Thursday, 17 October 2024

Shit Spangled Banner – "No Dolby No DBX (Ass Run 1)" (Ecstatic Yod – actuel 3) 1994

'Eavy Metal never sounded good in Dobly',and that goes even more for Noisy Improv like the appropriately named Shit Spangled Banner.
I Had DBX on my first Portastudio, the otherwise fantastic Tascan Porta One, and it was shite,removing some of the music/noise as well as the Hiss.It made it all sound like it was trapped inside a wet cardboard box.
Its a bit of a No-Brainer to not use Noise Reduction on a noise recording.
So,wisely,Shit Spangled Banner not only doesn't use 'Dobly',they state this fact proudly on the inside of this facsimile of a  BYG/Actuel sleeve.
BYG/Actuel was the French Jazz imprint that saved the creative lives of the New Wave of Jazzers like Archie Shepp and buddies in the late 60's....if you didn't know already?
The other respectful tip of the hat goes to the Father Yod/Ya Ho Wa 13 references;who were an Hawaiian based free love cult ,who played improvised acid rock,recorded it, and put it onto vinyl,which remained largely unsold.
So I suppose with all that hinting at non-conformist form of modern music,Shit Spangled Banner are gonna improvise the shit out of you until that imaginary alternative Flag self-combusts.
Apparently, Thurston Moore runs this label!?....but don't let that morsel of truth put you off you silly sod....this stuff is certainly my cup of tea,with the Tea Bag left in please.
Sorry for the Spinal Tap references,i'm a neurodivergent nerd, I can't help it! 


1 What Makes Love Grow 1:07
2 Ghost Meat 16:12
3 Wooden Teeth 4:14
4 Heaven Often Manifests As Silence 2:15
5 Cuntshine 12:12
6 Smallpant Fields 5:20
7 Broken Goodtime Kid 4:52
8 Untitled 0:47
9 Untitled 0:52


  1. Pre-Sunburned Hand...

  2. For a guy who allegedly dislikes Sunburned Hand, you seem to post a lot of related shit. Just sayin.

    1. Where you get the idea that I allegedly dislike Sunburned Hand of the....etc?

  3. And yeah, DBX make some fine products, but the consumer version of their noise reduction was hilariously awful. Everything processed with DBX sounded like it was being played _only_ through a subwoofer.

  4. I think you said you saw Sunburned with Volcano the Bear and A Hawk and a Hacksaw once and they weren't especially memorable. Maybe I read too much into that--sue me! But, yeah, they've played as many awful shows as really great ones. Kinda the nature of the endeavor.

    I once had some kind of stupid "issue" with a member and I asked some others why they didn't just ditch him (I'm classy like that). They said they'd played without him a few times and it really sucked. Shows what I know.

    1. Yeah, i remember that, upstairs at the Lamplighters pub, they were trying to improvise to some warner bros cartoons....didn't work out too well......but groops are allowed an off day,even in my world
