Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Sewer Zombies ‎– "Reach Out And... ("Ron Johnson Records ‎– ZRON 32) 1988

It became clear that all was not well at Ron Johnson records when, in desperation, this pile of crud was licenced and released, to try and compete with local rival label Earache; who had cornered the new wave of abstract hardcore , with Napalm Death and a plethora of similar metal/punk hybrids. Earache, from near-by Nottingham, were not only the fastest growing independent label, they were raking the money in.Every release stormed the Independent charts with careless abandon; whereas Ron Johnson were running out of steam. The Sewer Zombies' flatulent fuzzy US Hardcore,was, along with the hugely disappointing Great Leap Forward (bIG fLAME offshoot), were the final nails in the coffin of RJ records.Comfortably the worst record on this hallowed label.


Sewer A:

A1 Search
A2 Too Many Police
A3 Executive Execution
A4 They Died With Their Willie Nelson T-Shirts On
A5 Never
A6 Reach Out

Sewer B:

B1 Zheeta
B2 Piss
B3 I Got Something To Say
B4 They Had No Right
B5 Message To The Christian Church
B6 From Below

Bonus Track:

Hcruhc Naitsirhc Eht Ot Egassem


  1. Link isn't working :/

  2. Yes it is.....click on the download icon in the right hand corner of the screen (the downward pointing arrow thing).....then a warning comes up, then click "Download Anyway"
