What was the worst most intense pain I ever had in my sad little life? Was it my Kidney Stones?...Nah!....My broken ribs and collapsed Lung....Nah!......yup, you guessed it, it was Toothache at the weekend when no dentist was available, and the drugs from the Pharmacy weren't strong enough.Basically the only thing that could have worked would have been morphine,and me being straight edge would have no access to illegal suppies of such a substance...unlike you lot I guess?
It was around the time of the second Gulf war, the Shock'n'Awe thing.During my sleepless stupor i could take my mind off the arcing electric cable in my dying tooth by watching some live war on the 24 hour news feed.Unbeliveable. The seige of Basra by the British Army was live throughout the night......this doesn't happen anymore.Its bad for morale and lessens support for illegal wars,and no government wants that do they?
Dogliveroil...er..did I say Phil Todd of Ashtray Navigations is in this fab combo?.....manage to capture the sheer hell of toothache very accurately in two 15 minute parts. This is the sound of having nowhere to hide from unstoppable pain.
Don't forget to brush your teeth kids.
The classic Ren and Stimpy Cartoon 'Rens Toothache' kinda sums up both the experience of listening to Dogliveroil, and my Toofache episode very adequately....click here to experience this landmark piece of television... hopefully?
Its new Dog(liveroil).... from Blammo!
.....yeah ok, i'm a shameless Ren and Stimpy fan,frankly the best thing ever made for television.
A Toothache Comes In Spring Part One 14:57
B Toothache Comes In Spring Part Two 14:39
Wow, I’ve lived that pain. I’d have thought kidney stones, broken ribs and collapsed lung would have been worse. Morphine’s weakest cousin, codeine, makes me ill (there goes my junkie career). By Monday morning, my message to the dentist was ‘relieve this or pass me a pistol.’ Now here’s an opportunity to relive it?!? Why, of course I’ll click on the download link! I’d much rather listen from afar…
ReplyDeleteWell, evryone said Kidney Stones were the worst pain possible...but it wasn't in my skull, with no escape for 48 hours.The kidney thing got me an ambulance and...yes...the dosed me up on Morphine....same with the ribs and lung thing, i got carted off to Hospital.....but for toohache???...you're on yer own baby!
ReplyDeleteHeh :) I had a tooth pulled, 9 days ago, no big deal but then I lost the bloodcloth in the hole, exposing the bone below and nerves, it's called "dry socket" and yes, asperines, ibuprofin, whatever doesn't work, it's beyond pain... They gave me some medicines, on the package it said that it could give you heart attacks, stroke, spontaneous stomach bleeding and ulcers and "sudden death", so, this being Indonesia, I went through it without any kind of pain medication... It's been a hell of a week...
ReplyDelete2nd Time this has happened to me, dry socket....
Then, some 4 months ago I had so rootcanals, one tooth just refused to die, had to have 4 root canals to finally get the job done, one time it was so bad, it was all done without any kind of painkillers, I passed out from the pain in the dentist chair, never happened before to me....
Oh what fun!
Indonesia is like that, so much fun, I remember years ago when we were living in a pretty fucked up house here and all of a sudden the nails on both big toes started going black, a fungus infection they said at the hospital so I had both nails pulled out, never knew that the biggest piece of a toe is actually hidden under the skin! Come back next week... By the time I came back the next week the bandage on both toes had become one with the under the toe meat, removing that bandage, again with no pain killers was much, much fun too!
Dry Socket?....that could be the name of a realllly shit american gore band.
ReplyDeleteSounds like your toothache was infinitely worse than mine!....the toe thing, i've cast from my mind for my own protection.
Back in the early Nineties I had some bother with a dental abscess, but more than the pain I remember how it felt when the dentist prescribed antibiotics to take before he did any surgery. Within 24 hours I was in a state of extraordinary brightness, the thing had been nagging at me more or less for weeks and getting worse and suddenly it was gone. I think it broke a lot of tension I'd been feeling from other causes at the time.
ReplyDeleteRe side effects, my mum was once given medication whose possible side effects included temporary blindness and diarrhoea. As she said, "You'd be in trouble if you had them both at once."
So at least we are all one in our agony. I've heard of a dry socket, never had the pleasure. Sounds like a real blast. Good band name tho' certainly someone must have used it by now...
