Thursday, 9 May 2019

Andrea Centazzo, LaDonna Smith, Davey Williams ‎– "Velocities" (Trans Museq ‎– trans museq 4) 1979

Ahhhh, the sepia tinged memories of the days when music was played by actual people.
Here, Ladonna and Davey are joined by another actual human, the Italian percussionist and drummer, Andrea (he's a male by the way) Centazzo.
So the general effect is lots of scraping noises,with general sounds of stuff being thrown into a refuse skip, pre-landfill.I'm not sugesting that this record is rubbish,oh no, i'm just suggesting that it sounds like rubbish, as in the sound of waste disposal.

A1 Velocity 10:01
A2 Velocity 10:29
B1 Velocity 6:04
B2 Another Velocity 6:33
B3 Velocity 6:40


  1. I chatted with LaDonna some today and am calling in the next couple of days. She'll be in Denmark May 19-25th. Unfortunately, I can't make it. I may have to have another surgery...long story, not relevant here.

    He was working on his memoirs and having a guitar tribute fest in the little 'ham. I don't know how they plan on approaching finishing the memoirs. In any case, I'll keep you posted.

    If you would like a downloadable copy of Locales for Ecstasy, my personal favorite, lemme know. That record smokes and truly is surreal. It's not the diluted misnomer "surreal" that's attached to anything that seems slightly off.

    So...been sick this week, I'm out. Tonight I'm smoking. Getting some much-needed rest and maybe eat some gateux.

  2. Locales for Ecstasy is exactly what i'd like to find! How about you, JZ, have you it?

  3. Yes Kevin, It I have.....will upload alink in the near future.


  5. previous computer expired, and with it, locales for ecstasy....and this link refuses me no matter how many times i try. The amoebas weeps....

  6. You sir should back up your files blah blah blah.....yeah i had to find stuff to delete from my online storage that weren't on the blog...that was one. I will endevour to make this yours again. Fear not poor amoeba's help is on its way....when i can be bothered.
