Thursday, 3 October 2019

Eduard Artemiev / Эдуард Артемьев ‎– "Ode To The Bearer Of Good News / Ода Доброму Вестнику" ( Мелодия ‎– С60 21277 005) 1984

Keeping with the Soviet sporting theme, here be Edward Artemiev's tribute to the Moscow Olympiad of 1980.The one where the western powers were under pressure from Reagan's America to boycott the much for the land of the free.The UK sent a team,which i'm not so sure they would do if it happened today.
Eddie was the guy who made all those creepy soundtracks for those creepy Andrei Tarkovsky films,like Solaris and Stalker.As near as one can get to arty perfection.
This album is a mixture of Proggy Kosmiche music and neo classical electronic hybrid ambient weirdness.
Its fantastically intense,and darkly dramatic stuff.Like a soundtrack for a Nordic Noir Siberian Gulag crime thriller,including the disco scene.


1 Факел/Fakel 3:28
2 Добрый Вестник/Dobry Vestnik 7:00
3 Гармония Мира/Garmonya mira 3:39
4 Вечный Прогресс/Vechny progress 4:26
5 Красота Земли/Krasota Zemli 7:38
6 Интерлюдия/Interludia 3:47
7 О Спорт, Ты - Мир/O sport ti mir
Ensemble – Мелодия 6:47


  1. I've always enjoyed Artemiev, thought it's not always easy to find his stuff. If you have anymore I'd be delighted to hear it


  2. Loving all this Soviet era stuff - somehow familiar music but through a very different prism - very cool!

  3. Yes more Artemiev coming up soon.

  4. Great news on more EA. Thanks Jonny
