Sunday, 15 November 2020

" Jonny Zchivago's Disco Dystopia": Friday November 13th Edition- The 'Fuck Trump' Special." 2020

Hi Chums ,Here's the November edition of Zchivago's award winning Disco Dystopia radio show.......i'm currently banned from Facebook for wishing a terminal experience on all Trump Supporters,so i have to stick to trusty ol' corrupt Google to promote this Anti-Trump special.(links at the bottom of the page)

Zchivago's Disco Dystopia Playlist : November 13th 2020

The 'Fuck Trump' Special:

1.LIQUIDS – I Killed Donald Trump
2.PRO DEATH CORPS – After Donald Trump
3.NAZI DEATH CAMP – The President Is Dead
4.OI POLLOI – Donald Trump, Fuck You.
5.ANGRY SAMOANS – Stupid Jerk
6.NERVE AGENTS – the Fall Of The All-American
7.BILL FAY – Pictures Of Adolf
8.SONSEED – Jesus Is A Friend Of Mine.
9.SCOUTS OF UZBEKISTAN – Rednecks Are Real.
10.KATINY SLEZKI – Track 4
11.ART PHAG – Golf
12.NEO NEO'S – Hitler Wuz A Natzi
13.ANGRY SAMOANS – They Saved Hitlers Cock
14.UNATURAL AXE – They Saved Hitlers Brain
15.KEVIN COYNE – Nasty
16.SCHIZOID – Whitehouse
17.THE NUB – A Job
18.SWANS – Job
19.MINOY and Donald Trump – Inpatient Angel
20.DEAD NEANDERTHALS – The Bleaching
21.KATHY ACKER – President Bush
22.MEL BROOKS – Hitler Rap



  1. Trump maybe a puppet, but creepy Joe Biden is WORSE. Democrats invented the KKK, funny how people forget that, 'Birth of a nation' even has an endorsement by the then president Wilson. American politics, the same party in two packages.

  2. Dig those graves and make Mexico pay!

    Make America Intelligent Again!

  3. The grave is already there...the Grand Canyon. Mexico just has to provide the soil to fill it in.

  4. I'm gonna have to Flag annymous's comment for fact-checking...guess what its fake's the truth behind that propaganda:

    While many KKK members were Democrats, the Klan was not started by the Democratic Party.

    For several years the claim that the Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) has been making rounds on social media. The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 by ex-Confederate soldiers Frank McCord, Richard Reed, John Lester, John Kennedy, J. Calvin Jones, and James Crowe in Pulaski, Tennessee. The group was originally a social fraternity but quickly became a violent white supremacist group.

    Experts agree that there exists a historic link between the Democrats and the KKK, as many angry Southern whites during the 1860s and 1870s were Democrats, and some joined the KKK. Former Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest was the KKK's first grand wizard, and he also spoke at the 1868 Democratic National Convention. But according to J. Michael Martinez, who wrote the 2007 book 'Carpetbaggers, Cavalry and the KKK,' it's misleading to say the Democratic Party founded the Klan. Therefore, while some Democrats supported the KKK, there's no evidence the Democratic Party founded the group.

  5. Be careful what you wish for - suspect that the creepy swamp creature's regime will be far far more war-mongering and actively destabilising of the world than Trump's ever was.

  6. you'd rather have a "president" who destablises your(?) /his country rather than anybody elses?....more silly trump propaganda I'm afraid...FAKE NEWS as your orange hero would say.Also Baiden abides by electoral laws...if you get less votes,yes even without the four dead people in Georgia,most of whom are actually win.Trump is thee LOSER!...understand these basic principles?

  7. Are you protesting the evil dictator from your macbook comrade poseur?
    Tell me about your brave resistance meet at Starbucks.
    Hot Topic has the new brave heroic resistance line marked down for Christmas.

  8. big stick. I'm gonna shoot the president. a toe tapper

  9. ANONYMOUS 2.... i agree 100% with your one word comment,especially when applied to Anonymous 1. Dunno which side of the political fence that penis is on.Resistance meetings at starbucks sounds a but dodgy to me..

  10. @kevinesse...careful we don't wanna give those rogue republicans any ideas..well maybe we do.If one of these dumbasses execises their constitutional right on Bidem, not only will we have the first Black female president...the cops can hunt these intellectual minnow terrorists down,and apply the knee.

  11. alright i know this bird has flown but i'd like to throw in another suggested cut here, specifically on account of verse #2...

    love this site jonny!!!!

