Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Eugene Chadbourne / John Zorn ‎– "School" (Parachute ‎– P004&6) 1978

I do share the same initials as John Zorn, as well as an appreciation of improvisation.I'm even improvising this pointless blurb.
This long album is from the early days of Eugene Chadbournes vast list of collaborations and record releases.This one with old chum, the very clever, and don't he want you to know it,Zorn.J, the king of the downtown Noo yawk jazzy intelligentsia.
This double album of Evan Parker and Bailey-isms features many familiar faces of the free-improv scene in New York, like Davey Williams, LaDonna Smith, and Henry Kaiser.So you know what to expect,or, if you don't, its got lots of scratchy guitars, mangled sax noise,and sounds like a chimps tea party let loose with some instruments.Alas, there is an admirable amount of quiet sections to lessen the irritation factor,so that's a plus point.Don't get me wrong, this is a good album, but one gets the definite impression that you've heard it all before?


A1 Solitude 7:50
A2 Duet 2:45
A3 The Return Of Romance 6:20
A4 The Shreeve 1:40
A5 The Fling 2:39
B1 Missing Persons 7:45
B2 Welcome West 15:05
C Lacrosse-take 3 23:05
D1 Lacrosse-take 4 19:02
D2 Lacrosse-take 6 6:10

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