Tuesday, 26 November 2024

Borbetomagus – "Barbed Wire Maggots" (Agaric Records – Ag 1983) 1983

Borbetomagus is a trio of Don Dietrich (reeds) Jim Sauter (reeds) and Donald Miller (guitar) and additionally Brian Doherty (electronics) Existing since the mid-seventies. This is free-improv "jazz" of the most extreme nature and its certainly not for the faint hearted, since heavy bone crushing walls of noise are their specialty.Yummy.
That sounds like something I'd like, and something that any supreme court judge in a MAGA hat would eagerly pass a death sentence or two for after the fast approaching american taliban take-over...er...takes over?
Remember when The Plastic People Of The Universe got jailed in Iron Curtain Czechoslovakia? Well, in a few weeks time, musicians like Borbetomagus may get their chance to taste prison food.
Remember also, when Uncle Adolf had a set-back democratically,and managed to pass the 'Enabling Act'back in 1933?....No?....fair enough,as we're all doomed to repeat it.The Orange small handed shredded wheat barneted one,has both chambers, the Supreme Court, and The Presidency, so whats there to stop him? The Handmaids Tale for everyone. Meanwhile, over in Liberal, communist Europe,the green light is given for Russia to enter Paris whenever they feel like unleashing the Nuke arsenal. The world will be split into three zones,under China, Russia,and Trumps USA......thanks be for our american chums.
This is,in fact, a good argument for the 2nd Amendment I suppose,so some gun toting Hick can off the Orange one in the mistaken premise that he's taking their guns away because he's a liberal Democrat...wrong Hicksville morons, its so he don't have to do no more Democratic stuff. Like Mr first against the wall actor Bob De Niro said..you'll never get rid of him. Tickets on sale soon for the live beheading of De Niro in Times aquare. 
I am informed that one of the members of Borbetomagus died in mysterious circumstances a few weeks ago.
So sad that he will never enjoy the rights of women being removed, heretics and artists imprisoned,and a hereditary dictatorship installed......and there's nothing that can stop this if they should so desire.If they don't its because they are too stupid to realise it...the doors open,and Elon's foot is placed, like the talentless salesman he is,to prevent it being closed.
This may seem exaggerated,but its happened before,and most recently by Trump's best mate, Mad Vlad himself.
Barbed Wire Maggots indeed....Just wait for that Russo-Sino army sweeping through the Eurasian land mass.The america's is for the Trump Dynasty,run like a Taliban out post of sanity.
Or, maybe ,our greatest hope is that RFK will refuse production,or even research of the vaccine for the next Pandemic on the grounds that is may cause autism in white kids and we'll all die.
That might be the sensible option; and i'm not just saying that because i'm already Autistic...even though i'm ashamed to be on the same divergent spectrum as E-Lon......maybe this is in fact an Alien Invasion?...that's actually makes more sense than contemporary reality.


1 - Untitled (21:45)
2 - Untitled (21:47)


  1. Nukes are Fake! Just like the news! Fake virii, fake wars, fake fake fake! Oppress the masses with fearporn, they are too stupid, they will believe anything they're told. They'll even bang pots and pans together while hoping for a vaccine which will either give them a heart attack, cancer or some other modern ailment. Adolf, a Jewish faggot and bankers' puppet, like ALL leaders, useful idiot for the powers that be.

    1. No Xmas For Jon Keyes. (a Fall reference for all who are unenlightened.)
      I agree that Adolf was an Idiot, but i'm concerned that you refer to him in the present tense !?
      Can't wait to tell my Girlfriend that her Cancer is a Fake modern ailment caused by vaccines (RFK warned us)and nothing to worry about.Wot a relief!
      Thank God that there's someone out there (Jon Keyes) who isn't stupid like we obviously are are.

  2. Just the sort of thing I need right now. No joy in Mudville, whadda shit show in store. Um, Jon, WTF are you on about? Smells awfully MAGAesque, so at least yer happy?

  3. Some of the most pedestrian political views I've ever seen.

  4. Very nice album. More Borbetomagus posts would be highly appreciated.

  5. JK's comment is a parody, is it not ...??

  6. The Enabling Act was just a test drive. We have the Antisemitism Awareness Act because we are always right.

  7. Valid points all 'round Dr Zchivago. If I'd only give Jon-type rants serious consideration, I might damn-well learn something. Shudder to think what that'd be. It seems we're in world filled, plagued, crawling with the 'educated.' "WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!" christ....

  8. Elongated Tusk is a psychopath.
    Here in the United States of the Holy Bible, marriage is between one man and ... as many women as he can afford. You will be executed for listening to satanic punk rock music, and we will all bake bread over burning shit (Ezekiel 4:12).
    It's gonna be great!

    1. Well, I'm up for it.
      One nit-picking point is that Punk Rock was never Satanic....now Taylor Swift,that's a different kettle of burning shit altogether,

    2. "The world will be split into three zones,under China, Russia,and Trumps USA......thanks be for our american chums."

      Dayum, we are kindred spirits - I keep saying that's a possibility but my friends all scoff. It will be like 1984 but fascist...

      Also, we will be looking at Mathew Crooks how we look at Stauffenberg. I mean, some of us are already.

      Still can't believe just how badly (of bigly) US failed this intelligence test. They haven't failed it as much as taken a dump on their desk and used the test papers to wipe themselves.

      F*CK Trump, Project 2025 and MAGAts everywhere. And, John Keyes, I don't know what you are smoking but I don't want any!

  9. Worry not, followers of this precious blog.The last thing corporate Sino-american love-hate world government will deal with is music downloadable from these pages. Synth punk, prog whatever, pub rock, improv noise, hardcore, weird music of all kinds are so low under their radar that it composes world of its own, isolated from the rest of madness like an underground bunker of sorts. Being old as I am, I can sustain on dyeordie2 music offering with occasional beer or two.
