,I don't ask for much so sign this please(more info here),she ain't no serial killer,and she's been fitted up,done like a kipper, and thrown under the Bus: CLICK HERE and sign


1.Hush (Deep Purple/Billy Joe Royal)
2.Good Lovin' Gone Bad (Bad Company)
3.Burnin' Love (Arthur Alexander)
4.You've Never Been This Far Before (Conway Twitty)
5.One Tin Soldier - The Legend Of Billy Jack (The Original Caste)?
6.Take The Money And Run (Steve Miller Band)
7.American Pie (Don MacLean)
8.Funk #49 (James Gang)
9.Mr Soul (Buffalo Springfield)


  1. I had a strange feeling about the LB case too, can only be a matter of time before this case becomes a "rough justice" cause celebré.
    I'm still not 100% sure if she did it or not, but it doesnt seem that it was proved "beyond a reasonable doubt", so it's not a safe conviction.
    I noticed my hackles were rising when the usual media dead heads were calling her a disgusting monster. That never troubled me with old Myra.
    What are your thoughts/concerns, Jonny?

  2. Nice one Charles.
    Briefly there is virtually zero evidence that a crime has been committed nevermind mind Letby murdering anyone. The so-called evidence is 100% circumstantial which has been pieced together in a bizarre way to make it look like their suspect was there everytime a baby died of natural causes.Stats experts have revealed this......guilt by overtime its been called.
    6 of the seven babies were given post-mortems by the coroner, who decided they dies of "Natural Causes". Most likely caused by the pathogens and virus's breeding in the raw sewage that was constantly leaking into the neo natal ward. Leaking sewage pipes and very sick babies do not mix.
    The so-called smoking gun Insulin poisonings has been explained away as possibly a nutural process too, and the 8 year old tests unreliable....the two babies briefly had high rates,then fluctuated back to low,then normal.Both babies survived are are alive today. Those "I Am Evil" post it notes have been imaginatively taken out of context out of hundreds of notes to seem like the ravings of a psychopath when they were merely natural self-blame,self-flagellation,that any normal person does when tragedies happen....I blame myself for putting my dog down for example....and the tense in which its written is talking about what the police have been saying about her,and doesn't seem to be concerned about the parts in which she claims innocence.......i could go on.
    All this stuff can be checked out at

    happy to answer any questions.

    Watch out for the lynch mob everyone thinks shes guilty!

  3. This piece does make you wonder:


  4. Certainly does...there are loads of very detailed articles out there. especially now she's applying for leave of Appeal.

  5. I signed the petition, joined the group. Tried to spread the word a bit, and got an idiot calling Science On Trial a financial scam, but they havent asked for me for a bean.
    I'm pretty convinced she's innocent now.
    Did her defence really do their job?
    What was with the retrial on some of the unproven charges that came up a week or two ago?
    Couldn't make out if this was good or bad news the way it was reported was confusing.

  6. Good Man Charles.
    Yeah, its an uphill battle. These entrenched opinions by that ugly mob out there are a large obstacle to overcome.
    Her defense team had there hands tied behind their back when it came to scientific evidence.A lot was dismissed by the judge for not being sufficiently alternative to the prosecutions case. There were two experts with alternative explanations waiting to give evidence that backed up the plumber's assertion that the ward was a cesspit of filth and disease.
    She's the fall-girl for it all.
    The retrial on the other unproven death cannot be put in motion unitl after any appeal is concluded.....maybe good news?
    I'm a bit out of the loop at the moment due to me giving a speech at a world war 2 remembrance ceremony in France concerning my Father,who survived the plane crash,and his crew,who died......that and the grim fact that my girlfriend has just been diagnosed with Cancer!...that's also why i haven't been posting anything. All that and being a Letby activist means everything is in a bit of a mess.
    Try and spead the facts on X and you tube etc.....The petition is slow going,wading upstream against public opinion,but slowly accruing numbers.She's totally innocent as far as I can see,stitched up to save the NHS tailspinning reputation,and those fucking Doctors!...scumbags.

  7. Thanks Johnny, my thoughts go out to you & your girlfriend.

    Since 2008, I've lost My Mum & Dad to that condition, and my sister is battling her own valiantly, and seems to be in remission for now. I certainly don't take the future for granted anymore.

