Thursday, 15 June 2023

Shit And Shine – "Everybody's A Fuckin Expert" (Editions Mego – eMEGO 212) 2015

The title of this, quite frankly, 'Dancey' album, kinda sums up the excrement filled creek that we are all stuck up without a paddle.
No-one likes a clever dick,and increasingly its the people who are patently NOT clever dicks who own the spare paddles, dragging us further into the more inaccessible regions of shitsville.
Sometimes we need,....really need, experts.You don't have to be friends with them, just acknowledge that they may know more stuff than you and let them get on with making our lives better rather than worse,and......a contentious point here....maybe even help save the planet from an impending environmental disaster.Be very careful what you say is a 'Lie' even if its backed up by 99% of all experts on the subject,because you just may be......MAYBE ,wrong(!?)......incredible as it may seem?All that "Research" you've done on facebook and YouTube, can sometimes mean you have read a lot of stuff that is in fact just made up bollocks.The scientists are quite prepared to admit they are wrong,whereas the University of Facebook just makes up more junk to further bury the actual Facts under a sludge pile of shit,that may never be cleaned up.The odds are, they are right, and you, a borderline Moron,are NOT! 
If they are lying participants in the greatest conspiracy the planet has ever known,then harm done? But, if they are correct...and it looks like they ,the Experts,are; the we are well and truly FUCKED.
Donald Trump considers himself an 'Expert' in may area's,the main one is being an ignoramus of the nth degree.This appeals to the human ego, as no-one wants anyone smarter than them telling them what to do,do they?
A classic TV moment on British TV on the subject of the unbelievably brainless 'Brexit' debate,was when Pro-Brexit Government minister, Michael Gove, brought forth the vote-winning mantra  "People have had enough of Experts from organisations with acronyms saying they know what is best and getting it consistently wrong"!?.......the 'people' word is always used by nazi's and nationalist jerk-offs in general.

 .......says the lizard face fucker who has consistently fucked up every job he's ever had in Government.
The greatest example of this Brain reverse wiring has to be Trump asking his panel of soon to be saked experts, if they could somehow get light into the body
"Maybe you can, maybe you can't,I'm Not a Doctor, i'm just a person who has a good You Know What"

That video should just be played on a loop and streamed 24/7 to every social media device in the dumbest parts of the USA. Trump cleaning up the dumb vote will be a disaster of terminal proportions.At the very least it will result in Putin becoming the King of Europe,with at least the UK and Ireland being uninhabitable. In Russia, all the Experts are either poisoned, or in jail for life.
We Need Experts basically, or we is F.u.c.ked!
This is what Shit and Shine are alluding to in my Expert opinion.
Which explains the very Dance orientated nature of the lovely music contained within.Appeals to Dumb-asses and experts alike.
A call to end this celebration, and...word of the week.....'Weaponization', of Stupidity'


1 Signal Failure
2 Upside Down Cheeseburger
3 Bus Station
4 Wespennest
5 Hay Ride
6 Chop The Night
7 Working On My Fitness
8 Picnic Table
9 Ass
10 Rastplatz
11 Stockwell
12 Clapham North

DOWNLOAD expertly with expertise HERE! 


  1. Unfortunately, 'experts' are the easiest people to bribe, and they will spew any old bullshit to convince mere mortals that they are to be worshipped from on high as long as they get some filthy lucre.

    Take a look at this:

    The book 'The poisoned needle' published over 60 years ago is worth a read, read how vaccines have damaged generations, while experts take a bribe and make up a virus to be the scapegoat for manmade poisons like vaccines and also pollution.

    Experts? We need critical thinkers who will not go along with the sheeple, who know that 1+1=2 and not binary crap!

  2. Oh Fuck...the Sheeple word!? seem to be one of those very facebook educated experts mentioned in my litany of bollocks above.
    Its funny how humans now live a lot longer post-vaccine when before people like the poisoned needle author...who undoubtedly will say anything in exchange for cash, and tin foil hat wearing nut job praise for sensationalist nonsense...also finds himself alive long after the age of 38,due to vaccines eradicating thousands of deadly diseases.
    There are plenty of Doomsday scenarios that are very real,sad thing is we won't know about them after they happen,mass extinction is happening as we speak....which has happened at least five times in the past 5 billion years on earth(its in the fossil records before you say 'do Your research'!)....although Facebook will disagree with anything that provides us with irrefutable evidence....but of course you know better.
    Oh've got a bee in yer bonnet about Binary genders I have.....i better change my opinion. In Fact In Binary addition, 1+1 =10. Make of that what you will.

  3. Thank you Ivor, for providing that most informative link and drawing my attention a most eye opening article.
    I now feel safe and secure for the first time since probably the early '70s knowing that as long as the The American Enterprise Institute (who never have and never will publish anything that in hindsight will not prove to be 100% accurate in 10, 20 - 50yrs time) have debunked the theory of catastrophic climate change once and for all. Thus proving to me that only good times and prosperity lie ahead. Thanks to you sir i am finally awake (but not woke :-/) to this scientific scam.

    Yours Sincerely, Oliver Sudden

  4. Take a look at AEI dot org -- founded by corporations and conservatives as a "think tank" to defend the actions (and inaction) of corporations and conservatives. Unfortunately, experts are the easiest people to bribe, and they will spew any old bullshit to convince mere mortals that they are to be worshiped from on high as long as power rests in the hands of the people rich enough to buy it. I read it on the internet.

