Monday, 22 April 2019

Jandek ‎– "The Ruins Of Adventure" (Corwood Industries ‎– Corwood 0787) 2006

Adventure is an over-rated commodity. Adrenaline Junkies being one primary example of human stupidity gone ballistic. Scraping the remains of an idiot free runner off the pavement around a bollard covered in human meat, is ,I guess one definition of 'the Ruins Of Adventure'.Another being a 'Normal' downloading and listening to this album in the company of his or her immeadiate family.There is a chance they would never speak to him, or her, ever again.A dream come true for many people,and for those who require this conclusion, this is the album for you.
This one is part of Jandeks detuned Bass series, and also contains some of the Rep's finest stretched out whining.


1 The Park 10:08
2 Bluff Brink 8:10
3 Completely Yours 7:10
4 Mysteries Of Existence 6:42
5 The Ruins Of Adventure 14:28


  1. Love, Reign o'er Me...

  2. Thank you again Jonny

  3. "This one is part of Jandeks detuned Bass series, and also contains some of the Rep's finest stretched out whining."

    Even this single sentence (which I'm having tattooed on my spleen) is more valuable to me that Mr Jandek's entire recorded output, about which the sheer amount of shit that I do not give would sink a false-flag container ship.

  4. Oh Farquhar! Don't be like that!
    Not sure any of those lovely Tattoo 'artists'(in inverted commas) are qualified to tatto spleens.So i recommend somewhere safer like the Forehead for example?...and don't forget to credit me either!!!
