Thursday, 31 January 2019

Thirdorgan ‎– "The Pornography Of Despair" (SSS Productions ‎– SSS45) 1993

Well I never!? rude?
How downright inappropriate is that artwork? However,despite being literally ,too,appropriate in accordance with the title, it very appropriately appeals to the labido of your average Harsh Noise consumer locked away in their bedroom at Mum and Dads house. Mainly because they can masturbate with their fist organ (they have no girlfriends normally) while looking at the artwork in conjunction with listening to the relentless scraping of the abused electronic nightmare served up for us by Akihiro Shimizu.
Of course us Bloggers have no need for Pornography because we have a steady stream of modern womanhood and/or finely honed young gay gentlemen kicking our doors down just to bathe in our light for 5 minutes. Then they can all just fuck off and leave us alone, because our self-asteem is so secure we don't really need anything so vulgar in our superior thats clear, where's that ladies underwear catalog?....Phwoooooaaaar! Knickers Knackers Knockers Missus!


The Pornography Of Despair

A1 Part I. Dedicated To M.C. 22:49
A2 Part II. Dedicated To S.M. 21:42
B1 Part I 22:55
B2 Part II 21:36

DOWNLOAD for a satisfactory unloading HERE!


  1. Projecting

    Where you pass your own opinion or actions off as someone else's to see the reaction or just because you are strange.

    My ex says my girl just wants me for what's in my pants, but i think she's just projecting.


    The unconscious transfer of one's own desires or emotions to another person.

    Mark "You think you're better than everyone."

    Person "No. You just think your better than ME. That why every time I err or have a social misstep you ridicule me into the ground. Just the idea of me thinking I'm better than anyone (and you by extension) triggers you so deeply that you feel the need to knock me down a peg every chance you get. Whether it's by dumping my baggage in the street for everyone to see, making slights at my expense, or outright gaslighting me to everyone you know. Your just projecting your own insecurities on to me to gratify your own ego an justifying by making me look like the bad guy. You get off on it because you are a cruel, abusive person."

  2. i·ro·ny

    the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect:

  3. Well said JZ!

    I have bitches of all genders queuing up around the block to bathe in my damp majesty and anybody who is in so much denial that they talk about unconscious transfer can just get in line and wait their damn turn!


    the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.

  4. Well Badge....can I call you Badge?.....I'm not too far out of order as to suggest that our luminous breed deserves nothing less than a damn good grovelling from our public....or is that too modest?...or too IR-ON-IC?

  5. You can call me Badge once you've earned it. Get in line and wait your turn bitch!

    Now how's that for an Arse-chasm?

  6. Now THAT's Irony in action. Watch and learn ordinary people.