  5. I'm with you, 'We need and should listen to experts'

  6. Jonder....everyone has the right to be bribed,even you should you choose to accept it. I wish someone would bribe me.

  7. Ivor's use of the sheeple word is the bait, now you and I are engaging, and thus wasting our time and energy. I've never been a member of faecebook, even though it is a great way for people to spread information - I will check out musicians/authors faecebook sites. Unfortunately because I won't join I now miss out on quite a few social engagements where maybe a birthday party is only organised through faecebook, and after the event I'm told "Oh, you weren't at Brians 50th, it was all over fb". It's either that or I'm just so boring nobody wants me at their birthday. Leave FB Jonny, or do you secretly enjoy being wound up by these pajamapeople.

  8. Lol @ Ivor. Do you know who are even easier to bribe than experts? Various lobbyists and vested interests groups who will organise themselves into dodgy "institutes" and spew any bullshit the rich and powerful want them to....

    That video of Trump advocating injecting bleach is a classic 😂
    I actually remember that what struck me about that whole format of doctors speaking and then Trump sort of riffing on what they said is the audacity of ignorance. If someone asked me to speak in that format, I would have to say "mate, I know jack all about science, I will have to go away and process anything that Dr. Fauci said and dig out a biology textbook to learn some stuff before I can add anything meaningful here". But Trump is up there talking about getting light into the body, no worries!

    On a lighter (ahem) note, the Ashes should be a cracker! Good luck to England from an Aussie-Russian :)!

  9. In general I’ve come the the point where I only last a few lines into any given passionate rant before tossing up my hands. The thing I enjoy about reading the rants here is they open topics that warrant honest consideration. Actual experts, in the dictionary definition, carry legitimate value for hew-man kind, society, call it what you will. They spend all their time in waters you and I only visit because of a news story we read on-line or in for-profit news media of whatever kind you follow. Every time an extreme weather event calls up references to climate change, I can’t help but think about the nerdy climate scientists who’ve been warning about that sort of thing for decades. I sort of doubt they were doing it for personal gain. It was just the narrow, specific area of science that interested them enough to invest their lives and careers studying and working in. Gore Vidal once wrote that the four words that gave him the most smug glee were ‘I told you so.’ I find it one of the the most frustrating phrases because it usually means well-researched evidence based projections were ignored or written off as ‘fake news’ because they required action to address. were inconvenient, or would constitute a possible threat to profit of some already fat with wealth corporate interests. Nothing would make me happier than climate change projections turning out to be Twilight Zone flavored fiction, particularly the theory that rather than a gradual change, there could perhaps be a breaking point where air and sea currents shift suddenly leaving humanity with fuck-all to do about it. Beyond a point, no one can say for certain, so perhaps it’s best to take these sorts of predictions, pro and con, with a touch of skepticism.

    What nauseates me are the con-men/women who couch their arguments in a faux expertise intended to lend authority and credibility to self-serving positions steeped in hidden (or nor so hidden) agendas that through objective evidence and/or documentation can be demonstrated to be bull poop. You make a valid point regarding the facebook educated too Jonny .When some google grad student demands that I “do the research!”, I think to myself, ‘so I can be an ill-informed bullshit swallowing prat like you? Reading an article clinches it for you? Really? Um.., okay?

    I haven’t had the pleasure of living in the post brexit UK, but it sounds SWELL. Them lizard-faced fuckers had some mighty impressive bullshit, didn’t they? As for tr*mp, gawd, the definition of expertise because I’m standing at a podium. No background, no study, knowledge or experience, just as RabidRabbit notes, the audacity of ignorance. Us yanks would have benefitted from one of those office holding scientists standing behind tr*mp throwing their arms in the air and yelling, F*CK IT, I QUIT!

    So here we are up the creek, paddle-less. Society loves nothing more than blaming someone, tho’ experience confirms 9 times out of 10 it fault is our own. In any event, thanks for keeping the blogosphere internet web void worth reading now and then.

  10. Ah...the simple joy of bathing in the light of actual intelligence. Never before have the people who defend our freedom been so despised by the green eyed monster of the great unwashed.
    Thanks Rev.

  11. Bravo Rev

    ... and Mr Z? Well done on the "let's dig an idiot pit" idea. Like moths to a blow torch ... the pit is filling up nicely!

  12. @ rev.b: It frustrates me to no end that reasonable and informed sorts don't just lose it more often when faced with such staggering ignorance and stupidity, even while I fully appreciate the position they're in and why they don't do it. Moreover, we're probably better off that they don't lose it.

    Still, I wonder. Fortunately, there are the occasional hot mic moments, like when Fauci mused, "What a fucking dumbass"--that was great! But I do wonder what sort of effect it might have were someone to at some point sacrifice themselves essentially in order to react, in the moment, to such depravity.

    With the former Serial Rapist-in-Chief, the ignorance is genuine. But then there's sorts like Ted Cruz, for instance, whom Al Franken once described as "scary smart", spewing the same bullshit. Hard to say who is worse, but then there are the 70-odd million who support these loathesome idiots. Supposedly, many/most of them are "ill-informed" or whatever, but in this day and age how is it even possible to be _that_ ignorant? Personally, I don't really buy that aspect--I think they're largely just selfish, bigoted pricks.

  13. Where are all those x-perts who denounced global warming not that long ago?

  14. Examples?....they weren't experts, just cunts.
