Sunday, 3 September 2017

Joy Division - "Edinburgh,Odeon, 06/10/1979" (Bootleg)

A rare chance to hear Joy Division in Scotland.Even though they sound as if they were playing in Manchester, so distant and echoy they sound on this audience bootleg recorded from the back of the Odeon in Scotland's capital.According to the diary review above,they went down a storm,and were asked back for an encore of 'Transmission';very rare for a support act.


01. Leaders Of Men
02. Digital
03. Day Of The Lords
04. Transmission
05. Shadowplay
06. She's Lost Control
07. New Dawn Fades
08. Disorder

1 comment:

  1. They definitely should do something with that lovely old venue - even as a cinema it's been defunct for years now:,-3.182821,3a,75y,240.87h,101.95t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sS04FpoNzn3jdzXHpeXJ6GQ!2e0!5s20161001T000000!7i13312!8i6656

    Unfortunately our live music venues in general have a habit of dropping like flies, so if the space was bought it would probably end up as yet another Wetherspoons...
