In 1983 Industrial Noise groups were running out of far right racists to overlay their fuzzy squeals and amplified static with. So naturally they began to scrape the bottom of the barrel, hence, here we have some noise overdubbed with a speech by the now assassinated leader of the American Nazi Party, George Lincoln Rockwell.
He was reasonably articulate(which always passes for intelligence), and argued for racial segregation, whilst naturally asserting that he wasn't racist at all. He proudly boasted of his 'Hate' for traitors to the American nation, which usually meant Jews, and to a lesser extent Blacks. He even owned a van daubed with White Supremacist slogans and Swastikas, to drive to his increasingly rare speech engagements, which he even called "The Hate Bus",(Which was eventually repossessed after missed finance payments).
Amazingly, this idiot, was also a DIY music pioneer, when he started his own record label called, catchily , "Hatenanny Records", back in the year of my birth, 1964.
Rockwell, the group, was basically Ramleh, but running scared of having their name being labelled as racist, Gary Mundy insisted that it was released under a pseudonym.........however the later re-release was listed as being by Ramleh.
Anyone who bought records by these power electronic shock groups, would not have raised an eyebrow at the content in the slightest; and Mr and Mrs Joe Public would not have listened long enough to get to the start of the speech to form an opinion......well, Mr and Mrs Joe Public are generally as racist as Mr Rockwell anyway, so they'd probably agree rather than be outraged.
The dodgy simplistic politics of George Rockwell is making a comeback these days, appealing to the emotions rather than giving any actual answers. That primary emotion is 'Hate', which has never solved any problems. Exploiting fear, and finger pointing elsewhere to find scapegoats.
Its music like this that truly encapsulates this ugly truth about modern humanity,and, I hasten to add, it isn't exclusively White!
It's essential that one confronts these uncomfortable taboo's ,or we will have no chance of curing them. So Rockwell/Ramleh are your therapists for tonight.......feel the Hate, so you can discover what Love is.
Track Listing:
Side A - "Hate (part 1)"
Side B - "Hate (part 2)"
DOWNLOAD some rockwell'n'roll HERE!
Very well put mister.
ReplyDeleteIf he were alive today, he'd be in the running for the US secretary of state.
ReplyDeleteThe white mother of a biracial guy I know got a random cold call from the local chapter of the KKK earlier today. That's how they recruit nowadays, but apparently they've never been active in that area before. Several of my friends are transgender, all on edge right now, one of whom is afraid that if her neighbours find out she'll be beaten to death. My sister is has said that she's not sure what to think of her country now that they've elected an actual sexual predator whose advisors have direct ties to neo-Nazi organisations.
ReplyDeleteBeing an American who isn't either blissfully unaware of the political landscape or a raving lunatic is all sorts of fun right now. A real laugh riot. I can't imagine the mood is much cheerier over there, for what it's worth, let alone for fellow freaks and dissidents.
A solid dose of power electronics should be cathartic right now. I've also been listening to a lot of really out-there metal and rock lately, noisy manic stuff. Any sound that can take the paint off the walls is a good way to keep calm.
Indeed Rev b, looking at the make up of Trump's team right now, Rockwell would be one of the milder members...of course i exaggerate ,but sadly its not far off the actual truth!!...which is insane!
ReplyDeleteHello J.H.M, i wouldn't relish being a gay, non-white atheist in the USA at the moment. Power electronics would be labelled degenerate art by Rockwell, aping his hero's destruction of art in pre war Germany.
ReplyDeleteYet this is the kind of stuff we need to help fight back against the 'moral majority' aka the minority who elected that ignoramus as president.
this is exactly how it started in thirties Germany almost to the will be another false flag attack and Trumps own 'Enabling Act'.
He wants to deport 11 million 'Illegal Immigrants'?.....this has certain obvious echo's of Nazi new speak, like "Resettlement in the East" for the Jews.
its not much better in the UK, i've never been ashamed to be British, but now i don't think i ever wanna live there again...fucking idiots!
As for France, i think we have a system here that will make it less possible for an extremist like Le Pen to ever get enough public votes to achieve the highest office...but she still has nearly 30% of the voting populous supporting her.....potentially worse than the UK.
The election of these fools has just given the green light for bigots everywhere to come out of their closets , Dangerous times indeed.
God I hope you're right about Le Pen Jonny. Too weeks ago I'd have said there was no way that US citizens would elect a neo-nazi sexist like trump, but it was couched in popularism, nationalism and that old evergreen hit, scapegoatism. His supporters loved it. "He's just saying what everybody's thinking." Really? That's what you think everyone thinks? Perhaps in your world 'everyone' means you and your bigoted friends. It's now okay to be a racist in the open, fuck that PC crowd He also targeted 'the elite', which was a laugh. He's been a card carrying member all his privileged life. Many who voted for trump said they wanted to "shake things up." That they did, like a gun blast through the bottom of the boat, the ship of state as it were. The comparisons with with the rise of Hitler, the nepotism reminiscent of many African dictators, trump's resemblance in look and tone to Mussolini in a bad rug, history does repeat itself and apparently the uneducated electorate of America is grossly ignorant of that history. So we will repeat it. To only positives I can see are that the bigots are now in the open and subject to the ridicule and retaliation they warrant, and the artistic impulse will have plenty to rage against. I could do without any of that though. The bigots only exacerbate the shame of being human and bands like This Heat have already skillfully articulated sanity's disgust.
ReplyDeleteIf you played any This Heat to a trump supporter you'd probably end up dead...or worse.
ReplyDeleteIt's like a New Dark Age has dawned.
