Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Ash Ra Tempel - "The Private Tapes Vol. 1" (Manikin Records ‎– MRCD 7011) 1996

So, we've established that 'Krautrock' was a rougher form of prog rock by German groups who wanted to be Pink Floyd,with splashes of Zappa,Soft Machine, and The Velvet Underground.They weren't gonna be doing world tours or hiring jumbo jets or anything like ELP or Led Zeppelin anytime soon, so they could get a bit more unpalatable for the stinking masses than any Anglo-American group were allowed to.

Firmly in the Pink Floyd-a-like camp are the various incarnations of Ash Ra Tempel supremo, Manuel Gottsching.
This is the first volume in a series of six CDs of unreleased historic recordings from the seventies by Manuel and his groups Ash Ra Tempel & Ashra.
The first track from 1979 is an insipid new age foray into the unforgiving world of bland medatative neck pick-up guitar noodling.
Next up we get a Berlin School influenced proto ambient trance seqencer piece,think Tangerine Dream but crapper.
The catchily titled,"
Begleitmusik Zu Einem Hörspiel"is classic, get yer echo boxes out Pink Floyd mimickry, then back to new age beige for "Bois De La Lune"
Track 5 is a truly terrible sixties German high school blues band atrocity.....it can only get better...and it does.... on volume 2.


1 –Manuel Göttsching -  Bois De Soleil (1979) 3:14
2 –Manuel Göttsching - Eloquentes Wiesel (1979) 28:47
3 –Manuel Göttsching - Begleitmusik Zu Einem Hörspiel (1974) 24:41
4 –Manuel Göttsching - Bois De La Lune (1979) 7:26
5 –Steeple Chase Bluesband -Chicken Maladie (1970) 9:52


  1. Hi... just discovered your wonderful blog and want to thank you for the Manuel Göttsching albums and also all the other great music you kindly share with us all....it is very much appreciated all the work you put into your wonderful blog as I know they are a labour of love.
    stay safe and healthy my friend and thanks again.....best wishes Stu

  2. Well thank you very muchly Stu, and you look after yourself too

  3. Rosi The Riveting Riveter17 February 2021 at 04:00

    Danke Schon for these still being available a year and a half later. More importantly, for them being available in something better than fucking 128k files, and for that matter, files that actually open. Neither of which are handy little bonus features that the chumps at another blog who shall be unnamed can get together apparently.

  4. We try to please on Die Or DIY?...everything is live on here,and mostly 320k for the last few years at least.
