Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Ferial Confine ‎– "Meiosis" (Broken Flag ‎– BF48) 1985

Another journey through the Richter scale of noise from Ferial Confine, aka Andrew Chalk.
Ranging from gentle electrical interference accompanying birdsong, to paint stripping screeching noise.
Meiosis is the initial stage of cell division that leads, ultimately to the existence of the Human scourge of the Planet Earth.So the gentle acceleration from something tranquil ,even beautiful, to an ear-bleeding destructive racket is, for these bleeding ears, a very accurate portrayal of natures greatest mistake.


Side A (31:41)
Side B (31:07)

DOWNLOAD the scourge HERE!

1 comment:

  1. Merci pour ces ressources passionnantes, ce beau travail de recherches accumulées; j'y reviens et je m'y perds toujours un peu plus. J'apprécie votre grande culture, et l'alliage de votre passion et d'une certaine distance dans vos commentaires, un regard critique vis-à-vis de ce que vous proposez.
