Sunday, 22 September 2019

Formula 3 ‎– "Sognando E Risognando" (Numero Uno ‎– ZSLN 55152) 1972

I have no idea what they were thinking when they decided to use this awful taste bypass art as the cover? Little Orphan Annie grown up, but as an malnourished death camp prostitute being crushed by ,what seems to be, a rubber ring!?
The music, for the most part, is divided into suites, and largely stays in classic prog territory, lots of organ dominated keyboardisms, shifting melodies, 'rocking-out' sections,and,you'll be pleased to know, not much singing.


Sognando E Risognando

A1a Fermo Al Semaforo 2:53
A1b Sognando 1:15
A1c La Stalla Con I Buoi 5:12
A1d Risognando 1:17

L'Ultima Foglia

A2a L'Albero 5:18
A2b Non Mi Ritrovo 4:23
B1a Finale 2:12

Storia Di Un Uomo E Una Donna

B2 Storia Di Un Uomo E Una Donna 5:02


B3a Tema 2:32
B3b Caccia 1:42
B3c Interludio 6:00
B3d Finale 1:15

1 comment:

  1. Who designed the album cover? John Podesta?
