Friday, 26 April 2019

Loren Mazzacane Connors ‎– "The Departing Of A Dream" (Family Vineyard ‎– FV11) 2002

This maybe Loren Connors' best,most melancholic, work from a vast canon of unique nebulous guitar experimentation.
This is the sound of drowning, the sensation of falling, or recovering from an anaesthetic.A stark dream disappearing in a slowly swirling vortex of mist as reality pulls you away back into captivity after an all too brief escape.
The two requiems for the 9/11 attacks are particularly moving,shrouded in amplified tape hiss.
No need to mention the hundreds of thousands of post 9/11 victims that are rarely mourned to the tribute. As the lives of bankers,and stock traders seem to count for far more than any innocent muslim family vaporised by a Drone looking for 'Terrorists'.
I shall resist the temptation to go on a tiresome monologue about the 9/11 conspiracy,despite my earlier flirtations with the theory.I have looked into it a lot more, and all the paranoid theorums have been more than adequately deeeeee-bunked.....especially Tower fucking Seven!!!!
Yep, as unbelieveable as it may seem to an increasing number of persons under the spell of social media reverse mind control, a bunch of Islamic Terrorists....sorry...I mean terrorists!!!....flew some jets into some buildings, whose structural integrity was compromised, clearly, on live TV from many angles.....and, Collapsed into their own footprint, slightly slower than freefall speed.
No Hollograms,No free energy weapons, and above all absolutely NO controlled explosions.
The Paranoid Dream has definitely departed.
Feel free to argue otherwise in the comments section.

1 The Departing Of A Dream Pt. 1
2 The Departing Of A Dream Pt. 2
3 The Departing Of A Dream Pt. 3
4 The Departing Of A Dream Pt. 4
5 The Departing Of A Dream Pt. 5
6 The Departing Of A Dream Pt. 6
7 The Departing Of A Dream Pt. 7
8 The Departing Of A Dream Pt. 8
9 The Silence (For NY 9/11/01)
10 And Sorrow (For NY 9/11/01)


  1. Thx, loving the LMC. I watched the first tower fall from where I was, just below 14th street. "Surreal" would be putting it lightly; I was just far enough away to not *hear* it (over voices and sounds -gasps- around me, as we watched)...

  2. No worries Jonny, I’ll cover the tiresome monologue base! My take on all the conspiracy theories has evolved to the point of feeling it’s too bad people can be so easily manipulated into believing any government can ever be much more than bumbling and incompetent. Seems to me what we saw on 9/11 was an arrogant, hubris-laden bureaucracy, after years of spending billions on what was laughingly referred to as ‘national defense’, caught with it’s pants down. All that money and all those ‘intelligence capabilities’ humiliated in about the most high profile manner imaginable, for the meager investment of a few hundred thousand dollars to pay for food, rent and flying lessons for around twenty people. Of course, it’s fair to say that government took advantage of the event to become an even more intrusive and paranoid national security state. But I think it’s just as fallible as it ever was. Sure it’s involved in all kinds of clandestine activities and I’m not saying it isn’t dangerous, but I imagine it’s still as pathetic and dangerous as the crew of the Titanic. Oh wait, THAT was a conspiracy too. Christ! When humanity come off as feckless, it’s probably not an act. Sorry for the rant, on with the melancholia.

  3. Indeed, thanks for the rant.
    The closest i can come to a believable 9/11 conspiracy,mainly because the shadow govt is too stupid to plan that the attack was allowed to happen, while under estimating the actual impact, so the Bushes could find an excuse to attack Saddam Hussein in revenge for some Bush family shit!
    And, yes, the Titanic hit an iceberg because they were going too fast.
    Sometimes the simple answers are the best ones ain't they?

  4. i love your blog and i love your writing so much. thank you.

  5. But... but.... how about Aaron Russo's take on it then???

  6. I don't give 'em credit for that much preplanning. They probably thought all the red blinking warning lights meant the hamburgers were ready. That said, I agree that Dubya took the opportunity to attack Saddam, sort of like attacking Cuba for Pearl Harbor. Damned if the terrified Congress didn’t go right along with that stupid, misguided idea. If memory serves, the POTUS’s stated excuse, beyond of the ‘intelligence’-based lies, was that “he tried to kill my daddy.” I believe that was an actual quote. Gee, thanks son. I guess it all goes to show people have the luxury and time to spin all these fantasies. Reality is just too boring for some.

  7. Hey Henk, Wow, that changes my whole world view! Leave it to people like Alex Jones and Aaron Russo open my eyes to the REALITY of things……

  8. I seriously hope you know I was joking :)

  9. I know a joke when i see it and that Aaron Russo is one. Not got time to watch one hour of what i expect to be laudable nonsense.....but i live for laudable nonsense,so watch it i will. JZ

  10. He, Russo, died soon after that interview, from cancer.... He does say some good things in that interview though, specially about taxattion...

    I do agree with Rev though on what he says, specially the bumbling and incompetent part....

    Was watching a new English movie yesterday, Peterloo, about the 1819 Peterloo massacre where a peaceful pro-democracy rally in Manchester turned into one of the bloodiest and most notorious episodes in British history, not bad, a bit long but not bad....

  11. Not heard of that piece of hidden history, or the film.....still getting round to watch 'Liquid Sky'...i have it on a usb,waiting for an opportunity.

  12. It was just ok, interesting for sure, but I found most of the characters a bit wooden, all the peasants and poor people were very "aye lad", the rich bastards were very, very funny though :)

  13. One of the best that NYC has to offer. Sadly I think the sheer volume of his output make it difficult for audiences to take notice of those works where he really shines. Like where to even start....

    I've liked everything I've heard and have had the opportunity to perform with him live. I even dedicated a recording of a live performance from that show to him -

  14. thanks to you for bringing this freak into my ears...great stuff. He looks so healthy in all the photos! a real heart throb.
    Do you have or can you get "Unaccompanied Acoustic Guitar Improvisations"?....what i've heard is something special. Are you at all a fan of keith rowe?...sort of the opposite direction of Loren. take care, me

  15. I'm sure there's some Rowe on here...lots of AMM at least.
    I'm gonna rename this "Kevins Blog".....will upload Lorens' improv's later today....just because I can.
    I do have a keith Rowe style child size guitar that i have never tuned in honor of the great man.It makes an appearance on a few ZOG tracks.

  16. sorry if i'm pushing too many requests! you're just so darn resourceful and knowledgeable.........where else am I gonna get this shite? You shouldn't have introduced us to so much great stuff........