All dictators had a silly haircut.....except mussolini, cus i have the same!
Le Pen's being talked up in the Western Press, she will get no more than 30% maximum of the popular vote in the final round of the Presidential elections.It's just impossible.....same happened to her father when he got to the final against Chirac......Chirac was an idiot, but he still won the final round 80% to 20%.
Conspiracy theory time.....maybe Trump is the fall guy for the new right wing take over?'ll just take a non-white atheist (manchurian candidate) Sirhan Sirhan mark 2 ,to assassinate him for all civil rights to be suspended and troops on the street.....all for your security of course.
he was elected on (in european date style) 9/11 after-all?
Goddamnit Johnny, I hate it when you hit the nail on the head. trump's history has been little more than a king manipulator towards his own narcissistic ends. His behavior since the election as been akin to a frightened rabbit, backpedaling on 'the wall', settling the lawsuit against his "university", and hedging on the inflammatory statements made during the campaign, more of a camp-pain to most. In reality, over the years he's made it clear that he's pro-choice, has no problem with gay marriage and screwing the 'little guy', a useful idiot perhaps for those with more sinister aims. Donald's merely a petulant five year old whose useful days may be numbered. I've warned those that have wished for his demise that assassination of public figures usually leads to their deification as icons, think Kennedy, Gandhi, King, Lennon, etc. It'd be the perfect pretense for alt-right inspired marshall law. No doubt a Muslim would be the assassin. It would merely be a footnote that they in fact weren't. "Or are our fears beyond words?"
ReplyDeleteOur fears are beyond words indeed....that election result left me speechless.
ReplyDeleteHe has to be a front man......and OMFG, i forgot about Pence!!!!
Maybe we should spread the seed on social media about the impending False Flag assassination of President Trump and the rise of new Christian Right Wing Slavestate?.....sounds like a good title for a book?
poignant message Mr Zee
ReplyDeleteGotta say though... I never had this much fun with an election :)
ReplyDeleteFirst thing when I saw that Clinton lost was a feeling of glee as I don't have much love for Hilly and Billy Klingon, none whatsoever actually.... Then thinking... Trump... holy crap.... The only positive thing I can come up with about that is that it will probably lead to loads of creativity artistically speaking....
But hey, we did get to see Alex Jones break down in tears, speaking... well... screaming about Clinton and eating babies, shouting ALEISTER CROWLEY!!! ALEISTER CROWLEY!!!! That really was some funny shit.....
But have no fear, we have Benjamin Fulford and his millions of White Hat Ninja's coming to our rescue....
God Almighty, those late 70's and early 80's when all you were worried about were disco's and skinheads ganging up on you....
Elderly men choking on a heart-attack when they saw your mohawk/outfit...
Ah well, here in Indonesia, 20 years my home this month, we're having anti-Chinese pogroms returning, December the 2nd should be good, right wing Islamic extremists planning a demonstration in Jakarta, between 2 to 3 million of them are expected to show up, because the governor is a Chinese.... and a Christian to boot... And the very first one to really go against the corrupt elite.... And the generals behind all this keep smiling....
Ah well....
Mike Pence is like Ted Cruz but somehow worse because he has willingly tied himself to a depraved malignant narcissist to gain Cheney-esque backseat power where Cruz at least seems to understand concepts like "rule of law" and "basic human dignity" despite being a theocratic twat.
ReplyDeleteThere are really only two outcomes that I can hope for: That Jill Stein's recount campaign actually uncovers vote tampering and loses Il Duce the presidency and even sends the bastard to jail, putting Ms. Rodham in the White House (not great, but certainly survivable); or that these continual scandals and poor decisions make Trump's presidency a living hell for him and his entire government, ultimately culminating in an unheard-of backlash against the right wing in 2018 and 2020—although that could very well happen even if he gets tossed out, looking at the Congress. The former gives us stability and the opportunity for gradual change in a positive direction, while the latter is more of a crapshoot but could be, well, revolutionary. So long as actual death and destruction is ultimately minimised here and elsewhere...
Hi Henk,...Prutsers vol 3 coming up soon.
ReplyDeleteNaturally nothing that happens in Indonesia is reported on western media, so don't know anything about the situation over there. Sounds like its the same if I didn't know.
Chinese Pogroms sound fun, especially if China want to get involved too.
As for Donald J. ,i really do think he could be a patsy for a christian right wing take over.....if he gets impeached, locked up, or assassinated we will have a Mike Pence administration.....apparently he's a'Former' Gay who underwent 'Gay Therapy' to cure him and now he's 'Straight'!!!???....not only that a Straight who is capable of enforcing treatment at gun point.
World War three anyone, with religious extremists in control of the nuclear codes? that will be fun.
Ah cool Prutsers 3, curious to see which songs you will select!!!
ReplyDeleteWell... During the riots in '98 they raped and murdered thousands of Chinese in Jakarta, in many cases they would rape these women and when they were done with them they would throw them into their burning houses....
Not a peep from China....
Not surprising, they are among the biggest buyers of tropical hard wood, often illegally cut wood....
Mike Pence sounds like a barrel of fun!!! I'm sure, if things go really wrong he3'll have a glory hole or two to hide in!
I still cannot imagine Trump in the White House.... Every day I feel more like I stepped into some alternate comic-book un-reality and every day I'm more happy that I moved to some small insignificant village in the mountains of West-Java, a bit like the protagonist in Where The Green Ants Dream kinda thing but not as isolated as that guy....
I am living on the sloped of an enormous volcano though, the Tangkuban Prahu so when the shaking starts.... Ouch.....
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