Saturday, 2 February 2019

Dogliveroil ‎– "Tamagotchi Nappy* Rash" (Vigilant ‎– VIGILMC002) 1997

When one veers over towards nineties style harsh noise cassettes,it begins to sound a lot like Groundhog Day. Which is appropriate because,this being 'Groundhog Day'(wot?) I just I may add......a live news feed of the 'Groundhog Day' ceremony in some white only backwards backwater called 'Punxsutawny, in Pennslyvania. It seems that a bunch of members of the fucking illuminati, decked out in creepy victorian outfits, ask a Groundhog called 'Phil', what the weathers gonna be like in the coming year!? You couldn't make this shit up!? No wonder Trump* got voted in, he seems normal compared to these , male only, relics from some obscene secret society.Trump and Putin are highly likely to be members.
So, as to avoid a Groundhog Day version of Harsh Noise, I've gone for a more articulate, nuanced Noise, from 'Dogliveroil' based in the grim hole that is Stoke-On-Trent. Possibly the Punxsutawny of the black country in ye olde england.The place that gave the world Discharge and D-Beat, if not an actual bodily discharge of the puss variety, or Vomit at the thought that actual intelligent lifeforms live there!....I say intelligent, but this place did also give us Robbie Williams, which is a crime that deserves the place to be wiped from the face of the Earth and turned into a country park.
Rather than Phil the Groundhog Dogliveroil has a another Phill,as in Phil Todd, of the 'Betly Welcomes careful Drivers'label and 'Ashtray Navigations', as an integral member.
The noise ,thankfully, is not a constant barrage of unplugged TV white noise, but has space in between the grinds, scrapes, and frying circuitry.This lends quality to the horrible sounds dribbled hence.
So, this Phil (Todd), is predicting a very noisy February, and a throughly miserable coming year.
On a more Positive note, Phil the Groundhog has predicted a 'Beautiful Spring'????.....he did also say that The Beatles 'Rock!', so this prediction is currently under intense scrutiny.

*Note for Americans who accidently were brought here by googling 'Groundhog Day':

1/ A Nappy is a Diaper
2/ A Bog-Seat is a toilet seat.
3/ Trump is your president!!!!????
4/ Trump is also an anglicism for 'Fart'


A Mounting The Bog-Seat* To Oblivion 17:58
B Bucket Without A Shadow 18:46


  1. I love Dogliveroil ... the shambolic bastards :)

  2. Maybe some day I will understand this whole Noise thing, but I hope not. Call me ignorant. Once had the luck to run into "concert" of Sudden Infant... I know, beauty is in the ear of the tortured.

  3. Yes
    Nobody has pointed out the trump/fart thing.
    We used to call them pop offs here in the Antipodes.
    Now I rarely have the need to mention any of these words in conversation as I think I might have grown up.
    Then again somebody popping off is still quite possibly the funniest thing in the world.
    And well don't get me started on my dog which has just reminded me of the acronym SBD.
    Coopy, the said dog, could be employed by the government or terrorists for his lethal bodily emissions.

  4. I hear the CIA have codenames for the incumbant Reagan was Rawhide, apparently Trumps is 'Mogul' should be 'Fart' really....and Putin should be 'popov'
    Cunts the both of them.

  5. don't know if anyone has noticed this but the material on this tape is kleistwahr's 'do not' on broken flag.

  6. Oh those crazy cats in Dogliveroil!!.....either that or i've made a cock up with my indexing!...i think i have 'Do NOt' so i'll cross reference it later if I can be arsed.
