Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Various Artists ‎– "Hate's Our Belief" (Aquilifer Sodality ‎– 1AE 03003) 1983

More on our theme celebrating this new age of the Politics of Hate. Another jolly compilation from an enlightened era in comparison to the dawning of this New Dark Age on planet Earth. The inhabitants of which seem to make the same mistakes again and again. Some 'Brexiter'(part of the same 'popular' uprising as Trump) suggested that I learn some history(whatever he meant by that???), but these narrow minded proletarians seem to be doomed to repeat it......and it couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.
So here we have some charming popular themes that were regularly showcased in the recent US election and that absurd Brexit referenDUM; like Sexism, Racism, Sexual Assault, Racial violence, political violence, McCarthyism,Big lies,stupidity,and, oh yeah...stupidity.
Except these themes as used by the artists involved here are meant not only to shock, but also entice critical thought about racism and bigotry.
Those involved in the political nonsense that has let loose the caged monster of intolerance,have no such noble objectives....they actually fucking mean it!!? that is Shocking!


A1 –Sutcliffe Jugend -  Cunt Rape
A2 –Consumer Electronics -Vibro
A3 –The Dadarotator -The Dadarotator
A4 –Mauthausen Orchestra -Return To The Glory
A5 –Ramleh -McCarthy
A6 –Sutcliffe Jugend - Male Supremacy
B1 –Krang - Neurasthenia
B2 –Bruno Cossano - Debacle
B3 –M.B. - Giudizio Finale


  1. It's sort of funny how Sutcliffe Jügend, Consumer Electronics and Ramleh are still kicking around and producing genuinely great material—Philip Best in particular has been at the top of his game recently—when stuff like this is so much an encapsulation of such a particular time and place. But people keep living and making art even as the world changes drastically around them. It's... hopeful, in a weird way.

  2. Indeed,but its pretty difficult to make a bad version of the same thing they've all been doing for thirty just difficult to retain the intensity....something that Philip Best seems to have cranked up in recent years. Consumer electronics have made their best(pun unintended) unhinged noise of their career in recent years.
    Still the only music thats capable of shaking the normals up; and the normals who think they aren't normal.
