Thursday, 2 May 2019

Keiji Haino / Loren Mazzacane Connors ‎– "Live At Downtown Music Gallery, New York City, August 1, 1992" (Persona Non Grata) 1995

Another of my favourite guitar abusers,as if anyone cares, is, obviously, Keiji Haino, late of Fushitsusha.
So, when this improv performance with Loren Mazzacane Connors came into existence, one had to hear it. Two guitarists with intrinsically opposite styles don't make obvious bedfellows,and in this case, it shows. Haino seems to struggle to adapt himself to the quieter understated style of Connors, rather than do what he does best,ie making a soul shattering racket,inbetween the quiet patches,with the odd death rattling scream.
Nah, doesn't work, for me anyway;Despite what it says on the sleeve notes ,but well worth a try.
There's a second record apparently,maybe thats better?

DOWNLOAD this downtown improv dynamic duo HERE!


  1. I'm still undecided about Haino: I too love his noisy, pummelling guitar playing, but I can't get on AT ALL with his "singing". I also agree that this doesn't look like it will work either, but we'll see won't we? Thanks again, Milly's Grandad.

  2. Amazing!!! Thanks a lot...

  3. A duet should be like a conversation, no?
    Sometime people talk but are in different worlds, responding to questions not asked.

    Thank you VERY much!

  4. @ochymong ....or an argument? Quite often its a competition....that's the worst one.
