Sunday, 17 September 2017

Wire ‎– "25 Oct 1978 Bradford University" (Illegal Legal Bootleg)

No "12XU" in evidence for this Wire gig in 1978, the year zero of Post-Punk. In fact there's quite a lot of the third album "154" in this set, showing how fast our fav arty punks had traveled in less than a year. For them, the Punk template was only a viable concept for one album,single, or six month period; then move forward.The difficulty most of the new wave had with second albums backs this idea up completely. 
Always an exception, Wire's second album, "Chairs Missing", was a noble,but successful, attempt to distance themselves from their previous selves and contemporaries. They still retained the vital elements of Punk Rock with their lack of a showbiz persona, no technical arrogance,and the essential trait of following your own path creatively and in life.
No doubt there were some 'Punks' in the audience in leather jackets and Travis Bickle haircuts, calling for "12XU", but after this tour I doubt they'd be back again.


Indirect Enquiries 2:49
Men 2nd 1:59
Lowdown 2:22
On Returning 1:51
Being Sucked In 3:05
I Feel Mysterious Today 1:52
The Other Window 2:27
A Mutual Friend 4:14
Former Airline 1:05
Mercy 5:31
Stepping Off Too Quick 1:33
Strange 4:00
Another The Letter 1:10
Sand In My Joints 2:21
French Film Blurred 2:40
I Should Have Known Better 4:35
Practice Makes Perfect 1:38
Reuters 3:11
106 Beats That 1:05

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