Friday 17 February 2023

Jody And The Creams – "Lords Of The Gromet Canning Factory" (Cordelia Records) 1998

Two slabs of almost seamlessly segued Indie collage experimentation from Deep freeze mice relations, the Creams with Jody,before they dropped the 'Jody' part and went all full cream on us.
Eight years after the debut long player,the formula has not changed,a lump gravy collage,furtively recorded girly chat,mixed up with some funny noises and half finished art pop numbers.Featuring the farewll appearances of Ariadne Metal-Cream Pie,and Ruth 'Po!' Miller.
The charming Blodwyn P. and her Organ.

Alan Jenkins and Blodwyn P. Teabag would carry it on in the Jody-less Creams,whom I understand were almost popular at some stage?
A sense of humour is required.


A - Some Music By Jody And The Creams (19:17)
B - Some More Music By Jody And The Creams (22:06)


  1. In Blodwyn P Teabag's Guide to Combo Organs, she notes:

    "There are some bands that don't have an organist as part of their line-up; but these tend to be talentless idiots with no ideas and shit for brains."

    Truer words have never been spoken.

  2. @parmalee....In my forthcoming "Thee 11 Commandments of Rock (or How to be a Punk Rocker) from The Die or DIY? Hi-Fi companion book,file under Non-Fiction...commandment four states strictly NO Keyboard instruments.
    Although,agreed, Blodwyn makes a very firm case for an amendment in this explosive argument. Of course if we are talking most form of Pop music,The keyboard is an essential tool. God knows what wonders would have emerged had Ian Brady discovered the Vox Continental rather than shagging kids and chopping them up.....after all he did have a good image, as demanded by Commandment number 2....Hitlers image,although original,was a tad too niche for pop music.

  3. I've often wondered how things might have turned out if Hitler had played an organ rather than failing miserably at "art". Sensible and frugal organists, such as myself, have long known that you can just hold down one key for the duration of the song/show/career and it can still sound pretty good. Really, you don't even have to go that far--you can always use tape or wedge a bit of cardboard between keys.

    Also, before all this stupid internet crap, organs used to be dirt cheap. And the "home entertainment" variety were typically free, by the side of the road.

    Nirvana might even have been tolerable had Kurt Cobain played an organ. Probably not like Egg-level good, maybe more like the Nice or something?

  4. Hey Johnny just tried to recover Colin Newman's A-Z, the link seems ok but needs password if you're so kind.
    Gracias, thanks very much in advance and cheers.

  5. oi anonymous....try again,there were two choices to download,so i erased the link that needed a encryption key .

  6. I tend to lean towards the sad fact that Kurt got into music for the wrong reasons,such terrible reasons that even a discarded Farfisa couldn't fix. He tried though, oh how he tried.
    He wasn't stable enough to even approach EGG standard in anything...poor sod that he was.
    I was bored last summer, and noticed my daughters copy of the Kurt Cobain story and read it whilest sun bathing my handsome torso... No organs mentioned in the whole of this over-long tome...but i found myself feeling sorry for him!?...especially for meeting Cortney Love....a cut-price nancy Spungeon ...although i admit to liking Hole's debut LP....still, it needed an Organ or what?

  7. been seeking this out for forever, thanks much!

  8. Thank you to commenter Parmalee for the youtube link to Blodwyn P Teabag's Guide to Combo Organs. And thanks, more thanks, and even more thanks to Jonny Zc. for this recording, and also for the thousands of other musical treasures on Die or D.I.Y.? -- from Chorchazade to Muslimgauze to the latest Corwood releases (perhaps especially for those 21st Century Jandek CDs, so I can hear them before placing an order for one of his solo piano marathons by mistake ...) Thanks!

  9. No keyboards for PUNK?!? While I'm no fan of The Doors, Iron Butterfly, or The Stranglers, it all depends on how you use the instrument -- The Fall, Subway Sect, Wire are just three examples of groups that made it work on their pre-80s records, not to mention Henry Cow, who weren't PUNK, but they certainly got a lot out of their cheapo Italian combo organ!

  10. Hi Maready, I wouldn't dump poor Subway Sect ,Fall and Wire(No keyboards on their 'Punk' album, 'Pink Flag' strictly in the 'Punk' category, nor would they.Whereas punk templates such as UK Subs Slaughter and the Dogs,Damned Pistols etc most definitely ARE, NO KEYBOARDS Pleeze!
    Una Baines and Blodwyn P. T-bag although embodying all the correct credentials of the Punk "Attitude"(I hate that word),like any true Punk would do,they would dismiss the label out of hand.
    Now Post Punk, and UK DIY, first instrument you get is some kinda cheap organ innit?
    Yeah avoid those Jandek Piano marathons......apparently Corwood now charge for shipping!?...whats wrong with that guy?

    Also, while we're here.....a sad RIP to Ruth Miller :(

  11. PS.... "You can do anything in PUNK,
    But, you can't do-ooo...THAT!" (Meat Loaf out-take 1977)

  12. Weird that. Don't know how I quite stumbled upon a response to a post I made a couple of years ago, when there isn't any sort of notification system or anything like that.

    @Maready--you're not the Mairead I once knew, are ye? Probably not.

    Anyway, I've long maintained that Tony Banks is the purest embodiment of punk there is. He actually used the preset patches on some if his synths--that is so hardcore! He also crafted an ingenious tonewheel organ patch on a Prophet 10, and, yeah, you needed the 10--not the 5. He could've just used his Hammond L100, but, hey, he's Tony Banks!