    (I jjust sent my sister a bunch of music, which she requested and mostly appreciated, apart from what she describes as "sore head" stuff. I took that as a compliment! (I think she meant the Swell Maps stuff particularly!).
    I titled it "No-Go-Betweens Vol. 1", as she gave me a handwritten note when we were kids, listing stuff she wanted on Cassette and she scrawled that in bold under-lined at the bottom of the page! And their not even noisy!)

    I know you'll be rightly proud of your father and good on you for giving that speech. Must have been quite a moment.
    I come from a Railway family background, and they were all reserved.

    Hope you enjoyed the Canadian Parliament forgetting which side Russia fought on in WWII, and saluting an old Ukrainian Nazi!
    The highlight of the year for me was seeing that cretin Trudeau get some much needed humiliation! Though he still managed to blame "Russian Misinformation" in his public apology. Twat.
    All the best

  8. Lol...and what was wrong with the Go-Betweens exactly?

    Funnily enough It was the Royal Canadian Airforce who turned up in numbers at the Ceremony....and one British Attaché from Paris.
    It was all sort of moving.I kept my sunglasses on.I didn't sing the national anthems though,as some did when they were played!?...wot?..just stood in respectful silence.

    If you wanna read the story its all here:

    Good to hear your sister is in remission,lets hope it stays away huh?

  9. Lucy Letby is a serial killer, and you're fucking delusional and sick for saying she isn't. Fucking kill yourself

  10. As i said somewhere else you left your shitty stain...I'd much prefer it if was you,and your trump lovin' dum-dums who killed themselves.
    Pity there wasn't a serial killer to terminate you at birth yu fat fuck.

  11. Johnny
    Yeah, but its left her with permanent physical damage due to the operations though. Life changing stuff.
    I suppose it depends on the type of cancer, prognosis and what stage its diagnosed at. Both my parents didn't get diagnosed till they were stage 4, and the years of misery and decline they went through to get a little more time were not remotely worth it, IMO.
    Am seriously considering refusing all medical treatment if/when my time comes, and I'm at that stage. Didn't that work for Wilko for a good few years? A few good years is worth many in pain.
    Then again, I know of many people who seem to have completely recovered from breast cancer, so there are many factors, though misdiagnosis of cancer may be something that Science in Trial also want to look at?
    By the way, if i was an American I would have picked Trump over Clinton or Biden everytime. Does that make me a c**t? RFK Jr. as an Independant might be worth a serious look, despite his failings on Israel. The two party system is a failure on both sides of the Atlantic. Sir Keir Starmer is a useless bellend, and I wont be voting for him or celebrating when he inevitably takes over. Just more of the same BS. A whole new generation are going to have to learn that lesson. If they offer nothing, don't vote for them.

  12. Btw, did you get the pre-Happy Refugees Garage Class 10" or CD a few years back? You need to hear, I think. I could send a link to you.

  13. You're going to believe the NY Dept Store case, I'm not. So where does that get us? They couldn't make the rape charge stick anyway.
    And then I'll remind you of Hillary's husband's atrocious record on sexual offences, and umpteen trips on Eptsteins Lolita Express, and Biden sticking his fingers up a junior staff members vagina in the mid-90's, and telling her not to bother reporting it because she's "nothing".
    I'll make my choices on what to believe, and you'll make yours.
    It's the usual shitshow online all day every day.
    I'll just point out that the people who Trump represents (the working class of middle-America) were treated with contempt by the Democrats ("the deplorables" - what type of arrogant cunt says that?), the same way Brexit voters have been demonized and denigrated in the UK.
    I've had enough of this bullshit.
    Your views on Thatcher and her destruction of our manufacturing base to denude the power of the Unions, are, frankly, bizarre.
    I don't think we need to pursue this conversation any further.
    I didn't come here for more Trump Derangement & Brexit Derangement Syndrome crap, it's available all day, everywhere, and it stinks.

  14. Oh dear....and you say my Thatcher worship is bizarre?

  15. Yikes! I feel somewhat compelled here to point out that besides the "department store case", Trump has been credibly accused of rape and sexual assault by more than 3 DOZEN women. Moreover, he's on record boasting of his sexual assault prowess.

