Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Enski Boski – "I Found Jesus In A Gay Bar" (Hamster Records And Tapes – HAM 13) 1984

Sorry for a prolonged absence on my part,but, these guys are just Krazy.
It sounds like the music a mom's basement dwelling guy with ADHD would send to the recording arm of Sony,fully expecting a lucrative contract in response. A sort of a less processable version of mid-period Associates,but with a mentally ill version of that bloke from Spandau Ballet crooning away instead of Billy Mackenzie; albeit with better song titles.
Whether Enski received the cleansing qualities of the Holy Spirit and accepted it as his own personal saviour is unclear.Or, as more likely, he actually found the son of god cruising for cock in in a Soho gay bar around the time that AIDS was becoming really popular. This would explain the presence of the Son Of God in yer actual Gay Bar,personally helping spread the virus person to person;or should i say Deity-to-Deity.
God himself ,as stated in his manifesto,doesn't have much time for Gay versions of his likeness,even though he allegedly created everything himself(?),also one would not be shocked to discover that he magicked up a lethal virus aimed at promiscuous homosexuals,and wanton womanhood to remove them from his DIY planet.That should teach them a lesson alright.
Rather than just conjure up a virus from nowhere, Jesus, being more moralistic than his dad,took the more virtuous route to mass murder, by actually stuffing his unprotected holy Phallus Dei up as many Gays as possible......a more hands on, pants down affair one could suggest? 
Or, Enski Boski could just be making it all up,taking inspiration from many a 'Holy' book filed in the Fiction Section at your local LGBTQ+ library.
Looking at other releases on this Terry Burrows (Jung Analysts) dominated label, there is an impossible to find compilation cassette called "If God Had Meant Us To Dance He Would Have Given Us Legs", which I think sums up everything very nicely.


A1 The Amazing Inevitable Engendering Gene
A2 Fourteen With Freckles Eighteen With Acne
A3 Without The Enemy Within
A4 George Washington Said
A5 Chantage
B1 Korer Opportunities In Sinking Communtities
B2 Anodyne Noise Psilocybin Sight
B3 The Mercy Killing Conga
B4 The Importance Of Fraudulence
B5 Grocery Trouble
B6 Skid Row


  1. Well I have been scrolling and reading and listening to the Filth you call God's music.
    And let me say this: Israelis killing Palestinians, Palestinians killing Israelis. They both
    are so not on the nice-list and they both do not even believe in Santa, and it is summerly hot and bothered. I had to crop that up all the time you did not post.
    Thank you for letting me out it.
    P.S. I did read some of the white power stuff, and ooooooh I need a bit of Vicky Leandros right now

  2. This shit is bizarre, I love it. Thanks for the upload!

  3. You're skating on thin ice mentioning the scum bags who are shitting up the Holy Land.....or the Hole-y land (titter)
    Gimme some honest Nazi's anyday.
    Just waiting for some Zionist Nob'ead to call you out as a Jew Hater,or even better anti-semitic as that encapsulates both the Jews and the Palestinians,both being semitic peoples.
    Luckily we secular europeans have Santa Claus and they fucking don't,ha, Bastards ALL.

  4. Yes Tim, Bizarre is the word.The best weird music is always made by persons who have a Pop sensibility. Pop music is weirder than any of that avant garde shit.

  5. Most Jews in Israel [and other places] are NOT semitic, unlike Palestinians and Arabs who ARE, most Jews are slavic AskerNAZIs who converted to Judaism hundreds of years ago. Every Israeli P.M. has been of Russian blood, but hey most British Aristocrats are circumcized, explains their long beaky noses.

  6. Now that's what i call a proper hobby (not a word, or practice, you come across much these days. Why don't people have hobbies anymore?) Going around, personally checking the genitalia of bluebloods for absent prepuces? Better than reading the Daily Mail i suppose.

  7. "Singer" sounds like he just shat his pants and begging the carer to come and change em.

  8. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Now this is real music as God himself imagined when he created and sent down to Earth rock n' roll instrumentarium. Praise the Lord!

