Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Jody And The Creams – "Jody And The Creams" (Cordelia Records – Ericat 026(C) 1988

Oh Fuck!.....I just inexplicably sat through two hours worth of Mad Vlad Putin spouting endless conspiracy theories straight outta the Q-Anon phrasebook....and I paraphrase :"We (the Degenerate West) are all pedophiles in same sex marriages who defile the sacred scriptures in league with Satan, and a corrupt,but secret Elite."...even the Anglican Church got name-checked for daring to suggest that their fictional deity might not have a gender!? ...I'm sure The Chinese self-imposed leadership agrees with that. So the fate of the free world lay in the hands of the slightly crazy population of the USA.
If Trump,or an endorsed version of said cunt wins ...or even loses it seems, the next US election, we are fucked,rather than our kids,who will likely be doing a lot of the shafting;and Q-Anon and its off-shoots win. Like the 1978 remake of 'Invasion of the Bodysnatchers', they know what we're thinking because they will decide for us and ultimately replace us. The conspiracy is the Conspiracy,and Putin, himself part of an untouchable Elite,is their Pin-Up boy.
Some of it is based on fact,for example we are obviously ruled by an untouchable Elite,and have been since the dawn of history,some could even be called 'Evil'?..But i tend to be somewhat skeptical about so-called Satanic child abuse by,for example, the Clintons, and Hilaries quaffing down gallons of Baby's Blood binges in the nineties. (I like how they pop the word Satanic in there,like Christian Sexual Abuse,and there's a lot of it about,isn't so bad?)

So this calls for more indie rock escapism with some untitled cast-offs by the prototype Jody and the Creams back in '88.
I suspect that this is just Alan Jenkins, on guitar and drum machine,but maybe I do hear some Blodwyn P. Tea Bag on her organ.
It doesn't quite work without those surreal lyrics,but there is a thankfully word-less version of Peter and Gordons hit ode to suicide, "I won't Live In A World Without Love" ,which seems more relevant today than ever.....living in a world without internet crazed bigots is more on the mark methinks.
Remember what Mad Vlad said about Gay rights?.....no?....let me remind you...."We must protect the children")...chilling. Que(-anon?), the return of the Nazi's Pink Triangle which must be worn at all times.

Especially interested in what Die or DIY?'s in-house conspiracy Junkie, Sandi Hook, has to say about this in the comments section.

Track Listing:

Side A:
1. Untitled # 1
2. Untitled # 2
3. Untitled # 3
4. Untitled # 4
5. Untitled # 5

Side B:
1Untitled # 6
2. Untitled # 7
3. Untitled # 8
4. Untitled # 9
5. Untitled # 10


  1. McCartney wrote "...a world without love", which I'm sure you knew. But the funny story is that often when the beatles were together en route, John would over-dramatically play the beginning - "Please, lock me away...",and they would laugh their ass off.

  2. No dis putin, 90% of pedos are gays, more boys get abused than girls, but that doesn't make good headlines or good TV. The elite are corrupt, deviant liars and thieves, who promote their own talentless inbreds before anyone else, fleece us with fake wars, fake viruses, fake inflation, fake energy crises, fake news, etc. while they own all the media outlets, art galleries, film companies to spew their propaganda and fake history lies and don't want anyone else to own anything.
    1984 closer to the truth than you think. Rewriting Dahl's books for the masses? Word fascism, they tell you who to like, what to like, what you must like, how to behave - fuck their PC shite, respect should be earnt. Inclusion - their inbred talentless abortion bin rejects need excuses for getting the best jobs - they lie and lie and then lie again, and cry on command, every tear is false. Obama, Trump, Putin, Churchill, no different, wished the workers bled to a machine.

    "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." Voltaire

  3. Whoa, you sat through though the whole two hours when you weren’t compelled?!? I admire your fortitude. Guess you had the time and the tenacity to see it through 'til the end, goddamnit! Putin is potato. The Nazi regime led by the jew comic, priceless. Ah, Satan, nice to know he's still the reason for it all going wrong. I keep ordering pizzas, and I can't get a goddamned toddler to eat or sell the save my soul. Bet if I were a russian orthodox priest I'd have all I need. Really, PLEASE, lock me the fuck away! Sandi, you still got a pretty mouth, you Jonny cuck. He commands, you respond on cue, tasty bitch. Can we hook up? I can make you feel elite, you deviant thieving word fascist liar you. 'leat I get a cool cassette out of the deal to enjoy with my baby blood cocktail...

  4. Which is why you are still able to spout your paranoid ranting on the net without cesnsorhip is it? what you call PC is simply trying to take care of others and not be racist, sexist, homophobic or violent towards them.

    Yes, the 'elite', or those in power, are corrupt. Since when was that a surprise? But joining in with the fake news doesn't help.

  5. rev...I know, i think i was stuck in a thinking circle,struggling to understand why this is happening.
    When in doubt quote Voltaire.....it makes you look well read,and a thin veil of intelligence descends..although I see that these rulers don't stop sandi from criticising everybody,the elite, the sheeple,putin,the lot...except himself of course.
    I rather think child abuse is proportional,which can be adjusted to suit one's own cause. All the 'top' pedo's seem to be girl orientated,Jimmy Savile,Gary Glitter,Geoffery Epstein,Donald Trump,Prince Andrew, all cult leaders,except the Catholic Church Cult,and sex traffikers seem to exclusively deal in females......etc
    What are your sources,because everything is apparently 'Fake' in your world? Or do you have up front experience of said Gay Pedo's because of yo pretty mouth?
    Potty Mouth more like.
    Sandi does seem to have direct access to privileged information that only the infamous shadowy elite has access to!?......are we being manipulated into thinking that Q-Aon types are nuts instead of just plain stupid?...its working.