    And working class folks are great--I'm a proud lumpenprole--but not the ones who are also racist, misogynistic, homophobic bigots.

    I only ever voted once, as well and I had to do a write-in for my presidential choice: Willa Kenoyer, the Socialist Party candidate in 1988.

  16. 3 dozen?! Wheres the background info on that? Seriously.
    No mention of Clinton or Biden (who also showered with his daughter, according to her own diary), and his drug addled sex-trafficker pervert son of course. So partisan and blind.
    Anyway, enjoy your Democrat hell holes. May your streets be paved with human shit

  17. Paralee, did you just call all Trump voters "racist, misogynistic, homophobic bigots"?!
    Well done, but you forgot "transphobic".
    The trans activists are the real mysogynists & homophobes. They brought back outdated gender stereotypes in the name of identity politics, so they could indulge their autogynephilic fantasies and take advantage of lesbians and children.

  18. Indeed I grew up with working class folk on the council estates of the east midlands of England Which later became Brexit central. I've mentioned this before,but its more than the bigotry, its the way in which these communities hate to see anyone escape.Like Junkies hate to see anyone get clean. They seemed to think that to get a university education is somehow an insult to those left portrayed in that "Educating Rita" movie. I passed my 11+ exam and i was ostracised ,bullied and my new nickname was "Posh Cunt".Fuck 'em.
    I certainly don't wear my working class roots as a badge of honor, so i have some sympathy with Clinton on that one. I can vouch for the bigotry,'cus i grew up amongst it.....anyway speaking as a Grammar School boy, we hate everyone equally.

  19. Charles, i think you need to calm down a bit....did you say you weren't american?
    Paved with human shit,what human shit like the deplorables?
    Tin foil hat stuff.

  20. PS he (parmalee) said..."And working class folks are great--I'm a proud lumpenprole--but not the ones who are also racist, misogynistic, homophobic bigots"......tis you who applied the Trump Voter bit.
    Better get back to your Pizza-gate mates and check yer text-pas's

    PPS...were Killdozer a perfect parody of yer average Trump guy?

  21. I think the point i was making is you and Paralee dismiss every Trump/Brexit voter as "racist, misogynistic, homophobic bigots". I think that makes both of you utter bigots, rather than the people you rail against.
    I warned every Guardian reading cunt i know that would listen that Biden would bring War, what with being a senile moron, and an asset of the military industrial complex.
    Even I didn't expect WWIII.
    But hey, at least when your picking up scraps of your own irradiated skin, you'll be safe in the knowledge that the common vulgarian Trump is not in the White House embarrassing you with his crude tweets.
    You can go to your grave knowing you are simply better than the rest of us.
    Imagine destroying the World to save Hillary's blushes as the most repugnant candidate ever put before the American electorate. It had to be a Russian conspiracy, right?
    I think M.E.S put guys like you in perspective so many times: "meant well, but came to nothing."
    Killed by your own (very selective) "kindness".

  22. The amount of Paranoid bigoted ranting you can glean from as little as a punctuation mark,is truly remarkable.Go and see someone.

  23. Maybe Brexit and Trump voters should wear a badge, or get tattooed with a number on our arms. And an extra one for opposing lockdown and refusing vaccines. You really are a fuckng Nazi slime bag. What side was your father fighting on, btw?
    If theres any "human shit" to.avoid its you, you fucking irredeemable cunt.

  24. Very eloquent ....Ok I get it, you're just stupid. MES quote...Genuine White Crap article.

  25. Well that took a rather weird turn.

    The obsessive in me just has to add this: What could E Jean Carroll (the dept store case) possibly have gained from pursuing that (apart from maybe some peace of mind from holding a person accountable in some way)? She got torrents of harassment , death threats, and the like--I'm sure she didn't appreciate that. Did she get some details wrong? Probably. It was over 30 years ago and it was a traumatic event. But I don't really see how any reasonable person could doubt the basic gist of her accounting of events.

  26. Indeed, for some people Insanity is just below the surface.He seemed so reasonable at first, then exploded with a mention Trump voters may not be the sharpest tools in the box.
    Yeah i got some death threats/wishes on one of those Melvins posts...someone nutjob called Klein i think?
    Don't worry, i'm sure our Trump livin' brother from the UK will be back....they always do.
    Culture Wars i think they call it?

