Sunday, 16 April 2023

Crespo Schneiderman Duo – "No Complaints" (Blueberry Honey – #18) 2010

Well,Guerilla Toss seemed  to be very popular,so as most,if not ALL groups should split up after their second album.I think i posted three Guerilla Toss albums,so we must make a U-Turn,no complaints, and refer to a split single they did with the magnificently Bats, Egg/Eggs. A member of whom would be the Crespo part of this equally nutty electronic duo, the Crespo So you lucky people who found their feet-a-tapping in 7/4 time to a Guerilla Toss LP,will have to adjust to the floating,if non-existent, rhythms, of this abstract electronica outing,which partners Andy, née Andrew, Crespo,with one of the many members of Sun Burned Hand of the Man, Ron Schneiderman...yes, he???...of who?????....(don't worry about it, we'll get to that)!
Having just watched an obviously very ill, Meat Loaf, slur why he hates performing "I'll do anything for love(but I won't Do That)"......he never did tell us what "That" was,but the answer to his artistic torture being that he felt a pressure from the audience,if that's the right word for such people (either that or 'Morons'?) to be more than perfect....and if he wasn't they would let him know in no uncertain terms. This admission, led me into that musical fantasy world in which I frequently navigate during those blank episodes I display whenever anyone normal is talking to music place. I should imagine it works great during Bad Sex, or whenever one is arse raped Loaf I guess?I can't think of anything more repulsive at such short notice........(pause...I've just gone to my Music Place).
(.....I'm Back......)
No Complaints...yet!?
Just imagine playing this Cd-r to Meat's audience of Moron's in place of "I'll Do Anything For Love....blah blah blah blah!, and tell them that it was Meat's Idea.If he wasn't dead already,they would certainly crucify him,if they could ever hoist his ample frame aloft onto a reinforced cross to hammer in the nails.
Hopefully in my disturbing fantasy, the nostalgia crazed mob would have already chased Jim Steinman down, and burnt him at the stake in a wicker man made of endless histrionic rock dirges made real. Truly a music for people who don't actually like Music..........christ that's ME!?
Oh the joy of watching a middle aged mob ripping up seats and rushing the stage,chanting 'we want MEAT', is a joy to behold,sadly only in my crumbling imagination.
The Crespo Schneiderman Duo,I admit, is not the kind of act one would expect to be playing the Enormo-Dome in upstate Kentucky, in fact,in such places you risk expedited justice and a swift lynching for making such Godless music as this.Remember, these living missing links burnt all their Beatles records,and once you start burning records, it only takes a small leap of consciousness,or unconsciousness as in Red Neck stupidity ,and next they start burning humans.
I dunno if this record is that good as to create a new violent mob of "Proud Boys" to cleanse us of our liberal jew DNA, but I like it.
What pleases me most about this abstract  upside down inside out spontaneous mess, is, it makes me feel comfortably separate from these fuckers whom I have so painstakingly drawn reference to...with out naming names....well...a bit anyway.


1 A Paper Year
2 Come Back Last Year
3 Go With Last
4 Hard Deed
5 A Code
6 Pre-Western Worm
7 Leave It To Ted
8 Low Class High
9 One Two Three Four
10 Subject : Ultra Jerks


  1. Yeah, there you have it. Once in a while you write something and then you destroy your own self. In the first two lines you state that bands should not have a third album. Maybe so, but that's for later.
    I would go so far as too say you should not write more then two lines per post, ergo, not even post a third post, ergo I should not have to write this about a zillionst post. And Jandek should not have made a dubious amount of albums. Although I think it isn't one man, but every Jandek makes at most two albums.
    There is an endless stream of third albums and there are a 1% of good ones among them.
    I once was offered an endless (as much as you can eat) amount of chickenwings, for a fixed price. And I only payed a tenth because I said I settle for eating only a tenth of an endless amount of chickenwings.
    Thanks you

  2. Dear Richard,
    Of course,laws do not apply to me,but I do enjoy a tasty contradiction...and I'm not talking 'bout chicken wings,which naturally i refuse to eat to elevate my white male savior syndrome.
    Generally, I usually adhere to the one album then fuck it up rule of music critiquesville, to which there are numerous examples to the opposite,but they don't fuel the Rock'N'Roll myth. For sure Motorheads first album,isn'as good as Overkill,which isn't as good as Ace Of Spades,but is better than Iron Fist,and...controversially, "Another Perfect day",which is the best Thin Lizzy Album from another mother. The rest of Motorheads' career just repeated this ad infinitude...a method i am also a big fan of.Pop Stars have an obsession about not repeating themselves.....which is High Irony.However the history of 'the Second' album intrigues me much.Nut there you go innit?
    I thank you for alluding to the theory that Jandek is only ever the same person on every second release.The guy in the pictures don't play the music...but anyway he's dead,so we'll never know for sure.

  3. JUst checked... seems Jandek is alive? Not sure though, this site says he had a similar career as ehrrr.... Lady Gaga.... Foxy Brow, Kate Perry, Miley Cyrus?

    You just can't make this up huh?

