Wednesday, 27 December 2023

Udder Milk Decay – "Take A Teat" (Self Released Teat-001) 1981

It has been brought to my attention that this LP had the signature of Jim Whelton of The Homosexuals, Amos and Sara etc written all over it..'tis hard to say without hearing Amos's trademark pisstake singing style.,but the artwork,and prankster style use of repurposed northern NWOBHM gods, Saxon, record labels,tended to suggest that maybe this rumour was correct?
Turns out that ,(thanks to the tireless research of know who you are), that this speculation was utter bollox,or bullocks, as one of the culprits has been located.
'Twas one Jim Hunkin, rather than Jim Whelton,, with his brother Tim Hunkin, not Tim Whelton, buggering about at Brighton Art College with various sound generators what done it..
Listening to it with this new enlightenment, it's obviously nothing to do with Amos and Crew at all, despite the aesthetic parallels.
It sounds more like the BBC Radiophonic Workshop with a spoonful of Perrey and Kingsley during their "In sound from way out" days. Could easily be a lost soundtrack to a wiped Dr. Who episode from 1965.
Which therefore makes this a supremely collectible piece of post modern  proto-electronica musique concréte which won'y get you much more than a Donkey's change out of a Monkey.
Although I sincerely hope they aren't taking the Piss out of Saxon? NWOBHM band of preference,the kings of the the one note bassline.
er......happy new fucking year you bunch o'cunts.


1-4 untitled
5-7 Untitled



  1. Good to see you back. Wishing you and the ones close to you all the best for 2024! Hope that things are going to get better soon.

  2. Thanks for this. It reminds me of a time when you could walk into dingy run down record shops and find this sort of art-damage release; crude homemade presentations with sound that wasn’t quite music in the conventional sense, but still oddly compelling. Others that come to mind are Robert Rental and The Normal, various - Just Another Asshole, Christian Maclay’s Record Without a Cover, even pre-disco Throbbing Gristle and many more I’ll remember after posting this. In any event, I appreciate your willingness to keep Die or DIY up and running. probably the most engaging blog I follow. This is the point where the usual utter-ence would be “2023 SUCKED!” and offer best wishes for better times in the new year, It never seems to turn out that way, but hope sleeps eternal I s’poze.

  3. Hhmmmmm! 'BBC Radiophonic Workshop', 'Dr. Who'!!?? You got me. Downloading as I type. Thanks.


  4. JZ! The Return! 2024 will be a good year for this blog to soundtrack, if we manage to get to the end that is.
    Any release that repurposes spare Saxon album centre labels has my attention. As you mention in the review, this is most definitely from the British bleep and booster wing of musique concrete/elementary electronics, but no worse for it.
    I did initially think the 'Udder Milk Decay' title was some ironic nod to John Fothergill's United Dairies label, the kind of thing Jim Whelton and co would delight in, but after reading it was a Brighton Art College project I thought anagram & here's the four main results:
    creaked muddily
    cuddy dreamlike
    dreamily ducked
    eiderduck madly
    Probably all quackers and it's just a cut-up title, but you have to have a little mystery.

  5. Dunno about the return of JZ, but i'm tryin'.Things are a bit fukked up round here.
    Got some more Japcore to entertain you with coming up...but I certainly ain't on form.
    Now i'm gonna play Saxon's "747 (strangers in the Night)" before the footy comes on.

    Anagrams are my worst category on "Pointless"(a uk early evening quiz show)...although they did have a "Post Punk Albums" category one one occasion, and Mark from the Instant Automatons was on there a few years ago;he got to the final,but the category he accidentally chose was "the Songs of Adele"...he didn't win.....hang on "Wheels of Steel" has just come on!?

  6. Jesus H. Kerrang! I'd forgotten just how magnificent the opening of Wheels of Steel was! Definitely one of those tracks that popped up on every biker/metal pub jukebox in the early eighties.
    DoD2 even running at 10% still blazes head and shoulders among most things. Where else but here would you hear the tale of Mark Lancaster appearing on Pointless, reaching the final and then getting a 'songs of Adele' category! The story has an almost mythic quality to it.
