Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Null & Fred Frith – "Null & Fred Frith" (Nux Organization – NUX-21) 1991

If you can't get Brian Eno for your cred cornering collaboration,the next best thing is to procure the ,cheaper,talents of one Fred Frith late of everyone's favourite post-prog art-rock combo, Henry Cow.He has a natural oblique strategies gland inside his front Brain,and can play at least one instrument,if desired;so no need for Eno's famed pack of cards to ever leave the draw.....unless David Bowie wanted them of course...what David wants David gets.....or steals.
Frith brings a more subtle approach to the noise,and side A sounds more like yer Free Improvisation kind of Noise, a noise with nuances if you will?
Woah...side B goes unexpectedly subtle,verging on the Eno's ambient period,with its floaty textures and Atmospheric noodlings.
Who needs Eno anyway?


Side A : 20000V Live (27:43)
Side B : Heavens Breath (15:32)


  1. You are a cool dude, man. I am much obliged.

  2. I remember seeing Fred during his ‘guitars on the table’ period at a storefront in Richmond. At that point, it was more like planks of wood on the table mounted with screws, pick ups and strings on the table. After a half hour or so manipulating the strings with toys, transistor radios and the like, he picks up a standard electric guitar among maelstrom. Some guy in the audience yells “yeah!” Fred looks up and says “naw” and proceeds to play noise well suited for the rest of what was going on. Eno, Eno who?

  3. I didn't know about this, so I'm looking forward to listening. Thanks.
