Saturday, 8 January 2022

Heldon – "Heldon II : Allez-Téia " (Disjuncta – 000002) 1975

Never before has one witnessed such on record arse-licking than one has witnessed on Richard Pinhas' albums. He likes Robert Fripp apparently?
Eno never gets a mention one notices, which after inventing Frippertronics for Robert to play his sustaining pick-ups through,is a bit rich.
So, yes, you get plenty of short Fripp and Eno facsimiles,but even better lots,and lots, of Mellotron.
All this from a slimmed down version of Heldon, now briefly,a duo for Heldon 2, a mellow, melodic,mellotronic and very drumless experience to burn a scented candle to in your virtual flotation tank.There's even an acoustic guitar track to remind oneself of the riverbank on a sunny day to further relax the reluctant Space Rocker yearning for a Dave Gilmour solo.
I think Fripp should dedicate an album to Ricky Pinhas on the evidence of this. From Bobby to Ricky with love.XX


1 In The Wake Of King Fripp 6:36
2 Aphanisis 2:20
3 Omar Diop Blondin 7:20
4 Moebius 1:49
5 Fluence (Continuum Mobile) 1:56
6 Fluence (Disjonction Inclusive) 10:17
7 St-Mikael Samstag Am Abends 6:18
8 Michel Ettori 4:17


  1. I quite like it. But then again I like (1970's) Fripp almost as much as Mr. Pinhas did. Besides he deserves credit for the "True Norwegian Black Metal"-cover art.

  2. Hello
    I bought this as a teenager with not much loose cash when it came out on the recommendation of Actuel magazine.
    I liked it a lot more than fuckin' "Birds of Fire" that some of my friends (who should have known better) lionized of "Tales of the Topographic Ocean" hyped by Best (allegedly a music magazine!).
    Lost the original LP somewhere along the way in the many intercontinental moves.
    A long way of saying thank you for making it available.
    I still like it by the way.

  3. Sometimes, lack of money is a great motivator,either to be creative or give a record more of a chance than one normally would do.I now rarely play a record more than once these days,so i'm missing out on those 'growers' that we all love from our teens......Birds on Fire and Topographic oceans were not growers for me,,but i do like a couple of tracks on can pick up all the Mahavishnu orch albums for mere cents here in France, They were Huuuuge here"
    Which is Ironic as Helden were French and virtually ignored.A french group has to try twice as hard.