  12. A Fuck trump Special?!? Fuck yeah I'm in! ‘trump’s a puppet?, Creepy Joe?, Democrats invented the KKK’… I'm not sure what's worse; ignorance of history or malevolently misinterpreting it argue a capricious contemporary political point. These days, any comment from an 'anon' equates as being from Q-anon, Roger Stone, Info Wars, Russian bots, Chinese communists, aliens from Mars, etc.- Fake News personified. *sigh* I do admit taking solace in reports that “team trump”, now feeling betrayed by Fox News, has started ‘The trump News Channel’ to battle Fox, with the intention of putting it out of business. Between that conflict and the faithful fleeing twitter and fb for the safety of Parler… With any luck, western culture will be able to isolate and quarantine this virus attacking common sense. g'night fellas, sweet dreams!

  13. Banned from fb? Say it ain't so Jonny! LOL. One a the few things you can have faith in these days I guess is fb's algorithm! They’ve been tracking you for years. They know you’ll never take action. It’s only temporary. You’ll be back before you know it, just wait and see. They NEED YOU Jonny, your data, your information, your participation, your… consciousness. It’s their business, it how they earn a living. Recommended: Then again, take it w/ a block of salt. Netflix is a corporate entity after all, isn’t it?

  14. Joe B sucks Donald T's fucken ass, kill em both.

  15. @ rev.b.....I'm only banned for a week, dunno if there's a three strikes and yer out system going Nazi friend in the UK has been banned permanently. Yeah I know...he's a hardcore Nazi, but he sees the funny side of it,and that's alright by me.Nazi'e are funny period. Nazi's are more Honest and truthful than Trumpism too,as well as funnier. Donald is more like Ernst Röhm rather than Hitler....a fat idiot leading a smear of morons with guns waving flags. Although they dressed like boy scouts with optional duelling scars, the SA were far more stylish than Trumps rabble,in basball caps and stars and stripes shirts jogging bottpoms and sports shoes...all made in Vietnam.
    Can't wait for Trumps 'news' channel.....i may apply for a job as the France correspondent. That'd make DieorDIY? look like a bona fide fact checking portal.
    Yeah, I dunno why all these creeps are called anon,or john Q. Unknown etc,you'd have thought they'd be proud to be associated with the single most dumb political philosophy since Pol Pots Year there's an idea!?

  16. @ chickenshack records geezer.....that sounds like one of those racist country tracks by Johnny Reb in the 60's,but with,if i could hear them...better lyrics....better music too in fact.

  17. @ 667...sounds like a sensible conclusion to me?

  18. I actually watched The Social Dilemma a few days ago and have been sitting behind my computer fully dressed since!

  19. Eat shit limey poofter cunt. You aren't resistance and go allahu ackbar with the rest of the useless eater comrades.

  20. HAHAHA....nothing like your kinds stereotype then?....very erudite. Didn't realise you'd know two syllable words like 'Poofter', very impressive.

  21. @Henk....I didn't know what the Social Dilemma was....looked it up now. I think i'll remain naked behind my computer screen until i see it.My lifes shit enough as it is.

  22. Limey poofter cunt :) Wow, your fans are getting more hard-core by the day :) Gotta love that kind of adoration, it's rare and hard to find these days.... Weird times for sure, walk through Bandung and streets are still busy but about 50% or so of the shops, cafes, restaurants, hotels are closed and boarded up, for rent and for sell signs all over the place, if I was rich I could make a killing right now buying buildings dirt cheap but as it is I'm lucky to buy a second hand tape or vinyl every now and then.... Around 40% of the people on the streets wear masks, 100% of people driving motors (including me) do wear masks but only because of the police raids everywhere, if you're not wearing one heavy fines, and those cops stand around with each other, smoking and mask-less, laughing, a typical Indonesian scene.... Nobody's getting sick, well, that is, we're still getting dengue fever, typhus, amoebic dysentery, strokes, cancer and heart attacks but nobody's coming down with the covid, lost my mother in law, my father in law and my daughter's father in law in the last 6 weeks or so and that means tahlilan, daily prayers after magrib, the 6 o'clock prayers for a week, sitting in rooms packed with 50, 60 people, nobody wearing a mask (cept for me, the crazy Dutch man) and nobody getting sick... It's been a bit of a roller coaster :)

  23. chicken shack records geezer16 November 2020 at 17:30

    why thanks jonny... can't claim to have ever consciously listened to those before though there was a time when i could naively claim to enjoy some of those david allan coe x-rated hits. now you've got me curious about the erm, musical, side of johnny reb but it feels to me that an attempt to investigate would feel eerily similar to digging up old playboy mags to read the articles...

  24. @Henk... sounds like they're dropping like flys over there, from anything but Co-Vid 19....the sames happening here except nobody's dying from anything. My doctor says she hasn't had one single confirmed co-vid case at all. I've hardly left the house,all the pubs are shut,nothing happening, so whats the point.The cops were circling in a helicopter this evening looking for curfew breakers!...can you belive that??...but i am gonna take the vaccine, even if it turns me into a govt drone. I need this crap to end....anti-vaxxers want an eternity in lockdown it seems.

