Tuesday, 21 February 2017

The Noseflutes - "Peel Sessions 1985-1989" - (a Die or DIY? Compilation)

Just like Aerosmith appeared to fill in for an absent Led Zeppelin, there's always a substitute for the main act willing to fill a void.
The Noseflutes were on hand just as The Nightingales were breaking up,and slotted in nicely to the space left behind; they even had a name that began with 'N'!
That said, they were more than just a poor man's Nightingales(Unlike Aerosmith, who were definitely a very poor man's Led Zep). They also had a lorry full of wittily titled and eccentric tunes to foist upon the willing public. Another band that had Ron Johnson Records written all over them.
Naturally this also meant that John Peel would inevitably like them a lot, and they did four sessions for said DJ's BBC programme ....not as many as The Nightingales did, but a lot nonetheless.
Having compiled this file,I can say in all authority, that this is the best Noseflutes album by the length of an average noseflute. 

Track Listing:

01 Taking Out the Creases (01-09-85)
02 Worthy Pious (01-09-85).
03 Let Me in to Beg(01-09-85)
04 Love Endures the Autumn(01-09-85).
05 Bullet Enters Brad(01-09-85).
06 History Of Heart Disease [17-08-86]
07 Serving In Paradise [17-08-86].
08 Catcheel Maskhole [17-08-86].
09 Leg Full Of Alcohol [17-08-86].
10 The Ravers [17-08-86].
11 Bodyhair Up in the Air[05-05-87].
12 Rotting Honeymoon[05-05-87].
13 Spitball On My Kisser[05-05-87].
14 Thug Thug Thug[05-05-87].
15 Born in the Last Ditch[08-01-89].
16 Ossified[08-01-89].
17 Rum Ship[08-01-89].
18 Much Decorated[08-01-89].

DOWNLOAD to your digital nostrils HERE!


  1. It's hard to imagine that JP's eclectic taste in quality music stretched to a few guys playing woodwind with their snotty noses. Am I missing a joke or has a heavy helping of sarcasm flew over my head? I'll give it a listen only because it's on here JZ.

  2. I assume you are being post-ironic here Judas?.....the Noseflutes are great,and no-one plays an actual noseflute to boot!
    Be prepared for three albums and a couple of ep's to follow.
    Including an album that was included in the Sunday People's '100 worst album titles of all time' list.

  3. I'm now gonna start a folk group called the Marshall Stax. Silly me, musn't have taken my meds yesterday!

  4. Mention of bands like this, Bogshed, The Nightingales, Big Flame, The Membranes et al has generated a moment of anamnesis - in my acid-house, ecstasy and free party haze beginning around 1988, I had totally forgotten about that whole period of intense gig going and mileu of music when for a brief moment, I moved my attention from American music (Buttholes, Sonic Youth, Flipper, Rollins, Bad Brains, Scratch Acid, JFA, Bongwater etc) back to the UK from around 86 to 88 if my memory serves:, a scene that would in my opinion not have thrived as it did without the support and enthusiasm of the legend that was John Peel and those numerous BBC sessions such as these - I can still recall the pleasure in Peel's voice as The Noseflutes almost Joycean session song titles were announced (and hopefully a few are included in this bounty).

    Got to check out this 100 worst album titles - though do you mean The Sunday Times? (easy to get it and The Sunday People mixed up - they always existed as a continuum of fake news in my brain, before fake news became a fake news item).

  5. PS > Regarding your brief mention of the truly awful Aerosmith, they get a wonderfully camp slagging on the Danny Fields documentary 'Danny Says'(I knew his name from my teenage Nico obsession and her Jim Morrison and Iggy connections) but had no idea what an all round interesting individual he was - well worth an illegal download...

    And speaking of Iggy, the recent Stooges documentary 'Gimme Danger' is well worth an illegal download...

    And speaking of illegality, that's well worth a download....

  6. Leboff, Gary (1996) "The 101 Most Awful Album Titles on Record!", The People, 22 September 1996......as it says in the Noseflutes Wiki page.
    Any paper called 'The People' must by definition, have thick humourless Hacks working for them.....as exemplified by the overuse recently of the phrase "The Will Of The People".....never ask 'The People' anything...if we did they bring the nazi party back in a flash. Ask the people and you get Donald Trump and Brexit.
    This idiot Gary Leboff obviously has a serious problem with Irony if he thought 'Zib Zob and his Kib Kob" was a terrible album title!!!!....its at least comfortably in the top ten best album titles of allll time easily.

    I walked past the english language cinema in montpellier the other day and saw 'Gimmie Danger' advertised....i thought it was some terrible biopic like Oliver Stones 'Doors' or even worse....will now illegally stream the fookah.

  7. Wonderful! Thank you, such a great band!
