Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Swastika Kommando ‎– "Der Arbeiter" (Broken Flag ‎– BF22) 1983

Power Electronics in Italy wasn't just limited to Maurizio Bianchi and Pierpaulo Zoppo, we also have the debatable privilege to include  Pietro Mazzochin (aka Swastika Kommando, New Sadism,and Obvservation Clinique) into this unholy triumvirate.
The rather unsubtly named Swastika Kommando (swas)sticks (see what I did?)faithfully to the standard Power Electronics formula of abrasive ear damaging electronic noise, padded cell style screaming vocals, and Nazi references-a-gogo.
It depends if you enjoy being reminded of the shear horror of life whether you can play this for more than 10 minutes or not, but its a fairly masterful attempt at the genre; complete with vocals that sound like the muffled screams of a kidnap victim bound and gagged in a coal-bunker after having several fingers removed to post to the victims loved ones.


Side A
Side B

DOWNLOAD without working too hard HERE!


  1. Thank you for sharing all these old noise and power-electronic tapes. Most of it is new to me and not easy to find or hear. Such a great blog and service. Enjoy your writing, too.

  2. I couldn’t agree more

  3. Do you happen to have the other tapes reissued in the "1983" set?

  4. Hi, yes I have the 1983 set,will post it in the next few days.

  5. thankss for for this.
    more rare tapes, more P.E. + noise + expermiental
    ////////////great blog.
    p.d: the tape's art ¿?