ReplyDeleteIt's a great name!!! Sounds more like somebody who had his eye-balls spooned out than anything dental related.... Another one of my past pleasures was dengue fever, that's one that you really, really don't want to go through, 2 weeks of nurses who come and wash you in the morning in an Adventist hospital where they turn the tv off on fridays for ehrr, religious reasons....
ReplyDeleteThe night before my release I asked a nurse, "so, I can eat anything I want now???" after two weeks on a "soft-diet", Yes, anything you want, so I had my wife get me the 5 cheeses pizza and I literally nearly died!!!
Makes dysentry look like a walk in the park (which, after 4 or 5 times or so it kinda is, just a bit a cramp and shitting blood :) )
Well, Dengue Fever's got me beat in the suffering stakes!.....not even had Dysentry......not even Temporary Blindness and Diarrohoea...I've never lived, basically!
ReplyDeleteI can even up the ante :)
So, I first had dysentry and right after that I got dengue... You shuffle around like an 80 year old man after that for weeks, this is some 17 years ago now... I was getting slowly better, started training again, lifting weights, swimming and then I started losing weight, losing weight and belly aches and then I started losing lots of blood, out of my ass.... Me and the wife went to Holland to get married by then and I was just getting thinner and thinner, so after the wedding was done (with socks wet from blood streaming out of my ass) I finally went to the hospital in Rotterdam, sure I had cancer and my time was up.... Turned out I had something they call tropical sprue, a super rare, still not very well understood disease, basically your intestines stop functioning, the villi in the intestines start atrophying, you don't take in food anymore it just comes out the way it went in with puss and blood... I was told I had about two years to live... There's a cure, heavy doses of doxycycline, a broad spectrum anti-biotic, but if you stay in the tropics the tropical sprue will just come back, and come back, and come back till you die.... It's a lot like scurvy in many ways, I went from around 170 pounds to just under a 100 pounds in a couple of months, lost most of my upper teeth and the next 8 years or so is just a blur of suffering, gas gets trapped where it can't get out, you honestly black out from the pain when that happens.... The intestinal flora gets destroyed from all the anti-biotics....
Well.... I'm writing this here, so obviously I didn't die :) Some 9 years ago I suddenly started getting better, putting on weight, no more belly aches and my wife suddenly pregnant after trying for 14 years....
The doctors in Holland... they have no explanation for it, they are baffled, there was even a time I would get emails from specialists from all over the world, asking me how I survived, what I was eating etc., and I could offer them no explanation... The first year all I could eat was very simple nasi, apples and... mars bars.... anything else would have me rolling on the ground with cramps.....
One very weird thing that really, really helped.... tobacco... smoking.... not weed, weed would just kill me, but cigarettes... there's other intestinal diseases where doctors tell patients to pick up the smoking habit like coeliaki... weird....
So yeah, I really hate tooth aches but it's just a bit of pain you have to go through.....
Right!....well thats NOTHING!....there was this time that.......i was absolutely fine, nothing wrong with me.Thats it.
ReplyDeleteNo, i've never been ill compared to that.....it was all beginning to sound like a Monty Python sketch, the one where a room of self-made men told stories of who had it worse as a child.
I like the bit about Smoking being a cure.
Over the years you have certainly offered some rather bookworthy stories.Ever thought about writing a book?
Been told that many times :) Unfortunately... I've not been blessed with the gift of gab (writing wise) as you have Jonny... It's the one thing I've never tried my hand at, writing, it terrifies me!!! God knows I've been through enough truly crazy stuff in my life but I somehow doubt if it would be a great book though....
ReplyDeleteJust write as you speak...it could be a Dutch/Indonesian Trainspotting or The Beach.
ReplyDeleteI'll ghost write it, for you if you want,with some artistic licence as a film script.....i'd go and see it. The folks like a based on a true story stuff.
Fuck all has happened in my life like that, but i suppose i'm looking at it subjectively...most objective persons think i'm a wild man.
Looking back i suppose my life has been anything but conventional, so maybe they're right,although there's a side of me that wishes they weren't...so its a win/win situation.Aha!
Hahaha, I would go and watch it too, but who would play me????
