The old pub challenge, before mobile internet, was to name 5 famous of them was Plastic Betrand,and I've forgot the rest. So its apt that this tape moves on from 5 to 6!
Some more Belgian style electronics still pervade the atmosphere, but there is a shift towards that mid-eighties Indie thing. Also i notice that there's a New Zealand group in the listings.....The Chills; and i also thought that Eton Crop were English, but turns out they are Dutch!?.....blimey....full of facts i am!
A1 –Men 2nd - Crow Baby Crow
A2 –Benjamin Lew - Des Salves Des Regards
A3 –Philadelphia Five - Bump
A4 –War Tempo - Obsessed
A5 –Daniel Schell & Karo - Trois Moustiquaires
A6 –Stellingname - Alle Sirenes
A7 –Collectionism - Tor 51
B1 –The Spanks - Hurricane
B2 –Hard-Ons - 1970
B3 –Kobus Gaat Naar Appelscha - Edelweiss
B4 –L'Attentat - Drink For Me
B5 –The Chills - Kaleidoscope World
B6 –Four One & Only's - Knock Me Down
B7 –Eton Crop - Bridge Over Troubled Water
B8 –L'Attentat - Ringo's Hide-Out
Kobus Gaat Naar Appelscha, L'Attentat and Four One & Only's are also Dutch bands.