Sunday, 27 January 2019

Ashtray Navigations ‎– "Drain'd" (Betley Welcomes Careful Drivers) 1996

Another one of those microphone without wind shield in a gale noise cop outs. We've all done it, and thought we were very clever didn't we? This was Ashtray Navigations attempt at being clever.
There's only so many time one can listen to frying circuitry, and I passed my quota a looooong time ago.
But, there'll be someone out there who will dig this crazy single sided cassette fuzz-out as if it was the first time again.I suppose Noise is a bit like Sex I guess?


1. Drain'd (46:21)

DOWNLOAD from the drainage system of world culture HERE!


  1. Do you mean painful and sticky?

    This is solid gold (just like the previous post). I have around 150 AshNav releases but only one that is pre-1997 ... and then you post two in two days?

    Ridiculously rare and I'm pretty sure that even Phil Todd doesn't have these anymore.

    Any more gold in them there French hills?

  2. There is one more pre-97 navigation...but you'll after wait until Jandek Monday is over.
