Saturday, 16 January 2021

Jandek ‎– "Aarhus Sunday" (Corwood Industries ‎– CORWOOD 0842) 2020

He gets around a bit these days does Jandek.
Here he produces a drifting, shimmeringly wobbly, set joined by fellow non-musician, Phil Todd, of Ashtray Navigations/Betley Welcomes Careful Drivers non-fame. As Phil has the same lack of conventional musical ability as the star of this evenings performance,the set rarely attains an cohesiveness at all. Like a breeze among the leaves of the Singing Ringing Tree blown by an evil dwarf,plus some atonal fairy dust heavily sprinkled by the 'Nerve Ending Fairy'.(sorry,there wasn't a proper clip on you tube i'm astonished to announce!?)
If the sound of limp appendages randomly stroking the strings of a guitar and the keys of a piano in a light breeze is your idea of fun then this is the 'Pet Sounds' of Outsider music.


1-1 Your Scarf In Denmark 16:25
1-2 Gift Of Love 11:14
1-3 The Lady Wears The Jewels 13:55
1-4 All The Shadows That Be 13:00
2-1 Little Bit Crazy 10:06
2-2 Where You Want Me 15:19
2-3 I Still Have You 10:19
2-4 Why Not Here 9:40


  1. Jonny thank you for all the Jandek

  2. I'm supposed to be watching the snooker but you've tempted me again...!

  3. I find that playing Jandek whilst watching snooker is a most rewarding long as Higgins isn't playing.

  4. I came and sharded a peed a lil

  5. Jonny Jandek has had another bowel movement. This time Philadelphia on a Saturday. Got to say, he is regular!

  6. May have to wait until next christmas for that particular bowel expulsion.
