Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Yximalloo - "The Worst Of 1984" (Sakura Wrechords) 1994

Another truckload of sub-two minute ditties from the Yximalloo day-centre for the mildly insane(1984 was a good year for Paranoia one suspects?).
Endlessly inventive,like a field recording from a lost village of schizophrenics in the Himalayas, or at least on top of Mount Fujiyama that exists only on public holidays(not many of them in Japan I wager?).
Any albums with a constant barrage of short tracks has a similar effect as a Drone.One tends to drift off into another dimension where time becomes irrelevant like a time-lapse movie of urban traffic.I listened to this but I'm damned if I can remember doing it!? 


1. Traveler from Hopi
2. Why to Xmas
3. Russian Dance
4. Mahi Mahi Fish Song
5. Yximalloo Tribe's Ensemble #15
6. Pressure from Christians to Nudists
7. Aikoku Kousin Kyoku #3
8. Fire
9. Fuli Fuli #11
10. Cola Song
11. Gureepufuruutsu Juusu
12. The Song I Never Sing Again
13. Lotto
14. Inmarsat-Ati #8
15. Zicarbometxyvinylamine
16. The Border of South
17. Helen
18. Fuck Me,Beethoven
19. Inmarsat-Atl #9
20. Eel Fishing in Moon Night
21. Sweet Karen/Spare Us #33
22. Volks Sex
23. Hae #2
24. Fuli Fuli #14
25. Aikoku Kousin Kyoku #5.5
26. Life in a Quiet Village
27. Tori #33
28. Fr15z
29. White House Reaction
30. Dance Dance Dance Until The 3rd World #39
31. Sleep Well

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