Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Unrest Work & Play ‎– "Informs" (Recommended Records ‎– RR C19) 1984

Mick Hobbs of The Work etc, was in 'The Momes' with Andy Wake of 'Unrest Work and Play', along with Tim Hodgkinson, late of Henry Cow/The we went on a little Mick Hobbs trip,in fact we are still on it(!); here's UWP's only proper album. A typically disjointed Avant-Prog exploration of musical sub-genres, in the Recommended Records stylee.


A1 Rockabilly
A2 Heavy Metal
A3 Ballad
A4 Folk
A5 Art-Rock
B1 Pop
B2 Swing
B3 Blues
B4 Ethnic

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, this is a good un. I don't think I've seen this anywhere on the interwebnetzone. Thanks for breaking that barrier.
