Thursday, 12 December 2013

Various Artists - "Television's Over (Crap Punks on TV)" (Die or DIY? Mixtape # 2) 2012

Keeping on the christmas theme, here's another mixtape featuring a legion of crap punks moaning about TV.(check out crap punk mixtape one here!)
Watching television is the dominant pastime for the festive season, and a very popular subject for useless punk groups everywhere.
I'd do one about chocolate too, but i can only find one Danny and the Dressmakers song. Alcohol may be a possibilty, but we got Television, and you're gonna like it!.
It's a perfect word for punk songs, with its four syllable, sentence filling poetry.
The modern Folk connotations of the subject of TV are immense; so as punk is modern folk music, its as important to crap punk as "Hey Nonny Noh" was to trad folk.
Listening to the classic "TV Stars" by The Skids, one is disturbed to realise that the only surviving person mentioned in the lyrics, is one Kenny Dalglish! Even the Skids Guitarist hung himself! Is this song cursed?
On the subject of Ken Nordine, i was listening to an old John Peel Show from 1979 the other day,as you do; and he played a track from what he described as "The worst Record he'd ever heard". It was Ken Nordine's "Colors" album, which is in fact fantastic! As important a figure as Peel was, he certainly had dodgy taste in Reggae, schoolgirls, and what was or wasn't "bad"! Although "Colors" isn't as good as "Word Jazz 1"(1957), from which we introduce this splendid compilation, with the profound "The Vidiot".
So turn off your TV this midwinter Festival time, and listen to why you shouldn't be watching the evil messages transmitted by the new world order. Resist, resiiiiiiist!.........and enjoy resisting.


Track Listing:

1 - "The Vidiot" - Ken Nordine
2 - "Television's Over (demo version" - The Adverts
3 - "TV Scream" - Pseudo Existors
4 - "Television Addict" - The Victims
5 - "New religion" - Some Chicken
6 - "Television Viewer" - The Vacants
7 - "Television Families" - The Cortinas
8 - "Television Generation" - Kursaal Flyers
9 - "Television Screen" - Radiators From Space
10-"TV Land" - Ground Zero
11-"Television Romeo" - The DP's
12-"Television Operator" - Alternative TV
13-"T.V.T.V." - The Cardiacs
14-"Idiot Box" - The Damned
15-"TV ME" - The Distributors
16-"T.V. Programmed T.V. Set" - The Poptronix
17-"T.V. Lady" - The Carpettes
18-"T.V. Woman" - The Citizens
19-"T.V. Set" - The Cramps
20-"T.V. Set" - The Prats
21-"T.V. Screen Existence" - Disco Zombies
22-"Too Much TV" - Hitler SS
23-"T.V. Boredom on the Dole" - Danny and the Dressmakers
24-"T.V. Stars" - The Skids"
25-"T.V. Kids" - The Media
26-"T.V.O.D." - The Normal
27-"T.V. Treated" - The Neon Judgement
28-"T.V. Freak" - The Victims
29-"T.V. Pox" - No Way
30-"Television,Television" - The Ripchords
31-"625 Lines" - The Prefects
32-"Television Sect" - The Sods
33-"T.V. Eye (Take 9)" - The Stooges
34-"T.V." - Wire
35-"O Bleak TV" - The Thought Criminals
36-"I Said, I Wanna Watch Cartoons!" - The Happy Flowers
37-"Television's Over(peel session Version)" - The Adverts
38-"Television Off" - Gus Coma

DOWNLOAD some xmas telly HERE!

1 comment:

  1. Ei, how are you?
    I'm from Argentina and i don't have any problems reading and understanding your post, but i don't write, so sory for that.
    First, congrats for this very important and necesary.
    Second, i was listening this compilation and i was interested in the band "Ground Zero". I searched it in your blog but i did'nt found anything to downloand.
    ¿Do you have some to share of them?
