Thursday, 11 October 2018

Various Artists ‎– "Making Losers Happy (Xpressway NZ Singles 1988-91)" (Drag City DC024) 1992

Thank Christ(church) for the oasis that New Zealand had become for modern intelligent music in 1988-91. While I was busy projectile vomiting at Happy Mondays concerts, the non-musicians of these isolated Islands were more concerned with taking down the rock'n'pop bohemoth,by forsaking any advancement in sound quality or technology;and more to the point not trying to rob the blackman of his funky dance beats. NZ, although blessed with an indigenous population, seemingly well integrated into post colonial society, is not renowned for having a particularly large black population. As a result this music is very very 'White'.
This collection for Beta-males and women, is drawn from the early singles that were released on the legendary Xpressway Records from 88-91.A bunch of Lo-Fi, sometimes folky forays into the dark world of Avant pop and Rock, expectorated forth with a modicum of unapologetic intelligence.
Its made this Loser very happy anyway.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.


  2. Mediafire has blocked the file ....

  3. Love this. Alastair Galbraith is always welcome in any form.

  4. aLBRECHT...if you are persistent it usually lets you through...but i'm uploading it to google drive right now,so the link will be changed by the time you read this.

  5. Ok OTTO, will give it my ears attention.