  6. Chaps, give Sandi some credit, 'No dis putin' was a great opener, she doesn't get out much probably, well almost certainly.

  7. Yes, the elite have always run things, but now they seem to be uniting to put more rules on "us". When a king was a despot 200 years ago, he couldn't track you, didn't know what you were doing or what you were buying. They used to slap each other on the back and make profitable deals but now the goal is to put us all in apartment block cities where everything is a 15 min walk or be fined, and only they can easily fly and go places. No driving, No meat. All the crickets you can eat. Cows fart so much because they are veggie-fed. If people are only veggie fed they'll fart like crazy too. No one has discussed that. It's probably equal. At the recent World Economic Forum meeting, Klaus Schwab and all his trained Davos men were there and also the head of British censorship - the head of OfCom. What was she doing there? At least we can listen to this charming music while we stay in our cage.

  8. Also, this. A couple decades ago, I saw it little article in the local newspaper.
    It was on page 23, about a priest being finally sentenced for his sexual abuse of a little girl. I didn't remember that story. It was never page one. The abuse of boys is page one. That's when I started to wander how they decide what to report. Priest have more access to young boys than to young girls, but the abuse mainly depends on them being young and naive. How did the prejudice of the time skew the reporting to what was thought to be the most shocking or to ramp up anti-gay sentiment?

  9. Bambi....I always give Sandi the credit she/it/they deserves, no dis putin.
    "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" (Famous Gay bloke Oscar Wilde)...couldn't match Voltaire,i don't think he was gay as well was he? Fucking hope so.

  10. I miss Robert Fisk... Old Fisky, I would love to read his take on the present mess, I used to read his weekly column for the Independent and his book The Great War for Civilization totally blew me away, just for the story about how he interviewed Osama Bin Laden, that crazy trip, blindfolded through the Afghan mountains. Fisky was the only journalist that Osama wanted to give an interview to....

    Would've loved to read Hunter S. Thompson's musings on the now too, but alas....

    I like Robert Anton Wilson's take on the "Grand Conspiracy". He studied that stuff for decades, and he, together with Robert Shea basically started the popularization of the "Illuminati" with their Illuminatus! trilogy.... He basically said that there wasn't just one big conspiracy, he thought there were many, and these fuckers, call 'em elites if you want will back-stab their own kind in a second if they think it'll put them ahead a bit.... Look it up on youtube, he's as witty as ever....

    As for the folks who are still alive and writing.... I have to mention Chris Hedges, his writings are incredibly bleak but not without reason and he, for me anyway, represents the "old Left" the left that I was a part of for so many years. What goes for left these days... I despise them as much as I despise the right....

    I can understand it when good ol' Johnny Lydon says “I never thought I’d live to see the day when the right wing would become the cool ones giving the middle finger to the establishment, and the left wing becoming the sniveling self-righteous twatty ones going around shaming everyone,” it doesn't even matter if I agree with him or not, I can just understand where he's coming from....

    Northfieldhat isn't bullshitting here in the comment section when he talks about 15 minute cities etc. ....

    Maybe it's living in Indonesia for so long, more than 26 years now... Land grabs are at an all time high here, you wouldn't believe the terrible stuff happening here when it comes to that. Journalists are still not allowed in West-Papua and the forest is disappearing there in record tempo, don't believe for a second what the mainstream press is saying, how deforestation has slowed down so much here... I see poverty that you can't imagine all around me, covid and the lock downs have certainly done a number here, corruption is through the roof etc. etc. etc. .... It does make for pretty good music though, and arts in general, Bandung was always the center for musical creativity in Indonesia and there's an incredible amount of great music being made here....

    Ah well....

  11. Henk...i think if you want conspiracy you can decide to find one....it's what makes society function.They're only 'Elite' if you decide they are for yerself...they-kind (i'm woke) need these kind of idea's to feel secure. That's why Putin.....not part of any elite... feels the need to kill everyone in the name of security,when he already has it.
    I have decided that these Elites have nothing to do with me ,nor I them....THEM?...who.They're hiding in plain sight, and they ain't descended from aliens or ancient family groups(lizards)....basically the Mafia,royalty,political dynasties and obvious shit that that....yep they're untouchable elites too...who cares? They can have 'IT'...whatever 'IT' is? The Illuni-not-there.
    As for Lydon, I never thought i'd see the day when we were the cool ones giving Lydon the middle finger.
    The definition of left and right is indeed shifting like the earths magnetic field....it depends on which perspective one takes as to which side of the room anyone is on at any given time. Over the years i have been accused of being a nazi and a stalinist....they're sort of the same thing i guess? But the illusion is that they are opposite ends of the spectrum,which in reality places them both just left of center on the political map if looked at objectively. I describe myself as a liberal...another dirty word in these very confused times.
    Basically it Banking dynasties,and multinational corporations ,some politicians and think tanks that are the nearest we got to the Illuminati. Made up stuff, that needs some dipstick to believe.
    If the public want 15 minute cities they'll get them...it all isn't an obligation...the biggest conspiracy is ourselves...the apathetic elites...its a choice innit?:
