Sunday, 15 January 2017

The Soft Drinks ‎– "Popstars In Their Pyjamas" (Outer Himalayan Records ‎– OH 004) 1982

Were The Soft Drinks the UK's equivalent to 'The Screamers'
The Greville brothers(Jon,- future Rudimentry Peni member - and Lee) and a mate(Cliff Silver of Sad overs and Giants!), had synth had drum kit, then made a record......bizarrely on Nick Blinko of Rudimentary Peni fame's Outer Himalayan Records.
They normally liked to sing about various beverages, as heard previously on "The Thing From The Crypt" compilation.
This time they stick mainly to just one song about that Cinzano Bianco series of adverts with Joan Collins; and the a-side about 'Pop Stars in their Pyjamas" (although Cocoa is mentioned)!.....Now you wouldn't find the 'Screamers' singing about that subject matter. They liked to rock out,albeit very artily; whereas the Soft Drinks liked to have a laugh and dilute any rock to the minimum.This seems to be a common difference between Americans and Brits. Americans like to travel in one direction getting more hardcore as they crash into a wall and stay there; where their former colonial master's like to turn left or right,quite often off the edge of a cliff. These tunes are a definite turn to the left off the rock'n'roll highway, maybe even an exit, as they disappeared after this jolly single entered the bargain bins.
Quaint Synth pop ditties made with the tongue firmly in the cheek,by persons who knew how silly Pop music really is.


A Popstars In Their Pyjamas
B Cinzano Wet Dream

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