  27. What did Tara Reade have to gain by accusing Joe Biden of sticking his fingers up her vagina?
    On April 12, 2020, a New York Times article reported interviews with Reade, several of her friends, lawyers, people who worked with Biden in the early 1990s, and seven women who accused him of "kissing, hugging, or touching them in ways that had made them feel uncomfortable".

    Or these other women who accused Bill Clinton:

    Juanita Broaddrick accused Clinton of raping her in 1978; Leslie Millwee accused Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1980; Paula Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her in 1991 as well as sexually harassing her; and Kathleen Willey accused Clinton of groping her without her consent in 1993.

    No interest in those cases, eh?

    Keep your moral standards high while wanking to your Peter Sotos collection. You're a real connosuir of filth. A real transgressor of society's standards. How challenging.

  28. Oh...its you again......
    Indeed, but using your argument, your coiffured God is as guilty as those baby eating Clintons and old biddy Biden.None of whon we or I have expressed any liking of. Automatically assume anyone who doesn't support The Donald must be an evil Democrat.
    The only interest I have in all these cases is how they are used by conspiracy theorist,especially the MAGA lot to suggest the clintons especially are Satanist child abusers...the best one being Pizzagate.
    Hunters laptop has nothing on it except a couple of e-mails to business contacts in Ukraine and some consentual straight sex.
    Yeah Juanita Broadrick was probably raped by Clinton, as was E Jean Carrol by Trump. This is what rich and powerful males have been doing since the dawn of History. the difference is that Braodrick never took Clinton to court....its not too late.....oh but yeah, the courts are owned by the Democrats aren't they?

    No-one here has claimed High Moral standards...except that you seem to think that you have them.

    So,i'm questioning why you've been checking out the solitary Peter Sotos post.In fact, noting your sarcasm why you ever bothered to come here at all.You being such a connoisseur of extreme music. Shoe-horned into your computer chair every evening.

  29. been semi-hibernating ...

    I have two copies of the 7" boxset as well as the CD .... because I am inflicted by modern convenience, I've downloaded it to play it immediately at full volume ... the cats have never seen me bust such moves

    they are one of the greatest bands ever to use sarcasm as a weapon ... only got to see live them once ... most of the people I went with ended up at the back of the room either empty / crying / covered in vomit and disdain. one of the best gigs I've ever been to ...

    maybe i should do an entire history Killdozer post

  30. too.
    Various existential threats have curtailed my blogging somewhat.

    Killdozer entire history it.

    Seen Killdozer in the hip cradle that was Northampton,which helped me forgive the place for Bauhaus and wot they did!...around 1990-ish supported by the likes of Head Of David.....why do these things never happen no more?
    I'd quiet like a Killdozer Karaoke thing for my dimishing social diary.I know the words to all of snakeboy, burl, and Lil'Baby Buntin' .

    Hope to see you back in top gear, we need you.

  31. Ah you've been posting for a while! I presumed the December 27th post was a return when clearly it happened way before then. Even though I'd been bitten by the acid house bug by 88/89, I still kept a foot in the US band band scene as I'd done thought the 80s & Killdozer was the last great band I was obsessed with (along with No Means No I guess) & imo For Ladies Only was one of the best things that ever came out of that scene. I remember ripping those bunch of 7 inches to tape and listening to it all year, well in the day time anyway lol.
    Glad to know I'm not the only one who adored this album. I hadnt heard it in well over 30 years and it still sounds as fresh as it did way back when. Thanks for the share JZ!

  32. Yeah, American Noise rock before Grunge was the bomb. In fact that grunge rubbish stole directly from those bands and added commerciality to the mix to get some hits.....basically Rock music with a very small edgy flava. all bands crap...except TAD, who were really from the same skool as Jesus Lizard, Killdozer and all.

  33. Yeah, for me the dividing line was the first Amphetamine Reptile comp and the TAD album (been decades since I sold my copy but I do recollect 3? hugely fat blokes which just underscored the record's primal beauty) Oh and maybe the Dwarves as well, they were good).
    Speaking of grunge, I do remember a gig at Leeds Duchess of York with Mudhoney which was pretty enjoyable according to my memory circuits while the support band was utterly forgettable, Nirvona or something.