  10. John Frenchfrog16 June 2024 at 01:34

    Thank you for this unique piece of music, that needs to be replayed to be appreciated at its true value. This Enski Boski (is it a person or the band's name?)has a theatrical voice and his music is something yet unheard, between Eno (Baby's on Fire) and Mark Almond. Concerning God, I have been told He was a huge fan of The Mael Brothers, He used to puts a Sparks' record on His stereo every morning since 1971. That's the reason why the act lasts so long. Jesus is rock n roll, the Holly Spirit listens to Jazz, but God is pop.

  11. Irrespective of nothing:

    I was listening to the Supreme Dicks this morning while browsing the interwebs. There was an ad for Progressive Auto Insurance in the corner of my screen with a cartoon image of a windshield wiper. I swear, the windshield wipers were moving to _the beat of the music_.

    Needless to say, I panicked. Threw my laptop down and ripped the plug out the wall. Ripped the modem out of the wall and any and all cables I could find. Then I poured gasoline (that's petrol to you cunts!) all over the house, grabbed the dogs and my bug-out bag and vamoosed.

    That's all. Didn't have anywhere else to post that shit, so there you go.

  12. So i assume that you used someones else's modem and a borrowed laptop to leave this timely warning?
    Reject the tech kids......BEFORe ITS TOO LATE!
    NOW WHERE'S THAT ETHically approved rape seed oil!

    no wait, i did that already. This is the reason for my lack of posts as of late.

    This comment carries a very trendy Trigger Warning....DIE MOTHERLICKERS!

  13. Yeah, I'm currently living in an empty refrigerator box in an undisclosed locale and borrowing smart phones from passersby to make inane posts on the internet. It's a slog, but I think it's important to keep the rabble apprised of these injustices.

  14. Oi that new prime minister is one lovely kunt. Hope you stay safe.

  15. It must be a great surprise to find jesus in a gay bar...but the real surprise is when you find out that he's a straight one...

  16. Good. No news since May. Shit. I hope you are well, whether you are back in Leicester, on the American tour of Jandek or in the studio for the reformation of Scouts of Uzbekistan. So many treasures downloaded over so many years, so many hours spent consulting the dictionary to understand your comments - where the incorrigible punk irony competed with the tongue-in-cheek admiration, that damned second degree that the commentators did not always understand - and until yesterday, mama mia, when I discovered in the basement of your archives the crazy section dedicated to Italian progressive music! My debt is immense: months of music to listen to escape the ambient bullshit. An armour. A shelter against idiots, techno-nazis and other vegan revivalists. A temporary protection against the shit that they want to make us eat through all our holes. I would have been sorry if this blog ended without anyone telling you what we feel visiting, week after week, your interrupted blog, now transformed into a museum. I must not be the only one. But if there is one word for the finale, it is: Thank you, it was a hell of an experience, and we are proud to have met you.

    1. Sniff snort.......keep that lip stiff Zchivago!...You almost brought me to tears Frenchfroh.Nothing since May?That Long?
      Things have conspired to ruin my mojo,like the cancer of loved ones, and being drafted to the front line of these ridiculous 'Culture Wars'.....they have come for my children!Who are now roundly Woke and non-binarily gendered.Its like having a family member join the Moonies or run off with the Rev Jim Jones in the 70's.
      Drinking a bit too much of the ol' CH 3CH 2OH to boot.
      Many Apologies for bringing you in contact with Italian Prog....its like giving Fentanyl to a homeless teenager,for which i'm truly sorry. Musical gateway drugs are sometimes lethal.
      I haven't gave up the Blog yet...there is Hope. I tried to go out like the spiders from Mars in the "End Of Music Post" wot I dun,but, like Bowie failed miserably.
      Still doing my radio show,the new season of which starts in a couple of weeks on LYL Radio marseilles.
      I do like the idea of a museum however.
      Scouts of Uzbekistan are probably terminally split,as a key member has had several strokes and can'y play no more......wish it was The Strokes who couldn't play anymore,but Hey-Ho. There is a farewell album ready to appear when i can be arsed.
      I will, however, endevour to find something to post and write about in the hear future. I enjoyed replying to your much appreciated comment. Its rather like realizing a neighbour hadn't been seen for several weeks,and he/she/they were left decomposing in the kitchen......this happened to one of my neighbours recently.
      Cheers Frenchy, and watch this space.

  17. take your time. Still the best! It works even if you post nothing new. Maybe do one post encouraging people to delve into all the DIY, all the spoken word, all the cassette electrionic. Literally, every single thing from this blog should be downloaded and heard.