  25. Ahh yes Sonseed

    The Worst(Best?) Ska band of all time

    They still play live too.....

  26. Looks like anon has bestotwed upon you a new title we can all be envious of and aspre to; limey poofter cunt. Cetainly there's an award toy can hong o the wall in your office. That sort of thing convinces me we may well be on the right path. You tell 'em anon!

  27. Re: Nazis, agreed. At least they own their Xenophobia. Our current goose-stepper wannabes in the states call themselves 'proud boys' and go camping together out in the woods and play 'militia' just like the BOY scouts. No doubt a lot of close contact takes place out there, in the woods, all by themselves, with each other... shooting their guns together... Too damn stupid not to plan a kidnapping on social media with the ever present feds watching. Christ.

  28. Well, having been bestowed the honor among honours of official Limey poofter Cunt,I can rightly fully say that I am a Proud Boy....but not in the sense of of those 'Proud Boys' fucking each other in the woods with their pink rifles,...the Pounding Boys.

  29. Jonny you LPC, I have a real laugh popping in to read the comments on your really wonderful blog. I used to prefer your music 'criticism', now some of the comments make me laugh out loud, particularly when good ol' anon pops by for a chat.
    Henk, interesting / worrying situation in Indonesia, all the best.

  30. is this the jerry springer show!?
    can i bet on who's tit will pop out first?

  31. Some documented facts you can prove by search for now!

    • Trump had always been an Independent except for the decade he spent as a democrat during Bush 2's reign before donning the forever orange republican party

    • Trump is a hollywood celebrity actor. In can basically play himself. He even has been in professional wrestling which would be telling unless you watch wrestling but since you don't you won't know and the more it unravels the more appreciation I am having for the manipulation which we are all apart of. Vince McMan or whatever his name is and him are really good pals. Vince helps in cabinet. You just don't see him because they kept him behind the cheese grater but that is unconfirmed

    • Trump and Bill Clinton are really good homies as well. Likely banged cadies together based on some of their clubhouse photo sessions from back in the good ol days. Even Hiliary and Trump are really good pals. There is a lot of history and photos everywhere of this fact. Though not as many as there was before. Sort of like Poohbear in the big C.

    Everyone has business ties to the big C nearly on all sides. USPS actually is holding a package for me which they are demanding I pay more for to get even though I already paid and it was supposed to be a US seller in California. They say the weight was more than claimed. When that happens here they will send it back or in my case they just charge it to my account. Usually they add a penalty too. So in this case they are either taking over the package on a lend deal or buying them out who knows but that is some hell of customer service they give the fuckers who are in China pretending that they are here in Southern California as that was specifically buying from them! Something should have been here in a couple days has taken three weeks because well im a fuck up and keep missing my mailman but damn i had to get change to pay in cash! I am cool with my mailman but the first time he asked me that I had to ask him if he was shaking me down. This has happened a few times now and each time I just pay it as I don't want to spend two hours on ebay flipping through pages until it finally shows me the cheaper prices of whatever item.already supposed to from China and rebags once they get here if the item isn't in the warehouses they are renting across the states so they may dominate the platform. Still if it comes from overseas again USPS rebags it for them before sending it along to the buyer whom bought from a US seller on ebay. Amazon doesn't even tell you where it comes from but let me guess. I love the Chinese people themselves this is why it's important to be able to speak out on these things without suppression and a big metal rob up the ass when your trying to shave and just go to work again.

  32. Can you re-up the MP3 download?

  33. China is a punkrocker, is it really ?- don't believe the Ramones, my mom used to say when i was (very much) younger so much younger than today, but anyway, the kkk took my baby away, so Dede and Joey were right at the end of the day and i dont give a wet fart if the kkk are democrats or republicans or gay

    but basically i just chimed by to kindly ask you to reup that great mix, please, please please, to make my day and chrismas great again.

    thx in advance

    i grapped this blond and a case of bear, the russians are cuming, lets get outta here - Goethe war gut, Mensch der konnte reimen

    anonymus no. 2

  34. The Mother Fuckers! They took it down!...probably because of the kill Donald Trump part.This is the near future porn, no nasty blogs,no violence,no nudity, no abuse of your freedom of speech.....i'm waiting for this blog to get the treatment soon.
    Yeah i'll re-up it to mega,they seem safe from government fiddling....not popular, but it works.

  35. New Download Link is here kids!

  36. Well done, Dr, well done, thanx very much indeed, you made my day

    ano 2