ReplyDeleteTo be honest I don't even know what crazy stories I told you, here in the comments, weird punk era stories? The times working in greenhouses growing hundreds of thousands of weed plants, with mostly Feyenoord hooligans and all the truly crazy shit that came with that??? Working 5 years in one of THE coolest cafe's ever in Rotterdam, where all the weirdos would come, getting captured by Thai Karen rebels and taken into the Burmese jungle, escaping on elephants??? Getting arrested with weed in Thailand? And later in Indonesia??? Or that insane story about going to a "paranormal exhibition" here in Bandung in '96 ending up in a room with some 50 Indonesians, all projectile vomiting, part of "the cure"? Or taking scuba diving lessons on Koh Phi Phi in Thailand and the eye infection that followed (still wearing lenses back then) and then a few weeks of taking out those lenses every night and the insane eye pain that came with that??? Or surviving the '98 Jakarta riots where I got stuck in them in a taxi and they, the demonstrators starting smashing in the windows of the taxi I was in, getting out of that alive somehow and wandering through Jakarta the next night, everything burning around me, tanks and soldiers telling me I was insane, a white guy walking around alone in that?
Shit... And that's just what comes to mind writing this :)
Nowadays it's mostly playing with my 8 year old, hunting rare tapes and records, going to traditional music events, sometimes even some punk concerts and reading books and recording music :)
Well i was thinking Dolph Lundgren or Vin Diesel or maybe even Chuck Norris ,could play you?
ReplyDeleteNaturally i would want a role, maybe playing one of the Rebels dressed up as al jolson in full black face make-up.
ReplyDeleteThose rebels were all dressed up in loincloths, it was me (on my third day in Thailand on my first backpack trip ever), an Irish girl, three Italians who didn't speak a word of English except for opiuuum pleaaase, marijuhana pleaaaseeee and had no clue as to what was happening and a Canadian couple... It was on the second day of the trip, we got lost, our Thai guide confessed that he wasn't actually a guide, his brother was but he got sick and couldn't come, and then we ran into those rebels... They were all armed with machine guns and shit... They sat us down, bamboo huts in the middle of the jungle, said, oh! you must be hungry! Somebody picked up a baby pig and cut it up, ALIVE, with a machette, put it in a huge pot with rice and pineapple and I actually ate it :) The Italians kept going on about weed and they brought a huge pile of it and we were out of our heads... Our guide told us to give them anything they asked for, money, camera's, whatever but that never happened... An old man with a machine gun came and told us that he was the leader, and would we like to hear a Karen song??? Oh yes of course!!! So he started singing, the Italians laughing hard acting crazy and the old guy throwing daggers at them with his eyes... Then somebody came and whispered some stuff into the old men's ears, and he told us, sorry, I have to go, somebody walked on a mine and his legs are blown off and a helicopter is coming for him.... No explaining how freaked out we all were at that point... They put us in some kind of shed, gave us blankets that were wet, stinking of piss, and it was freezing cold, one armed guy in front of the door, one armed guy in that shed with us, he was farting like hell, stinking up the place bad and scaring the Irish girl by lying down very close to her and getting closer and closer so she practically slept in my arms... I talked to the Irish girl and the Canadians, this is crazy, let's just overpower this farting guy and try to get out and run into the jungle! But that was too crazy and we were all way too stoned, and in the end we all passed out.... Very early in the morning our guide slipped in, told us to be very quiet and come with him, and everybody was lying around in a drunken stupor so we walked softly over them and into the jungle and after a while we met with some guys with elephants, and that's how we got out.... Back in Chiang Mai I'm in my hotel room, still freaked out thinking, is this Thailand??? How I'm going to do the next two months??? Well, the two Canadians took me with them to the beautiful island of Koh Phi Phi in the South of Thailand and I had some of the best times of my life there for a month or so :) I swear, not making anything up, end of '92....
I think you would be a natural, playing one of those rebels!
Oh! I forgot one detail, at one point, at night, when we were all sitting at that table getting stoned as fuck and that guide came to us, he said "I think it will all be cool, some of these guys were my friends when we were with the Khmer Rouge!", I can tell you that that did NOT make us feel better, back then, '92 the Khmer Rouge was still fully active, you could NOT go to Cambodia back then.... I remember vaguely drinking and talking with a punky girl and two guys, forget where they were from and they were going there, despite all warnings, they were in the news later, all got decapitated there and the girl was violently gang-raped before they took her head off.....