Monday, 28 December 2020

Jandek ‎– "Montreal Sunday" (Corwood Industries ‎– CORWOOD 0837) 2020

Jandek ventures north of the border into the frightening lands of Gun Control. Places like this fill most Americans with fear,and their underpants with pure liquid shite!......but no Jandek, Oooooh No.He faces up to this threat against freedom with just a fretless guitar and a few Canadian collaborators. A favourite past-time of these vicious north Americans,you know the ones who burnt down the Whitehouse, is to gather just across the border from the United States and listen,enviously, to the distant sound of automatic gunfire coming from the beautiful conurbation of Detroit;...americans excercising their rights under the American Constitution. God I wish I was that Free.
What is certainly Free, are the copious improvisations of Jandek and temporary chums,that adorn the two discs of this performance in Montreal.


1-1 La Fenetre 8:31
1-2 Flat Nothing 37:36
1-3 Circle Of Time 8:43
2-1 You Stop By 8:38
2-2 The Grey Horizon 11:24
2-3 The Light I Know 30:34
2-4 Wherever I Go 12:56


  1. Oh, go on then!

  2. You certainly need a gun now the chinese own the land of the free.


  3. LOL@ Yosemite Mike waving his rootin' tootin' six-shooter at China
