Monday, 16 January 2023

Burden Of Friendship – "The Head Of Your Goat - The Son Of Your Dog, Vol. 2" (Self-Released) 1985

One man's Friend is another man's Eric Burden; especially after he left the Animals and went a bit Funny,but still looked like an ex-coal miner in a kaftan.All this, While the humble geordies of Newcastle toon were left behind in the decidedly un-swinging sixties oop North.These simple un-tuned in folk were certainly not meeting the godhead through chemistry while Eric and his New Animals 'Turned On',absolutely Not!His old town mates were meeting their maker using such exotic delights as Emphysema and neumoconiosis.Newcastle is also a place that used the term 'Man'long before the Hippies popularised it.....'Why Ay man',is still used to express approval in certain areas of the North East. So I doubt yer redundant miner would have said 'Why Ay Man'when confronted with Geordie escapee Eric talking about peace and love with a flower sellotaped to his grown out short back'n'Sides. Not all the Ex-Animals wasted their time on such misogynistic nonsense as Eric did of course. Chad Chandler discovered Jimi Hendrix and formed The Jim Hendrix Experience,wisely In London and most definitely Not in Newcastle.And Alan Price wrote "Andy Capp-The Musical"..the less said about that the better.
Well know Punk Rock hater, Eric,does have one superior aspect that sets him apart from his hopelessly obscure U.S. Industrial counterparts Burden of Friendship;...he at least has some kind of Talent,no matter how naffola....but don't ask me what that is,but its probably something in relation to his writing some toe-curlingly bad boastful Flower-soul tunes that brighten up anyones day with its pure hippie naivity and toxic misogyny.
He accidentally created the sickening atmosphere that these legions of Throbbing Gristle-a-likes were trying to spew forth from 1985 onwards.
I could never write such a morally bankrupt pop song as "Man/Woman" by Eric Burdon and the New Animals", but I could easily churn out "The Head Of Your Goat-The Son Of Your Dog Vol.3" in my lunch-hour. No 'Talent' needed whatsoever to churn out endless 'Industrial Noise' cassettes.They are all the same, and Not at all funny like Eric's transition from hard geordie white man's blues thuggery to ugly older bloke with medallion who gets to shag loads of young women.....and they better thank him for it too. That's far more shocking than any Industrial experiment,but it does take...cough,slight retching of gastric juice....Talent!?
There are scores of tapes like this on this blog,and its time to post some more,'cus my public like it,and i've ran out of ideas...rather like Industrial music did in the nano-seconds after the Big Bang.
By 1985 however, these bedroom dwelling types could now afford a sampler,so the tape loops and found sounds from extermination camp documentaries became a lot easier to do....even less talent required.
But Fuck that...let's Boogie! 


A1 The Lesson And The Knowledge Gained
A2 Thanksgiving At Unarco
A3 Novone Mix
B1 Joy
B2 As Much Static As Possible
B3 Horror & Mortal Terror Pt. 3
B4 Bison Remembers
B5 I Was Marlon Brando's Fat Cell
B6 And The Revox Played Itself
B7 Why He Joined The Army
B8 What Is The Doctor Doing For Lunch?
B9 Metaphysical Jabberwocky
B10 White Man's Living Room
B11 It Smells It Stinks
B12 Bosco's Stomp


  1. So true. Most haven't noticed that the "free love" thing was really
    just a con to get chicks into bed. Or on the dining table.

  2. Thankfully, most people are cottoning on to the ruse nowadays. I doubt there are that many people - beyond the confines of the Sun/Star-reading fraternity - who still believe the 60s was an egalitarian era. And don't get me started on the Beats - wretched mysogynists, all of them.
