Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Dr. Timothy Leary ‎– "The Final Taboo" (Trance Port Tapes ‎– trance 7) 1984

Ha Ha Haaaa, drugs eh?

Breaking the Final Taboo,I can think of a few more final taboo's that still cannot be broken,is a lecture given by Timothy Leary at a club in Huntington Beach, California, in June, 1980.The speech is a great compilation of his ideas and his personal story. He touches upon his usual topics of authorities, evolution, turning-on, and migration. While he does,as usual, talk about drugs quite a bit, he doesn't go into too much detail about LSD or a typical LSD experience(Yawn). He does however talk a bit about a new drug (at the time), ecstasy, or as he calls it "XTC",or as I call it the destroyer of modern music and counter culture.Timothy Leary,however, is as witty and eloquent  as ever in this recording. He rolls-off the puns as well as any professional stand-up comedian,and has a very willing and 'loyal contingent of dopers' rolling around in the aisles.He missed his real vocation I reckon.


A1 Richard Pryor
A2 A Risky Profession
A3 Washington B.C.
A4 The San Andreas Opportunity
A5 Short Term Memory Loss
A6 Life Is Not An Accident
A7 The Bible Version Of Creation
A8 Conception Of My Conception
B1 Botanical Wisdom
B2 Victimless Crimes In The 60's
B3 Drugs Of The 80's
B4 Space Migration
B5 Prison Life
B6 The Final Taboo


  1. Great stuff Jonny. Only side A though.

  2. Oh Bollocks! I hate it when it does that....currently re-upping it.

  3. Brilliant, got it Jonny, thanks! ps Jandek has just gone 5 up as he's just released another one, the prolific mad bastard

  4. I'll get back to Jandek at the end of the year, so there may well be another 5 or 6 albums released by then. I suspect that even after he's dead there will be continued releases on Corwood......if he's not dead already?

  5. thanks Jonny. Jandek does a Muslimgauze ...cannot wait!!!

  6. A flower child just rolled in... Peoneys, Sweet Pea, and Poppy's!!!
