Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Ashtray Navigations ‎– "The Black Clock" (Matching Head ‎– Matching Head 44) 1996

A black clock is alright as long you've got alternatively coloured hands, white for example.Unless the Black Clock is a metaphor for the inexorable tick-tocking of the countdown to ones inevitable demise. In which case this dark ambient, glitchy, smear of a recording would be the soundtrack. The difference being the Black Clock runs backwards,but cassette players normally only play forwards.An interesting juxtaposition yes? Therefore each should theoretically cancel the other out, and time will stand still.We will escape death but be forever stuck in a limbo of our own creation.....and bored shitless!
But, at least we could listen to this Ashtray Navigations tape for eternity. Its good, but even an eternity of listening to something good, great even, would have the most bulletproof constitution screaming out for Aquas "Barbie Girl" (a terrible number one hit from the nineties that thought it was being 'ironic')."Com'on Barbie, Let's Go party"!? If these scandinavians were actually warbling about Klaus Barbie, the 'Butcher of Lyon', rather than the kitch childrens dolly and gay icon,then this would be a supreme example of the art of Irony. Leaving the notion of Partying with a Nazi war criminal very much to the darker side of ones imagination. Maybe this is the description of Hell that the Bible failed to include, if so i'm gonna start praying and grovelling for redemption from any God that will listen.


1. Black Clock part 1 (22:38)
2. Black Clock part 2 (22:21)

DOWNLOAD a clock that is black HERE!


  1. Hi Jonny, just to give you a heads up (and maybe a bit of a head ache)....

    I just found out about this bullshit thing, that you have to have a bar on your website/blog that tells people your website uses cookies, seems that they're planning to just delete every website that doesn't have that on february 1.... Well, I'm not taking any risks, just installed it, there's a ton of youtube videos on how to do it, it only takes a few minutes, would hate to see this happen and not seeing your blog anymore!!!

    I found this video the easiest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V9k3xwZBdY

    Hope this helps.... Greetings from Bandung, Henk

  2. Cheers Henk.....they are determined to stop us having any fun the bastards.
    I'll makes aure i do it,just in case.Also i'll download all my data, just in case too.

  3. Might be a nothing burger but it wouldn't surprise me one bit....

    Got the info off the Godlikeproductions site which is a site full of conspiracy loonies, reli-freaks and all sort of crazies but often good for news and sometimes interesting stuff, here's the thread:


    Like I said, might be nothing but you never know right?

  4. Well, I asked Blogger, and they say that they've already added this stuff to all blogger sites. But you can alter it if one requires.
    I suspect it is nothing, but i will do some more research on said subject.

  5. Ok, well, can't be careful enough these days :) We'll see what happens on the first I guess....

  6. I used to lurk this forum (GLP), until I clicked on something and it popped like a million windows on my browser and it wouldn't stop, so I had to pull the plug on my computer to switch it off. That was not funny.

  7. Indeed....further proof to never listen to conspiracy loonies. Apparently doomsady has now been put back to 2032-ish...2000 years since Christs crucifixtion....or cruci-FICTION...see what I did?......that shit won't happen either......but who cares we'd have all gave up by then, and the earth will be a Toxic Desert. Jesus will return to a dead planet.There'll be no-one to note down his dreary speeches.So, NO bible 2 then? Shame.

  8. But there's so much fun to be had by listening to and reading them :)

    Saw that Mel Gibson is working on ANOTHER Christ movie, what's that all about??? Is he going to crucify him twice??? Jesus In Space?? What will Icke say????

    One thing's for sure, conspiracies are a very lucrative business for some, I'm enjoying the ride to the fullest here on my mountain far away in some corner in West-Java and after more than 22 years here Western "normal" life already seems pretty trippy to me :)

  9. I do admit Conspiracy nuts are a goldmine of inspiration.Who needs abstract thinkers when you have these guys.
    Name dropping moment:. My sister went out with David Ickes brother, steve, who thought his elder brother was a nut.
    Thats one of my home towns major claims to fame,apart from 'moi', David Icke and The Elephant man came from there (Leicester).
    I think Gibson thinks that the christ movies are autobiographical.Eventually it could rival Police Academy for sequels.

  10. I actually think David Icke is brilliant :) I watched a couple of his presentations, they go for 6 sometimes even 8 hours! And you go YEAH!!! YEAH!!! and then you go.... Yeah right...lost me there.... he goes from a great presentation about the state of the world now into total loony stuff, and people just lap it up, much like the reiki and Osho people of the 80's and the 90's.... I had a girlfriend once upon a time, in the 90's and she would take me to these parties, parties with loads of reiki people who were busy giving reiki to trees, and giving it to people at the other side of the world.... Osho parties where people would collapse from laughing on command, where they would all sit and listen to cassettes from the master, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh aka Osho, and burst out in laughter at his jokes, even though they had listened to these tapes a thousand times... Friends who would go to India for 6 months or so, to his ashram in Puna where you (still now) had to do an Aids test to get in, and they would come back, and now Peter would get angry if you didn't call him Swaree Abodha instead of just plain old Peter... I found it all very amusing, me at the time, my greatest delight came from strangling people on the mat during jiu jitsu lessons, to say I was a bit out of place at these parties is putting it mildly... Funny thing... he was always about free sex but not long before his death he became very anti free sex because of Aids and all that but that's one part his followers somehow don't want to hear about :)

    Heard about this Italian guy who went to India and he was heavily into that other guy, can't remember his name, the guy with the huge afro who would snatch diamonds and "holy ashes" out of empty space (and like Osho also VERY dead now) and the Italian guy who was wearing very thick spectacles got his hands on some of these ashes and got the idea that he would have 20/20 vison if he would just rub those ashes into his eyes and then spend months in a hospital nearly loosing eye sight in both eyes....

    Let Mel do a movie about that!!

  11. The Guy with the 'fro' was Si Baba yeah? I had an orange t-shirt with him on it.I thought it was funny...and it was.
    Most Cults are built on the head cult getting plenty of pussy, or young boys arse,and slecting certain followers to get his sloppy seconds as a way of control.
    A buddist temple near me, where i actually did some work and my alarm bells were ringing....turned out to be a sex cult of course.Now the French cops have decended and the head of the Kult is on the run in Thailand....i wrote all about this in my 'Jesus Hates You' compilation post a few xmas's ago..
    Rinproche something or other, who wrote 'The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying' was the cunt. He used to punch the males and tell them it will improve their karma, and order teenage women to have sex with the monks to get closer to Nirvana. The fat bastard had no-end of slim young lovelies draped over his bingo wings.....makes me wanna vomit just thinking about it.
