Thursday, 24 November 2022

Andy Matthews - "Spring (or 'Bog​-​shed in lock​-​down')" (Ah! Records) 2020

Here's a band that the recently 'Late' Anton Fier (Feer)definitely didn't play in, as did NOT Andy Matthews of, I am Informed, 'Ah! Records'.Officially the least successful record label of all time(there's a lot of competition for that accolade); so says Andy anyway,who,these days, posts his labels albums,Ep's,singles, etc on that lovely Bandcamp place thingy.
Do you remember Bog-Shed? Yes?...well you should if you read this blog,'cus everything they ever recorded is available HERE!
Why bring this lot up again I don't hear you ask?...'Tis because Mike Bryson, a bass wielder second only to the great JJ Burnel, has died but a couple of weeks ago.Therefore we are in tribute mode,especially as 75% of Bog-Shed are now ex-ex-members of the mighty Shed,and the human race in general.
Also, do you remember the 'lockdown'?...I, personally, had a great time,and business was booming.I didn't want it to end.
We all coped with it in our own very different ways,and Andy of Ah! made the bizarre but understandable decision to make a Bog-Shed tribute album.
Eclectic is the watchword here,with every viable pop song form utilised to transform 20 of the most un-famous Bog-Shed tunes into a smorgasbord of different styles and non-styles.
Andy explains this inexplicable oddity using words such as this: "to keep from going mad, and in keeping with the times and my role within them, I embarked upon a project of near-pointlessness."
Sounds like normal life to me?!
But more to the point,what a great group was Bog-shed...remember them this way.


1.the amazing Roy North penis band 04:04
2.Champion love shoes 02:48
3.The fastest legs 02:42
4.Hell bent on death 02:59
5.I say no to lemon mash 00:05
6.Into me 05:22
7.Little car 02:39
8.loaf 02:59
9.oily stack 02:41
10.old dog new tricks 02:04
11.packed lunch to school 02:49
12.panties please 03:55
13.people equal greedy 02:40
14.raise the girl 03:59
15.runner on a blunder 03:29
16.sing a little jam 02:33
17.sing a little tune 02:54
18.Summer in my lunchtime 04:48
19.Thunderballs 02:56
20.Tommy Steele record 02:40


  1. From another Bandcamp release by this respected publisher comes the most intriguing sentence ever:
    (Nina) Hagen dropped out after an ostrich-related accident, and producers turned to Depeche Mode, thinking the team element would play well with Hamburg's anti-fash gang culture.

    Happy to help Mr. Matthews with £20 for entire digital discography.

  2. Hey Johnny, Melodic Records is releasing a 5 cd set of everything Bog in about 2 weeks on your side of the planet. It's called Bog-set.

  3. Hi Jeff,just checked it out...pity there are no Vinyl versions. Read the notes on the web site, they seem to be not quite up to speed with Mike's Death.Be interesting to see if the rarities cd has anything we don't already have on here.

  4. hehehe nice one... a 'lazy' tribute to Bog! thanx...