    Glad I've got to see him perform three and a half years ago, as you know. He started ridiculously early, like 7.30 or something, so I missed the first part of his set, I was told that he started so early because, by that time, he was a very early sleeper.... One of the best concerts I've seen in the last, well, say 10 years or so... Ka Baird was also performing, nice and some very weird, very, very good Argentine band, the name escapes me, they all wore silly costumes and masks....

    1. That site is hilarious... wish I knew what criteria they use to match up Jandek with Katy Perry? Maybe she wore black once? LOL:)

      Anyway, Jandek is definitely not dead, he played a show at Fayetteville, Arkansas, recently:)

  4. I suspect that he is indeed still alive,unlike Lady gaga,who I hope isn' that mean?...I actually like Miley Cyrus, after she did a Cocteau Twins track in Las Vegas,the best part of that is it got up precious Cocteau fans' noses.
    Is your video of the Jandek gig still up on youtube...i think i linked to it at some point?
    Argie band in costumes....i must do some research....i'm a sucker for silly costumes.

    Also, apparently your Blog is at number four in the 35 best obscure music blogs on the planet? beat me!!!...I only got to number 10!? I'd be fuming if i cared.

  5. The current proud boy outrage in the states is the makers of Bud Lite, their favorite bunny piss brew, had the nerve to feature a gal-dern TRANNY [i.e. transgender 'influencer'] in one of their ads. This has resulted in knukle drager celebs from Kid Rock to Travis Tritt to shoot cases of Bid Light. Shootn' is their answer for damn-near everything anyway. Ya-hoo.

  6. There certainly are seeds, germinating for a Civil War that I would pay to see,the premium tickets being for the Lynching of Kid Rock by a drunk mob of "Trannies".....why i may even slip on a mini skirt myself and have a pull on the rope. However, i'm OK with shootn' up anything budweiser.....maybe even we could organise a stoning using full cans of Bud Lite instead of kid rocks.
    I'm so proud of our species Yeeeee Haaaaaaa!

  7. Yes sir, here they are:

    I think there's some more on youtube filmed by others....

    I'm at number four??? Surprises me, bigly, visitors have been down for a while, somewhere between 500 and 700 a day on average, years ago that was thousands a day. Never really trusted their counting of visitors though, same with youtube....

    Not familiar with Miley Cyrus at all, only know her from that one Black Mirror episode which was not bad at all. The episode that is. Told my 12 year old son about it, he sneered, Miley Cyrus? Then I won't watch it for sure! That's the attitude! He's crazy with Melanie Martinez, that's his big idol. When I was his age I was crazy with the Sex Pistols, The Stranglers etc. and being expelled from school, I'm just grateful he's not half as crazed and aggressive as his daddy was at that age, nothing with what came later but let's not dwell on that...

    Coming to think of it.... I wouldn't be able to name one song from Lady Gaga or Kate Perry, all I know is their names, and that they're from that crowd that's always covering an eye, something to do with Satanism? Or something?


    Trying to remember that Argentinian band, they actually were really good, soon as it comes back to me I will let you know, they were really worth checking out!

  8. Oh, by the way... Jandek was on stage together with a Dutch band called Lewsberg that night....

  9. Henk....i think its "The BEst" obscure music blogs rather than the most popular.....must admit never heard of at least 20 of that top 35. it, at age 12, they can become a stranger overnight. I was the same, as,it seems were you.
    Age 12 i was into my fading Glam heroes,Slade, The Sweet, T-Rex, Glitter Band...just like The Ramones were (the Proto-Punk Bay City Rollers)...then withing 5 seconds of encountering the Pistols I became this:

    except i treated my peers like kevin did his parents in the clip. parents

  10. Iggy Pop coming to Holland and "destroying" the Top Pop tv studio and the government meeting after that, how to stop this filth from poisoning our minds :) I forget the name of the band but you guys had something similar on tv, an early punk band in some tv show for kids and the singer "fucking" one of the stuffed animal dolls lying around in that studio, a very, very funny clip....

    In other news.... Got an email from an old friend yesterday, Jan Kopp, who was the driving force behind our DIY living room band the Prutsers was found dead by the police in his house, lying in mountains of trash and empty beer cans... Poor, poor Jan, an on the dole hermit since the 80's, so much potential, so creative and a genius with computers.... And that in the same week as my very best friend dying from pancreatic cancer, months after winning his first MMA match, knock-out in 48 seconds at the age of 55....


  11. They're dropping like flys! you think it appropriate for me to repost Prutsers as a tribute type thang?..feel free to provide some text.

  12. Sure why not, he deserves it! Lemme think about something to write....

  13. OK Henk,
    got the stuff,
    Will do something with it later,...believe it or not....after a Funeral i'm attending this afternoon!?
    What's going on?

  14. Cool! Hope you like it but I'll see that later.... I missed the funeral of a buddy of mine (through whatsapp), super heavy rainstorms, so bad, bad internet connection, can't get much if any uploading and blogging done either because of it, so just recording stuff (couple of 60's Japanese psychedelic surf rock albums from The Spacemen) and reading.....
